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At all levels of spiritual ascension, the [[Cosmic Amoraea Eternal Flame]] transmissions begin another stage of flame body activation which begins to open density locks that ignite personal lightbody flame activations, which includes the reconfiguration of the [[Dark Matter Template]]. This frequency starts to run through the [[Horizontal Triad Bodies]], also referred to as hova bodies that are encased within the outer membrane of a larger [[Radial Body]].
At all levels of spiritual ascension, the [[Cosmic Amoraea Eternal Flame]] transmissions begin another stage of flame body activation which begins to open density locks that ignite personal lightbody flame activations, which includes the reconfiguration of the [[Dark Matter Template]]. This frequency starts to run through the [[Horizontal Triad Bodies]], also referred to as hova bodies that are encased within the outer membrane of a larger [[Radial Body]].

==Planetary Eukatharistic Activtion==
==Planetary Eukatharistic Activation==
This begins the stages of planetary eukatharistic to personal eukachristic lightbody activation, in which the higher God selves will systematically begin to purge the shadow selves and spiritually heal each of the [[Spherical Energy Domains|spherical domains]] that holds the identities that are having an experience in another timeline and different density. See [[Horizontal Triad Bodies]].
This begins the stages of planetary eukatharistic to personal eukachristic lightbody activation, in which the higher God selves will systematically begin to purge the shadow selves and spiritually heal each of the [[Spherical Energy Domains|spherical domains]] that holds the identities that are having an experience in another timeline and different density. See [[Horizontal Triad Bodies]].

