
The NAA promote substance abuse in all of its forms in order to gain full control over the human body, especially the sexual organs and brain waves. The increased spreading of synthetic Marijuana and genetically modified marijuana, have severe impacts to bio-neurological functioning, impairing Executive Function and decision making.

Once the NAA or Imposter Spirits are involved in the promotion of drug use in a human being who is unaware of the Mind Control influence made upon their emotional state, thoughts and cravings, these continued destructive behaviors easily lead into full blown Addiction. Addicts lose their Inner Directional Compass and thus they have very poor Discernment, and lack the clarity required to comprehend or properly assess their environments. This combination makes it easy to trick, deceive and hijack that person's lightbody, Brain Waves and belief systems.

Some Abductees are coaxed into drug addiction through the Astral Plane dreamscapes, and it has been documented that injection of these substances have been administered by entities on the astral during sleep state, in order to promote addictive controls or pavlovian conditioning in the waking state. Many times the person is being behaviorally conditioned that drug use is cool, hip or expanding to Consciousness, when it is actually setting up Consciousness Traps on the astral plane.

Drugs used in ritual can be considered a form of Black Magic. Consciousness altering substances used during rituals are used in order to contact non-human intelligences, of which most of the time are very low level spirits, demonics and reptilians. Drug use allows the astral manipulation of the subject through the lowering of their lightbody frequency to levels that vibrationally connect with that particular type of entity. Drug use in the astral, or using drugs to connect ones consciousness with the Astral Plane, allow for easy latch on by all kinds of Energetic Parasites.

All addictions or regular use of any kind of consciousness altering substance, whether alcohol, Marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, MDMA or the many labbed substances used today in the clubbing environments, can lower the persons frequency to such level they can be manipulated through spiritual Attachments, parasites, Possessions or taken over by a reptilian entity that uses the body as a host. Any drug use is not advised, and if necessary it is suggested to be highly cautioned, during the high risk environment during the current War Over Consciousness on planet earth.

It is noted that people that have endured severe trauma based mind control like SRA and are in severe physical pain, that some drugs can be helpful during the therapeutic state of intending to heal deep spiritual Trauma and address painful memories. However, drug use for therapeutic means should be temporary water wings and not made a permanent crutch, which sets up long term addictive states. Addictions severely weaken the Lightbody and lower the overall fundamental frequency of the consciousness and body.


See Also


Pavlovian Classical Conditioning
