Discerning Bi-Wave or Tri-Wave Energy

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The kind of consciousness energy that we express through our body can be better understood by studying the natural laws that govern the forces of polarity through archetypes. The Natural Law of Polarity is also referred to as the Law of Pairs of Opposites. One will notice the same repeated pattern in absolutely every energetic force or form in matter. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or it’s opposite. This is represented also within our gender bodies, which expresses as a polarity in matter form (male or female). While our physical body exists in one polarity form in matter, our internal energies exist in both male and female principles.

As we evolve, we want to transmute the expression of the forces of polarity through our consciousness body, by choosing to unify them by expressing and holding neutrality. When we are conscious of the energetic polarity of forces to which we are being exposed, we can identify and internalize them by choosing the neutral association, which unifies the energy pattern to the most harmonious resonance. However, on the path of gnosis, we want to pay clear attention to what all energy feels like when it is being sensed or felt by our consciousness. We want to know what our consciousness is feeling when we are exposed to other people, groups or collective consciousness programs. It is very important to pay attention to how you feel when exposed to different qualities of energy, in order to become trained and able to identify how subtle forces of energy feel. As one develops this feeling sensory skill, it leads to more accurate assessments in identifying when energetic forces are either of light, dark or neutral qualities. When this is able to be identified, then one can move to discerning the frequency in the polarity that exists between light and dark, as bi-wave consciousness, or the neutral or zero point that exits in the tri-wave consciousness. When you identify the quality of energy that you are being exposed to, that means you have a conscious choice of what energy you want to express and collaborate with in the collective consciousness. This is the path to gain spiritual sovereignty through self-awareness by participating with personal choice and responsibility. When a person cannot identify energy and choose the quality of consciousness they want to express, they become a vehicle for expressing the lowest possible frequencies in the collective unconsciousness. Thus, they are easily manipulated and possessed by dark forces, which lead them around in servitude through their base desires and impulses.

Can you feel when energy is artificial, parasitic, deceptive, or negative? Can you feel when energy feels natural, truthful, honest and positive? There is a tremendous complexity with energy signatures that hold both light and dark, however, the most important attribute is to discern personal resonance. What does it feel like, is it resonant or is it discordant to your consciousness? How much do you value truth and are willing to face the truth even when it’s painful or unpleasant? Unpleasant truths when stating accurate facts neutrally and in the interest of truthful transparency is positive energy. We have to remember that being purposely deceived in any way is negative energy, even when we are being fed lies that seem pretty and make us feel better temporarily. The truth spirit tells the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be, while the deceiving spirit tells lies no matter what the truth is, to gain the advantage.

Being able to discern the quality of energy around us is called cellular telepathy, which is normal not paranormal, and natural not supernatural. Cellular telepathy is also common between people especially people who know each other well. Every human can develop this higher sensory ability by clearing their pain body, disciplining their ego and paying attention to it.

We live in a world that is entirely made up of different qualities of consciousness energy, and that energy moves upwards in a spiral similar to playing musical notes that are written upon a harmonic scale. Until we develop the context that our world is conscious and alive with many kinds of sentient beings, we will miss the entire meaning of our existence that is interconnected with the collective consciousness. When describing that all energy as intelligent, this means knowing that all energy holds an incredible amount of information, or stored memory and knowledge that can be recalled through its energy signature. There are people on this earth that can read the energy signature and determine its quality in the spectrum of frequency that makes up a layer of the collective consciousness. While most people are being spiritually oppressed, they are unable to read energy signatures or sense them, because they have not been educated or made aware of how to do so.

Morphogenetic Fields

Morphogenetic fields are a layered part of the consciousness architecture of the planet, which include the entire DNA and collective energy of humanities mental and emotional body. Those collective mental and emotional energies are responsible for what the entire planet manifests as its experience and mirrors it to the whole. This is the microcosm relationship to the macrocosm, they are one and the same. This reinforces and influences, belief systems, ego identity roles, memes and every psycho-social and cultural system existing on the planet today.

So when it is discussed that the planetary architecture and DNA has been hijacked by alien forces, it means also that the mental archetypes and emotional symbols that many humans have been using as a belief system to identify with the ego personality, is actually dissonant to their metaphysical nature and harmful to the life force and inner spirit.

