Each Soul is an individual consciousness unit that originated from the Eternal God Source, or Infinite Consciousness, All That is. Every Soul has a unique blueprint that has divine purpose and mission, which is to learn, evolve and experience all aspects of creation and eventually return back home and reunite with the Eternal God Source.

Soul Triad

Every soul is responsible for taking responsibility to evolve their consciousness towards Ascension, no other can do this for you.

The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty, by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future GSF Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.

Each Soul must learn to embody the higher qualities of Love, Compassion and Unity, holding respect for self and all living things.

Each Soul must accept that life on earth and all consciousness experiences are ultimately designed as spiritual lessons for personal growth, as well as knowing that learning lessons through direct experiences is what achieves Gnosis in which we gain direct knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

Each Soul must accept that every unique Soul is an aspect of the Eternal God Source and has chosen their own lessons and divine mission, and are taking a different spiritual path than your own.

Each Soul must learn to shift their consciousness from Service to Self and into Service to Others by intending to open their heart and be of service by sharing and offering their gifts, teachings and knowledge with others.

Spiritual Principles to Remember

  • There are many paths that lead to God (All-One), and every person will have a unique path to connect with God Source.
  • When we concentrate our ultimate focus on the Oneness, rather than the self, we expand our spiritual power and effectiveness in the world.
  • Our spiritual practice should feel right for us, and be at our personal capacity and spiritual level.
  • Our spiritual practice should be relative to current times.
  • The new spiritual adept will start to move their focus from physical actions and matter, to focus upon the subtle energies and forces around us.
  • All resources are given by God (All-One), and we should use these resources to serve God (All-One) as part of our spiritual practice.

The Law of One is comprised of the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.


See Also

Spiritual Lessons


Law of One