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The [[Emerald Order]] Oraphim have [[Emerald Sun DNA]] which is up to 48 strands of DNA.
The [[Emerald Order]] Oraphim have [[Emerald Sun DNA]] which is up to 48 strands of DNA.
==Solar Clock Shield Opens Creation Door==
Thus, we are undergoing another delineation of the [[Bifurcation of Time|bifurcated portions of the planetary timelines]] with the emergence into yet another [[Cosmic Clock]] solar shield template forming into a spherical domain designed for the [[Rainbow Arc Bridges]] section for the incoming [[Return of Ascended Masters|solar consciousness identities]] to station themselves or reside. This higher section is shifting into total alignment to the Cosmic Clock’s solar calendar positions with its [[Cosmic Clock Internal Templar|master Emerald Timekeeper]] solar clock shield template opening the creation door which governs the planetary time matrix, in which those first ascending waves are stationing ourselves into consciousness alignment. This requires the shedding of [[Lunar Consciousness|lunar overlays]] that include the process of atomic transmutation of corrupted elements at the 1D base shield level and the ongoing extraction of [[Enki DNA Overlays]] and all related Enki skins used to [[Red Cube|falsify or clone identities]] for the use of [[NAA]] invaders and [[Imposter Spirit]]s.  <ref>[ Enki DNA]]</ref>
==Correction to Gender Twin Matrix==
At the source point of when we entered the process of incarnation into the [[Universal Time Matrix]], the first [[Gender Twin Flames]] ever created came through the [[Cosmic Clock]], in a 12 based clockshield, in which the male and female pair incarnate into the 6 o’ clock and 12 o’clock time position. The 12 o’ clock and 6 o’clock position equally hold the entire [[Personal Mission Sphere]] of all stations of identities ascending within itself, and the sequence continues as the feminine twin generates the next masculine twin aspect and the masculine twin aspect continues to generate the next feminine twin aspect. 
The six and twelve placements represent the [[Primary Genetic Twins]] or genetic equals that direct the rest of the incarnations from their vertical position, and the primary genetic equals are the ones that integrate all of the other aspects in order to ascend into the higher stages of the spiritual ascension journey. If we can think of the face of a clock with only the time on the clock in the positions of 6 and 12, this vertical alignment is where the primary genetic twins or genetic equals enter the time matrix and generate the horizontal alignments in the 3 o’clock and 9 o’ clock time positions for the next set of genetic twins, which are also you existing in the parallel matrices.
Because the 12 o’clock position (north) is the starting point of the spin for the male merkaba spiral, this is the positive polarity electrical male principle spin for the Male [[Gender Fin]] Rear 12 top orientation and thus, is generally male. Because the 6 o’clock position (south) is the starting point of the spin for the female merkaba spiral, this is the negative polarity magnetic female principle spin for the Female [[Gender Fin]] Front 6 bottom orientation, thus, is generally female. The 12 and 6 primary twins of the north and south vertical position generate the 3 and 9 genetic twins for east-west horizontal position for building a Emerald Order [[Starborn]] hierogamic quadrata template, and together they direct the rest of the incarnations towards the ascension plan, and this is how we expand our consciousness and reintegrate all of our stations of identity in timelines to return back home into the God source. The [[Emerald Order Hierogamic Quadrata Template]] of [[Genetic Equals]] hold the exponential quad superpower of four 24D [[Oraphim]] [[Double Diamond Sun Body|Double Diamond Sun templates]] that are multiplied into four sets of the [[48D Quadrata Emerald Order Templar Reuche]], which is connected into the [[Cosmic Clock]] and into the [[1st God World Creation]] through 12 [[Reuche Pillars]]. The quad hierogamic structure to build out the universal timeline mechanics of reality are the hidden meaning behind the Four Faces of the Soul of Man, or [[Four Pillars of Man]] network which multiply by three into the 12 Guardians of the Rainbow Pillar found in [[Easter Island]]. See [[Ascension Timeline Rebellion]] and [[Forced Separation of Gender Twins]].<ref>[ Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>
==Emerald Templar Master Shield==
[[Emerald Guardians]] appear to be putting in finalizing touches to the organic Temple of [[Khemalohatea]] and its Khem Flame body codes for correct [[Gender Principle]] in the [[Ketheric Mind]]-[[Monad]]ic matrix, along with Cosmic Holy Trinity of Lote-Loti-Lota breath channels, activating into the planetary [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] in the [[Albion]]. These are [[Cosmic Dragon Starhuman]] structures seated in the base 48D [[Emerald Order]] instruction sets with [[Red King]] and [[White Queen]] [[Gender Twin Flames]] activating themselves into position within the planetary [[Emerald Templar Master Shield]], which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted [[Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea|red shield networks]] and [[Red Cube]] clones behind the [[Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea|false Khemalohatea]] alien machinery. May God’s will be done!<ref>[ Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>
==Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints==
During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the [[Separation of Worlds]] between the [[Lunar Matrix]] distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected [[Sun-Star Network]]s aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected [[Solar Calendar Positions]] for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back.
With this year entering the [[Cosmic Energy Cycle]], the higher [[Solar Rishi]]c consciousness platform access into the [[Cosminya Hall of Records|Hall of Cosmic Records]] was merged with the [[Holy Mountain]] [[Rainbow Arc Bridges]] for the [[Return of Ascended Masters|returning Ascended Masters]] now taking their place and embodying their cosmological positions as the benevolent [[White Queen and Red King|Solar Christ Red King and White Queen]]. The solar calendar position on the new trifurcated platform created for the returning Ascended Masters was aligned directly into the [[Cosmic Clock]]’s corrected Solar [[Sun-Star Network]]s that are being embodied by the Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha accepting the role as [[Emerald Dragon Timekeeper|Emerald Guardian Dragon Timekeepers]] on the next stages of the reclamation of the Paliadorian-[[Christos Mission]]. This is the same position on the [[Cosmic Clock Internal Templar]] when the original [[Paliadorians]] came through the 12 [[Reuche Pillars]] which bridge the Mother’s God-seed sound vibration into the lower creations, these pillars are designed to correct energy currents to run photonic and sonic healing frequencies that amplify and power up the [[Diamond Sun|Christos blueprint]] throughout the planet.
From this new vantage point returning [[Solar Rishi]]c [[Ascended Master]]s can fully perceive the complexity of the [[NAA]]’s [[Alien Machinery]] and its monstrosity of time stacked [[Beast Machine]] networks manufactured in [[AI Red Wave]] for [[Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea|Red Shields]]. This has led to another stage of volatile confrontations unfolding in the [[United Kingdom]]’s [[11th Stargate Network]] for the reseating of the ultimate capstone of the [[Cosmic Clock Internal Templar|48D Emerald Order hierogamic quadrata templar]] for [[Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere|anchoring Red King Arthur and White Queen Guinevere]].<ref>[ Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==

[[Return of Emerald Order]]
[[Return of Emerald Order]]