All matter forms have a manifestation blueprint which is built upon the scalar standing wave patterns that are immovable. It appears to move but does not move. Like Christmas tree lights, they flash on and off into the expansion of the fission and fusion between the anti-particle and particle units that create the manifestation blueprints of form, as we know them. From the quantum mechanics of the instruction sets of the blueprint fields, the laws of energy are reversed from the measurements of matter, which current science produces. This is because all matter forms at the quantum level have a projected negative, which is the energetic blueprint form holder of the actual matter form. This is similar to seeing undeveloped camera film, the photo negative of the film before it is processed into an actual photographic picture. This is actually a blueprint of the developed picture and by looking at the reversed negative one can see how the actual picture will develop. The same happens for all manifested matter bodies, everything that is in a form, has an instruction set or blueprint negative. This is also a construct of the spiritual light bodies, which are collective consciousness bodies holding instruction sets. These instruction sets are also called morphogenetic fields.

The War of Bi-Wave Collective Consciousness

The forces of polarity that exist in creation as a gender principle have taken on the bi-wave collective consciousness as the anti-life and fallen aspects of the Universal Mother and Universal Father. These fallen aspects are the Imposters of the original Universal Founders that operate as a trinity. There is a Reversal Mother alien aspect that works to grow the collective consciousness forces of Satanism to be expressed on the earth. There is a Reversal Father alien aspect that works to grow the collective consciousness forces of Luciferianism to be expressed on the earth. These larger gestalts of bi-wave consciousness have taken human and nonhuman forms in multiple dimensions of reality, and are dueling for complete control over the consciousness on the planet in order to continue to exist on the earth plane. These many varieties of bi-wave forces attempt to enslave humans to express their quality of anti-life reversals, made through the Satanic or Luciferian collective consciousness. Since humanity has the 12 Strand DNA imprint and potential of uniting with the eternal tri-wave consciousness of the combined Universal Mother and Universal Father Christos Trinity, the war is between bi-wave and tri-wave, or anti-life and eternal life. Essentially, it is the bi-wave collective consciousness warring for survival by parasitizing the consciousness energy of humanity and the planet earth, seeded with original human 12 strand DNA. The Imposter Spirit forms, which many Negative Aliens have adopted in the role of False Alien Gods that intermediate on the earth, are connected to the False Parent Collective Consciousness that is referred to as Satanism and Luciferianism. To become Satanic or Luciferian means that consciousness body has lost its eternal connection to the Godhead, thus has to find sources of energy to feed upon to continue to exist. Satanism is a collective consciousness force field, and any kind of entity can embody the anti-Christ, and become an embodied Satan.

Reversal Mother = Satanic

The Reversal Mother is the anti-life hatred for the Godhead that exists in the anti-female collective consciousness of the Satanics. The interdimensional aliens in the Orion Group, such as the Black Sun Dragon Moth have primarily used the Reversal Mother principle of Satanism to spread their war and blood sacrifice ideology on the earth. Those ideologies that endorse religious wars, genocide, eugenics, pedophilia, killing for God as a blood sacrifice, are specifically generated by the satanic collectives. They have accumulated the collective consciousness grids of the earth to be programmed with alien machinery running AI software for mind control, and that siphons energy off the planet to fuel other timelines and phantom realities. The planetary grid network is harvested by the NAA to gain energetic power from the dark matter of the earth grid, by hijacking and raping the vital essence of the female and mother principle energies. Thus, in order to gain full access to siphon the planetary consciousness energies, as well as the human soul energies, they have set up global misogyny and sexual misery programs, like pedophilia. Sexual energy harvested in anti-sex reversals are especially used to further spread the satanic forces to take power and control on the earth. Anti-life means reversal of life and reversal of sex. Reversal networks have been placed all over the planetary grid, in order to siphon the life force of the planet and take the creative forces away from the people. Anti-sex is to define the inability of the sexual partners to create the circuit of microcosmic orbit that allows the creative sexual forces to circulate the orgasmic energy into the heart flow, which expands the love that exists between them.

The war over free energy is intrinsic to the war over the consciousness of the earth people. These entropic systems have been put in place by the Controller Pillars of Society, in order to continue to enforce the hijack of the aspects of the female principle consciousness in all of its permutations. The female principle can be extracted of its animating properties and core essence that animates creation in matter, which is called the Aether or Azoth. As a result, the Fallen Goddess consciousness Aether is used in anti-sex rituals to animate sentient beings in the satanic hierarchy. Further, this is enmeshed with the creation of the Baphomet and Leviathan fields used by the Satanics to infiltrate the 2D grail gates. The access to manipulate and siphon the creational and sexual forces of the earth and humanity, as well as carry out massive blood sacrifice genocidal wars, has allowed Satanic forces to carry out their enslavement agenda while remaining hidden from the masses.[1]


See Also

War Over Consciousness