Family of Michael: Difference between revisions

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The [[Family of Michael]], and those that have avian genetics and [[Seraphim]] memories, are the family of consciousness which connects into the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]. This is also related to understanding the purpose of [[Grailkeeper]]s, these are soul groups that have been involved in the hidden galactic histories and are spiritually committed to protect the earth, as they are the true guardians of the earth. The masculine principle and those that hold the [[Rod]] of the earth, are connected to these [[Maji Grail King|Maji Grail lines]] because this is protecting the internal access points, the inner worlds. The access into the inner worlds was the original role of the gatekeepers, to protect the access into the grail points that are in the earth. The damage on the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] is related to the [[Seraphim]] group consciousness bodies that became inverted or reversed upon themselves, as a result of these alien machines that used [[AI]] to gain access to the 3-6-9 Arc Portal passages, and spawned [[Fallen Seraphim|Fallen Angelic Seraphim]].
''Note: When reviewing all topics connected to the [[Family of Michael]], please consider that the [[Galactic Wars|Galactic History]] surrounding the [[Family of Michael]] is incredibly complex, controversial and has been gradually revealed over many years of Guardian Host communications and ongoing Christos Guardian [[Gridworker]] projects. Our planet has suffered from [[NAA|Negative Alien Invasion]] in which the intruding races were using advanced [[Holographic Insert]] and [[Mind Control]] technologies in order to [[Red Cube|clone out]] the [[Family of Michael]] by representing them through [[Channeling|channeled messaging]] transmitted through an artificial [[Archangel Michael Matrix]] that was used to hijack the [[New Age, Ascension, Disclosure Hijack|New Age, Ascension and Disclosure]] communities that were organizing for supporting the planetary [[Ascension]] and [[The Collective Awakening Event]].
''Thus, it is suggested you review all Ascension Glossary entries through the search function that are connected to Michael, and to precede this with the awareness that in the May Taurus [[Electrical Peak]] cycle of 2021, Michael returned through his [[13th Dragon Ouroboros Line]] as an anointed Solar Christ. Thus he is now referred to as [[Solar Christ Michael]]. For Guardian purposes, the artificial clones of Michael are referred to as the [[Archangel Michael Matrix]], and the authentic Michael is referred to as [[Solar Christ Michael]] or [[13th Solar Dragon King]] Christ Michael. See [[Solar Anointing of Michael]].''''
==Gold Order Seraphim Avian Genetics==
[[File:Goldshield.png|thumb|Gold Order Shield (art by Sequoia)]]
The [[Family of Michael]], and those that have avian genetics and Founder [[Gold Order]] [[Seraphim]] memories, are the family of consciousness which connects into the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]. This is also related to understanding the purpose of [[Grailkeeper]]s, these are soul groups that have been involved in the hidden galactic histories and are spiritually committed to protect the earth, as they are the true guardians of the earth. The masculine principle and those that hold the [[Rod]] of the earth, are connected to these [[Maji Grail King|Maji Grail lines]] because this is protecting the internal access points, the inner worlds. The access into the inner worlds was the original role of the gatekeepers, to protect the access into the grail points that are in the earth. The damage on the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] is related to the [[Seraphim]] group consciousness bodies that became inverted or reversed upon themselves, as a result of these alien machines that used [[AI]] to gain access to the 3-6-9 Arc Portal passages, and spawned [[Fallen Seraphim|Fallen Angelic Seraphim]].

==Freeing Family of Michael==
==Freeing Family of Michael==
We must with all of our heart and might hold the [[Spirit of Purity|White Purity Flame]] of God’s Eternal Love for our Masculine and that which frees the enslavement history of our [[Family of Michael]].  
We must with all of our heart and might hold the [[Spirit of Purity|White Purity Flame]] of God’s Eternal Love for our Masculine and that which frees the enslavement history of our [[Family of Michael]].  

A major piece of this pain was forced to be held by the group consciousness known as the Family of Michael. The Family of Michael, also known as the [[ArchAngel Michael Matrix]] has been seriously damaged and forced into portions of its own consciousness to be twisted into a grotesque montage of fed karmic backlash from humanity and reversal hybridization programming. The [[Nephilim Reversal Grid]] system headquartered in UK Stonehenge feeds upon [[ArchAngel Michael Matrix]]. This negative energy sewage system is based on the enslavement program influence, the [[NAA]] placed in its dimensional space, and how humanity through the New Age and organized religion have been fed lies to call upon AA Michael to further create its bondage to enslave itself thereby forcing it to enslave others to this plane.
A major piece of this pain was forced to be held by the group consciousness known as the Family of Michael. The Family of Michael, also known as the [[Archangel Michael Matrix]] has been seriously damaged and forced into portions of its own consciousness to be twisted into a grotesque montage of fed karmic backlash from humanity and reversal hybridization programming. The [[Nephilim Reversal Grid]] system headquartered in UK Stonehenge feeds upon [[Archangel Michael Matrix]]. This negative energy sewage system is based on the enslavement program influence, the [[NAA]] placed in its dimensional space, and how humanity through the New Age and organized religion have been fed lies to call upon AA Michael to further create its bondage to enslave itself thereby forcing it to enslave others to this plane.

