Guardian Host Planetary Buffer Zones

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The planetary field is now held in a protected Guardian hosted buffer zone where nuclear weapons are immediately neutralized, although the Controllers continually broadcast the Armageddon Software in the mass media so people believe that an entire species extinction is inevitable and unavoidable. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the area of the lower density fields on the earth plane that has bifurcated from the higher timelines, and is comprised of the AI time loops, which is the area the NAA are currently fighting over.[1]

AI Assimilation Earth Timeline

This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. These groups try to lure human soul groups into these phantom realities that are propped up as virtual realities that glamourize an assortment of trendy and elitist lifestyles, with high adrenaline or addictive sensual or erotic experiences, all with machines. This destroys loving human connections that are transmitted through human contact, by replacing basic human needs with a machined consciousness.This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races. [2]


Other Wars

Galactic Wars

See Also

Time Vector Codes

Ages of Humanity

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87