Ruler Archetype

From Ascension Glossary

The head Controller Ego Archetype is the Draconian hierarchal belief system originating in Orion, which is the False King of Tyranny. This is the main ideology of the Negative Aliens and their NAA to Mind Control humanity and enslave this planet to their rule through slavery enforced by Consumptive Modeling. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain, humanity has been “forced” to submit and worship a False Father Reptilian God through Religious Violence and salvationistic theology. (see False Gods)

This ego archetype is represented as the angry father god that will protect you if you do his bidding and worship him or you are condemned to hell. Because the False King of Tyranny is the primary Reptilian Controller Archetype used to control humanity and the planet, it is these archetypal forces that are wielding “his” cosmic rage upon the planet as he loses control. Primarily Males that are using this archetype as an identity (or younger males who are totally disconnected and lost) are easily used for these Dark forces to unleash their anger and rage upon whomever is the near vicinity. (This has been evidenced with young males randomly shooting to kill and then killing themselves.) This is the phenomena when human bodies are used as dark portals to direct these forces, if they are unconscious, they have no idea this thoughtform is not sourcing from “them”. Most of the planet’s ego maniacal leaders are manipulated to play out these agendas and are reinforced through this N.A.A. Controller archetype.

It is through the Cosmic Mother Aether that the Cosmic Father Principle is reborn to replace the False Father Reptilian God. The pain of resistance that this polarity synthesis requires for the inner alchemy of rebirth is felt by many now. [1]

Orion Group

The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming and they have introduced financial and debt enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels.

Draconian Pathological Mind

The conceit of egotism describes a person who acts to gain value for self serving motivation and taking in an excessive amount of resources than that which he or she gives back to others. Usually these are actions of taking in others energy, time and resources and is accompanied with very low ethical standards and displaying low moral character traits. This is also called consumptive modeling or energetic vampirism. Egotism may be fulfilled by exploiting the sympathy, trauma, emotion or ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force, deception, manipulation, Mind Control and fraud. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the centrality of the 'Me' operating in their personal qualities and personal identity. This is a person who can not be trusted as they will always manipulate the circumstances to Service to Self as their primary or only concern. Without developing Self Awareness and ego discipline, the untamed Negative Ego is exploited by Mind Control and further develops itself into serious spiritual pathologies which lead to Narcissism and Psychopathy.

Patriarchal Domination

Domestic Abuse Chart

Patriarchal Domination is enforced in a variety of ways through abuses of alpha male power to control women and those ranked lower on the social or religious classification system through fear and intimidation. This is a learned skill that is promoted in a variety of ways or is mimicked from boys watching their Father's or male authority figures to enforce the Archontic Deception Strategy and promote Misogyny to continue the cycle of abuse of women or girls. This is a primary strategy of programming humans in to Mind Controlled Archontic Deception Behavior that originates from the Orion Group Reptoids. Strategies of exerting power and control through Misogyny exist at every level of society, starting as domestic violence and forms of abuse which shape core values and the way humans are programmed to think. To better grasp how the Archons of the False King of Tyranny operate to abuse power systems on the earth, please see the domestic abuse chart.


Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 81