The [[Family of Michael]] are [[Blue Ray]] descendants of the First Order Founder [[Ray]] of [[Melchizedek]]s that are the Guardians of the East through the [[Four Royal Stars]] in [[Taurus]] constellation from the star [[Aldebaran]]. They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the many races that want control of this access gate out of the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. The [[Luciferian Rebellion]] was a Galactic War that involved [[Aldebaran]] and [[Law of One]] holographic records and technology stolen by the Jehovian Annunaki [[Luciferian]]s which resulted in the invasion of the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] on earth.  
The [[Family of Michael]] are [[Blue Ray]] descendants of the First Order Founder [[Ray]] of [[Melchizedek]]s that are the Guardians of the East through the [[Four Royal Stars]] in [[Taurus]] constellation from the star [[Aldebaran]]. They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the many races that want control of this access gate out of the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. The [[Luciferian Rebellion]] was a Galactic War that involved [[Aldebaran]] and [[Law of One]] holographic records and technology stolen by the Jehovian Annunaki [[Luciferian]]s which resulted in the invasion of the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] on earth. [Circa 2009]

==11:11 Daath Portal Defense==
==11:11 Daath Portal Defense==
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==Fallen Angelics==
==Fallen Angelics==
[[File:6-Belial-Sun-Annunaki-Agenda.jpg|thumb|Belial Sun Agenda (Luciferians)]]
Created by the [[Fallen Angelics]] to counteract and destroy the [[Double Diamond Sun Body|Christiac Human Guardian Race]] for control and domination of this [[Vector Code|Time Vector]] in this [[Universal Time Matrix]].These are also called the [[Sons of Belial]] or [[Belial]] Group.  
Created by the [[Fallen Angelics]] to counteract and destroy the [[Double Diamond Sun Body|Christiac Human Guardian Race]] for control and domination of this [[Vector Code|Time Vector]] in this [[Universal Time Matrix]].These are also called the [[Sons of Belial]] or [[Belial]] Group.  

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==War Over Timelines==
==War Over Timelines==
Recently, we have witnessed some of the mysteries of the mechanics of creation unfolding, with revelations and advances in the war over consciousness and more specifically over timelines. Ongoing changes in the architecture and timelines are having a ripple effect, weakening AI structures and essentially moving [[Soul]] and [[Monad]]ic families out of artificial timelines. This is especially impacting [[Fallen Melchizedek]] and [[Family of Michael]] groups that have been trapped, and can be accompanied by deep physical exhaustion and spatial displacement. This is also impacting ancestral lines supporting alterations in the [[Transduction Sequence|Birth Transduction Record]]s, as well as DNA-RNA messaging.  There has also been some push back, as negatives are trying to recover their losses and target those embodying base 12 [[Krystallah]] coding, which is acting as a new level of protection.  <ref>[ Artificial Timeline Wars]</ref>
Recently, we have witnessed some of the mysteries of the mechanics of creation unfolding, with revelations and advances in the war over consciousness and more specifically over timelines. Ongoing changes in the architecture and timelines are having a ripple effect, weakening AI structures and essentially moving [[Soul]] and [[Monad]]ic families out of artificial timelines. This is especially impacting [[Fallen Melchizedek]] and [[Family of Michael]] groups that have been trapped, and can be accompanied by deep physical exhaustion and spatial displacement. This is also impacting ancestral lines supporting alterations in the [[Transduction Sequence|Birth Transduction Record]]s, as well as DNA-RNA messaging.  There has also been some push back, as negatives are trying to recover their losses and target those embodying base 12 [[Krystallah]] coding, which is acting as a new level of protection.  <ref>[ Artificial Timeline Wars]</ref>
==Michael Mary Turnstile Matrix==
[[File:NDCCanadian&map.jpg|thumb|Michael-Mary Turnstile Matrix]]
The NDC-grid is part of the larger Canadian so-called [[Michael-Mary Turnstile Matrix]] in which several smaller 'wheels' operate in North America. This control system now includes the White Eagle APIN and is used to broadcast subliminal mind-control scalar programmes. The NDC photosonic pulses block and reverse the polarity in some of the Earth's axiatonal ('vertical') and Ley line ('horizontal') grids, creating a 'checkerboard' of alternate active and dormant frequencies and named the [[Checkerboard Matrix]]. This has created a huge so-called 'checkerboard mutation' in all life on Earth what science calls junk DNA.<ref>[ Global Grid Systems, Noel Huntley, Phd]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==

[[Michael-Mary Reversal]]
[[Michael Usurpers]]

[[Fallen Angelic]]
[[Golden Eagle Grid]]

[[Solomon Shield]]
[[Solar Anointing of Michael]]

[[Iran Gate]]
[[Iran Gate]]
