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It is important to share this information in order to not feel a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. I share my experiences with anyone who may need this information as I have had many unusual, mystical and unexplainable manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous “kundalini” release several years ago. As I had no guru, teacher or mentor to explain it to me, my ego was terrified that I was losing my mind along with my identity in the life I had known up to that point. Who does one call upon for the "kundalini" flu? Who on Earth do you talk to when you are introduced to other dimensional beings in an organized spiritual hierarchy? Further, I have had many physical ailments show up during times when the divine force was increased and activated within me. At the time I was most blessed and had teams of Angels (Light Beings) and Extradimensional Masters around me, I was emotionally devastated and physically ill as it was exacerbated from my lack of comprehension of what was transpiring.  
It is important to share this information in order to not feel a sense of isolation and fear from a myriad of possible unusual experiences that can result from the integration of our higher light-energy bodies that happens during our Ascension process. My desire to share this information comes from my very personal and frightening physical awakening process that dismantled my entire reality and ego in a very short period of time. I share my experiences with anyone who may need this information as I have had many unusual, mystical and unexplainable manifestations appear in my life since my spontaneous “kundalini” release several years ago. As I had no guru, teacher or mentor to explain it to me, my ego was terrified that I was losing my mind along with my identity in the life I had known up to that point. Who does one call upon for the "kundalini" flu? Who on Earth do you talk to when you are introduced to other dimensional beings in an organized spiritual hierarchy? Further, I have had many physical ailments show up during times when the divine force was increased and activated within me. At the time I was most blessed and had teams of Angels (Light Beings) and Extradimensional Masters around me, I was emotionally devastated and physically ill as it was exacerbated from my lack of comprehension of what was transpiring.  

Now I want to share my experiences to assist anyone who may need this information so that having this knowledge can [[Eradicate Fear|eradicate the fear]] of facing the unknown mysteries lying within, when we begin the [[Awakening]] journey. Once we go into this intimate journey and are initiated into the mysteries of God, there is no turning back to the [[3D]] way of life. During these times, since the planet is accelerating so quickly into higher frequency patterns, many more people will experience spontaneous awakening and consciousness altering experiences that lead them into the [[Dark Night of the Soul]]. Many of these people will not be in spiritual or metaphysical settings when their [[Awakening]] happens to them, it will be the office professional, the banker, the average person in the level of the current mass consciousness. The ultimate liberation of our [[Soul]] comes through this awakening blessing, and we as humans, must embrace and prepare ourselves for this change that will forever alter the way we perceive reality. Spiritual [[Awakening]] is the divine destiny for all Humankind and for our beautiful planet. Humanity is enduring an accelerated evolution and it is time to prepare ourselves. Many people on the earth have been suppressed to reject the spiritual-energetic reality of which our planet and humanity is undergoing and facing. Those [[Awakening]] now are the forerunners and the Mapmakers of the future planetary changes. In order to be effective and clear, we must gain self mastery over our mental and emotional states, as well as have an evolutionary context, as well as an awareness of the [[NAA|hidden extraterrestrial agendas]], as this is required for Integrated Spiritual Ascension and future Stewardship of planetary resources.<ref>[ What-is-Ascension]</ref>
Now I hope to share my experiences to assist anyone who may need this information so that having this knowledge can [[Eradicate Fear|eradicate the fear]] of facing the unknown mysteries lying within, when we begin the [[Awakening]] journey. Once we go into this intimate journey and are initiated into the mysteries of God, there is no turning back to the [[3D]] way of life. During these times, since the planet is accelerating so quickly into higher frequency patterns, many more people will experience spontaneous awakening and consciousness altering experiences that lead them into the [[Dark Night of the Soul]]. Many of these people will not be in spiritual or metaphysical settings when their [[Awakening]] happens to them, it will be the office professional, the banker, the average person in the level of the current mass consciousness. The ultimate liberation of our [[Soul]] comes through this awakening blessing, and we as humans, must embrace and prepare ourselves for this change that will forever alter the way we perceive reality. Spiritual [[Awakening]] is the divine destiny for all Humankind and for our beautiful planet. Humanity is enduring an accelerated evolution and it is time to prepare ourselves. Many people on the earth have been suppressed to reject the spiritual-energetic reality of which our planet and humanity is undergoing and facing. Those [[Awakening]] now are the forerunners and the Mapmakers of the future planetary changes. In order to be effective and clear, we must gain self mastery over our mental and emotional states, as well as have an evolutionary context, as well as an awareness of the [[NAA|hidden extraterrestrial agendas]], as this is required for Integrated Spiritual Ascension and future Stewardship of planetary resources.<ref>[ What-is-Ascension]</ref>

