Hybridization for Programmable DNA

From Ascension Glossary
Revision as of 03:26, 7 March 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hybridization of angelic humans with genetically engineered Enki DNA was designed by the Sirian Annunaki factions of Belial group to build a self-enforced consciousness slave system through the automated repetition of inserting cloned falsified identities with Enki coding, being perpetually generated through the red wave Artificial Tree of Life or AI timelines. This operates as a sophisticated antichrist weapon used to confuse humanity through spiritual warfare when atte...")
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Hybridization of angelic humans with genetically engineered Enki DNA was designed by the Sirian Annunaki factions of Belial group to build a self-enforced consciousness slave system through the automated repetition of inserting cloned falsified identities with Enki coding, being perpetually generated through the red wave Artificial Tree of Life or AI timelines. This operates as a sophisticated antichrist weapon used to confuse humanity through spiritual warfare when attempting to discern the difference between good versus evil, running dark interference to conflate the identities of the antichrist forces with the authentic identities of the Guardian Christos forces during the final conflict. Those humans that assimilate and embody the ENKI DNA SKIN instruction sets become more easily mind controlled and genetically manipulated by the NAA forces, because the genetic modification gives that individual the sense of energetic familiarity and spiritual connection with the intruder races.

The means of which they run their information warfare is through cloned identity holographic inserts implanted on the targeted individuals’ bio-energy field in order to confuse them about authenticating who is actually who. The sophistication of the red wave cloaking technology and cloned identities of Enki DNA Skins also made it difficult for some higher orders of Guardians to determine the actual histories of authenticated identities, until the planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year.

The Enki red wave clone system was built to direct energetic power to the Thothian Luciferian bloodlines, Earth Controllers, and to perpetuate the closed loop system of anti-life inversions being enforced through the mass generation of red wave alien machinery producing endless amounts of nested holographic insertions of cloned and replicated anti-human architecture coded in Enki DNA instruction sets upon the human bio-energy field. These anti-life distortions brought about by negative alien invasion are what currently fuel the mass psychology of evil running rampant in the world as human blood sacrifice death cults (SRA), and ultimately are what result in the massive pain and suffering that transpires within all life forms when they are cloned, mind controlled and digress into fallen angelic or demonic states of violent consciousness.

As we move into the solar calendar time cycle, guided directly by the Cosmic Elohei God parents, the planet and many awakening Starseeds are the first ascension prototypers that are beginning to detoxify the synthetic overlays of ENKI DNA SKINS and are in entering the process of clearing ancestral miasma, shedding the reptilian tail and clearing the alien hybrid genetic modifications made to the chemical DNA and physical DNA of the organic diamond sun angelic human biology. Thus, the planet and Christos ascending groups are entering into the trifurcation phase where our physical and chemical DNA are being purged and detoxified from the genetic distortions and parasitical entities connected to Enki DNA overlays, and this will result in physical ascension symptoms and a variety of spiritual initiations.

As more information surfaces in regards to these alien invaders that sought full spectrum domination through the ongoing genetic manipulation of human DNA, for most it is inconceivable that programmable embedded control was made possible with the manipulation of the human biology’s natural chemical DNA processes such as protein synthesis. Whereby, Sa’am Enki discovered it was possible to program instructions directly into the nucleotides and chemical processes of angelic human DNA, using the DNA-RNA instruction sets to unplug higher DNA strands of sugar-phosphates while placing overlays of synthetic based cellular alphabet and reptoid signatures through the weaponized electromagnetic broadcasts of the negative alien agendas mind control sent through an assortment of wireless signals meant to block organic DNA signals.

Thus, with Sa’am Enki as the master geneticist, the NAA have understood for thousands of years how to embed programming instructions directly into the elements of the protein chains which form the nucleotides of human DNA, as a part of their genetic modification programs to extract and remove functioning components of the diamond sun DNA. Through this administered electromagnetic technology as electronic harassment, as well as injectables and other toxic exposures, genetic switches are turned on and turned off, and DNA elements of noncoding parts and coding parts of the DNA can be manipulated and scrambled with the introduction of faulty protein instruction sets.

Hence, Sa’am – Enki used this knowledge to fashion himself into an Elohim Adonis like God, in which to lord over humanity through multiple thousands of years of genetic engineering in which to insert his synthetic signature embeds into the remnants of protein chains that have been left active to encode alien hybridization signatures into angelic human DNA. Thereby erasing or placing an artificial overlay upon the original creator’s language, erasing the Mother’s DNA language, and by inserting his own synthetic language into human DNA instruction sets in order to claim humans as his slave property. This saga of repeated violations of natural laws and enslavement of humanity is finally coming to an end during the ascension cycle, along with major changes that are happening with the Chemical DNA blueprints of angelic humanity as the ENKI reptilian skins and artificial red wave codes are being shed. [1]

The Chemicals of Life run Human DNA

Chemicals are substances made of one or more elements bonded together, which generally indicates the chemical interaction that happens between the substances. A chemical substance is a form of matter having constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. However, when discussing the fundamental process of DNA, we are primarily concerned with the proteins which are the chemicals of life.

The human biology is made of the same chemical composition as the macrocosmic structure of the planetary body, which has a DNA template that translates into chemical DNA substances that function to activate the lightbody’s merkaba state. The chemical composition which awakening humanity is being currently exposed to on the shifting planet is generating an atomic transduction process that is changing the elemental makeup of the human biology, especially with the onset of purging Enki DNA overlays. This has mysterious connections to the active spiritual warfare of the bio-weapon and the rapidly shifting planetary body reconnecting to the Mother of Life, as the combined world of forces present choices that are to be made by the higher expression of each individual, whether they are aware of that choice or not.[2]


See Also

Fire Letters

Time Vector Codes