Dark Force Manipulation Methods

Revision as of 15:53, 10 November 2012 by Pavithra (talk | contribs)

1.Astral infiltrations: Lot of light workers get stuck in the astral world, this is not an enlighten plane, these are dilutions and fantasies that they believe to be true, this is from a lack of understanding of their spiritual selves and lack of discernment.

2. Projecting holographic inserts in to persons body (mental emotional) or in to the levels of consciousness during dream state to manipulate the being is another level of manipulation.

3. Using negative form and their residue energy to create confusion and manipulate the being. Negative form is a form of karma or miasma that is extracted as a splinter or negative projection from our simultaneous incarnation where we had a trauma or event that could be used to manipulate the present time. Create a burden of karma that would make it extremely dense to the light worker, the trauma of this pain weigh heavy to the light worker.

4. Using painful memories from other life times or current life time to create pain and control the person.

5. Using isolation techniques, victimizing or defamation of the character so the person is singled out. This happens a lot on the leadership areas as the dark does not want spiritual leader.

6. Acting out betrayal scenarios within the closer family relationships.

7. Possessing unstable personalities and their bodies for the use of direction dark force to inflict harm. Unstable person can be use as portals for dark force use.

        Characteristic of a unstable person:  rapidly changing mood, because of the insecurity they seek to rapidly control their environment to fit in to their situation and believe system, often have chaotic relationship with people around them, goes from one emotional crisis to another, often show dependency and have separation anxiety as well as issues with their own image as well as feeling of emptiness and sadness.  They have dominating ego and if they cannot control the situation they go in to temper tantrum, or they get mad, at this point person is extremely vulnerable to dark possession or control.

From July 2012 News latter/Discussion