==Ascension Stages of Bio-Neurological Consciousness Expansion==
==Ascension Stages of Bio-Neurological Consciousness Expansion==
The [[Ascension Stages]] are about the bringing down of the layers of light and sound from our higher frequency spiritual bodies, by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into our physical body via successive kundalini activations. The transmissions of [[EMF|electromagnetic frequencies]] occur throughout many functions of our bio-neurology, between the [[CNS]], [[Brain]] and physical body parts, as well as the [[Nadial Structure]] and spiritual body parts. Simultaneously, [[Ascension]] is a shift in the energetic spectrum of frequency patterns held in our physical self. When absorbed and activated into the layers of the human bio-energetic field, it activates the higher [[Silicate Matrix|DNA instruction set]]. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and thought programs held in the identity, which shifts [[Timelines]] and changes the direction the consciousness of that person is travelling. When spiritually activated, these [[Ego Death|old identity patterns]] begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the person’s bodies. The biological ascension process manifests physical, mental and emotional Ascension symptoms that ignite spiritual crisis, which is referred to as the [[Dark Night of the Soul]]. Many people without Ascension context are captured into the medical system and are being prescribed drugs that interfere with their spiritual development, because they are being told that they have a disease.  We all must do our research and due diligence to find our own personal truth to take control over our personal health and wellbeing. We cannot give that responsibility away to others.
The [[Ascension Stages]] are about the bringing down of the layers of light and sound from our higher frequency spiritual bodies, by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into our physical body via successive kundalini activations. The transmissions of [[EMF|electromagnetic frequencies]] occur throughout many functions of our bio-neurology, between the [[CNS]], [[Brain]] and physical body parts, as well as the [[Nadial Structure]] and spiritual body parts. Simultaneously, [[Ascension]] is a shift in the energetic spectrum of frequency patterns held in our physical self. When absorbed and activated into the layers of the human bio-energetic field, it activates the higher [[Silicate Matrix|DNA instruction set]]. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and thought programs held in the identity, which shifts [[Timelines]] and changes the direction the consciousness of that person is travelling. When spiritually activated, these [[Ego Death|old identity patterns]] begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the person’s bodies. The biological ascension process manifests physical, mental and emotional Ascension symptoms that ignite spiritual crisis, which is referred to as the [[Dark Night of the Soul]]. Many people without Ascension context are captured into the medical system and are being prescribed drugs that interfere with their spiritual development, because they are being told that they have a disease.  We all must do our research and due diligence to find our own personal truth to take control over our personal health and wellbeing. We cannot give that responsibility away to others.

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* Educate yourself about [[Ascension]], [[Kundalini]] and the spiritual process of awakening one's [[Consciousness]] to help clear [[Ego/Personality]] fears that create pain and confusion around this natural process.(See [[Four Phases of Spiritual Evolution]])
* Educate yourself about [[Ascension]], [[Kundalini]] and the spiritual process of awakening one's [[Consciousness]] to help clear [[Ego/Personality]] fears that create pain and confusion around this natural process.(See [[Four Phases of Spiritual Evolution]])

==General Awakening Experience==
As we travel the spiritual ascension pathway and undergo the sequences of initiation into higher frequencies, the focus of our consciousness energy changes and therefore changes the focus of our [[Three Layers of Ego|mind, thoughts and emotions]]. Our world perception and sense of identity suddenly and dramatically shifts during [[Bifurcation]], leaving us [[Isoaltion|feeling isolated from others]], estranged from social groups or sequestered like a hermit. We begin to search for the true meaning or purpose behind that which is aligning us to make a change within into new value systems. Many of us will run the entire gamut of thoughts and emotions, from questioning our sanity to feeling lost or depressed, to moments of ecstatic feelings and a sense of profound spiritual connection. During the spiritual expansion and the integration phases of higher consciousness, this state of mental and emotional fluctuation is frequently common. The [[A\awakening]] process helps us to identify unhealthy or destructive patterns we play out because we do not want to suffer anymore from mental confusion and emotional pain, and thus seek to transform these behaviors into more healthy patterns. Ultimately the path of consciousness growth or spiritual ascension, leads the individual through the dark night of the soul in order to experience more peace, love and greater acceptance in which to finally discover a heart-based fulfillment with life.
Conversely, when consciousness is emotionally stunted or suppressed, the person will experience deep pain and suffering, and not understand the causes of their pain. The more traumatized the soul body, which fragments the heart complex and authentic emotional body, the more pain a person feels, and many times they are unable to understand why they feel this way. The more disconnected an individual is from their innate spiritual consciousness and heart energy, the more emotional pain, disease or [[Disassociation]] that individual will experience.
As we expand our [[Consciousness]] awareness through exercises of self-inquiry, we discover what is meaningful to us and begin to pay attention to the priorities in our lives. What is running us? Where do we have pain? Thus, we begin to be open to explore these inquiries and are then exposed to greater levels of life experiences that create resistance against our belief systems in order to gain further knowledge. Sometimes to find out where the destructive patterns are hiding inside the human being, the [[Soul]] guides a wide array of intensely painful and polarizing life experiences for lessons and gaining wisdom. We are not able to heal inside us what we do not recognize or identify first as an emotionally painful or destructive pattern. The more destructive we are, the more spiritually weakened we become and this invites satanic or anti-life forces to manipulate our blind spots and generate parasitic attachments for spiritual possession. As we emotionally mature, we identify the destructive elements inside us that cause pain, then we can invite loving spiritual forces to help us evolve through our heart centered healing process. We are unable to evolve emotionally or spiritually when the mental body is rigid and the heart is shut down.
The awakening process of identifying the destructive pattern in our lives and then being willing to change or heal that pattern requires [[Spiritual Maturity]]. This path of the [[Dark Night of the Soul]] is very common on earth now during the end of the [[Ascension Cycle]], as the soul-heart is here to evolve beyond self-deception and gain self-knowledge, within an array of opposing world forces. These are the final stages of resolution and completion of the spiritual journey, the last dark consciousness learning cycle during Universal [[Ascension]]. This defines the evolutionary model on which consciousness energy is based, and is a governing energetic law that all human beings are subjected to while incarnated upon the earth. All things such as a species, entities or intelligent consciousness beings energetically evolve through space and time, they transform or digress to die off. There is no stopping the natural laws of evolution, referred to here as the [[Natural Laws]] of God.<ref>[ Spiritual Maturity]</ref>