Attack on Accessing Knowledge

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At this time during the intensified conflict for control over human consciousness, there are massive psychological operations being carried out to wrangle and censor certain subjects of information, key words or unapproved topics that are blocked from access by the masses. The Controller agenda is to gain complete control over any kind of structure, organization or media that allows the public to access knowledge and truthful events freely, or information that exists independently outside of the mainstream narrative. The strength of inverted systems are dependent on human ignorance and by shutting down access to knowledge and open source systems, thereby keeping the masses dumbed down and redirecting their consciousness energy to fear based distractions and mindless entertainment.

The larger conglomerates in the corporatocracy model that produce and reward workplace psychopaths are used to infiltrate any open source or free energy system that is perceived as a threat, so that it is replaced with the system inversion model. Generally the infiltration occurs through a hefty paycheck, which is the bribery used to convert that organization into another inverted system of energy that is based on the Controller objectives. As we comprehend how inverted systems are used to continue to harvest Loosh and enslave the consciousness of humanity, it becomes clear that Open Source, free energy exchange, and independent systems that encourage open minds and hearts are a threat to the continued existence of Reversal Networks that harbor criminal negligence.[1]


See Also

Controller System of Inversion

Open Source
