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Venus Ruler: Sluggish Sensations, Overeats, Overindulgence
Venus Ruler: Sluggish Sensations, Overeats, Overindulgence

An imbalance of sodium sulphate produces edema in the tissues, dry skin with watery eruptions, poor bile and pancreas activity, headaches, and gouty symptoms. Found in the intercellular fluids (the fluid between each cell). Draws water out of the cells helping them to breakdown to be recycled. Used for influenza, humid asthma, malaria, liver ailments, vesicular eruptions containing serum, herpes, twitching of hands and feet, constipation, liver and kidney disorders, gallbladder troubles, earache, burning in nose and mouth, brownish green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, enlarged prostate and awakening at night with asthma attacks. Sodium sulfate is the Taurus cell salt and the first to use when a person born under Taurus becomes ill. Its main function is to remove excess fluids from the body. It is one of the most important salts affecting the digestive organs. The bile of the liver, pancreatic juices and secretions of the kidneys are all regulated by Nat sulph. A deficiency of Nat sulph. is shown by symptoms such as tiredness and sluggishness upon waking, gall stones, constipation and jaundice.  Complaints caused or aggravated by living in damp conditions, such as rheumatism or asthma, benefit from use of this cell salt. Taurus rules the throat, tonsils, thyroid, lower jaw and metabolic system. Colds and sore throats occur with increased frequency when the digestive organs are not functioning harmoniously. Their tendency to recur with every minor stress can be eliminated with Nat sulph.
An imbalance of sodium sulphate produces edema in the tissues, dry skin with watery eruptions, poor bile and pancreas activity, headaches, and gouty symptoms. Found in the intercellular fluids (the fluid between each cell). Draws water out of the cells helping them to breakdown to be recycled. Used for influenza, humid asthma, malaria, liver ailments, vesicular eruptions containing serum, herpes, twitching of hands and feet, constipation, liver and kidney disorders, gallbladder troubles, earache, burning in nose and mouth, brownish green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, enlarged prostate and awakening at night with asthma attacks. Sodium sulfate is the Taurus cell salt and the first to use when a person born under Taurus becomes ill. Its main function is to remove excess fluids from the body. It is one of the most important salts affecting the digestive organs. The bile of the liver, pancreatic juices and secretions of the kidneys are all regulated by Nat sulph. A deficiency of Nat sulph. is shown by symptoms such as tiredness and sluggishness upon waking, gall stones, constipation and jaundice.  Complaints caused or aggravated by living in damp conditions, such as rheumatism or asthma, benefit from use of this cell salt. Taurus rules the throat, tonsils, thyroid, lower jaw and metabolic system. Colds and sore throats occur with increased frequency when the digestive organs are not functioning harmoniously. Their tendency to recur with every minor stress can be eliminated with Nat sulph.