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A [[Power Monger]] is the polar opposite of a leader. This type of person uses coercion as a basic tool. A power monger uses deception to gain power, not trusting honest persuasion to get people to give it to him/her. A power monger doesn’t recognize God-given rights, but only the privileges that he or she decides to grant, usually to those most likely to return political favors (money, votes, support). A power monger can coerce at any level from family relationships to international connections, but those with an appetite for power generally seek it over a larger and larger circle of underlings.
[[Power Mongers]] are the polar opposite of real leadership. This type of person uses coercion as a basic tool to get what they want. A power monger uses deception to gain power, not trusting they will get what they want from others. A power monger doesn’t recognize God-given rights, but only the privileges that he or she decides to grant, usually to those most likely to return political favors (money, votes, support). A power monger can coerce at any level from family relationships to international connections, but those with an appetite for power generally seek it over a larger and larger circle of underlings.

A power monger sees themselves as elite and superior over the other lower beings, as opposed to seeing themselves among fellow citizens as a benevolent leader would. A power monger doesn’t avoid chaos, but rather purposefully creates chaos as an opportunity to cause more people to succumb to the desire for protection and a false sense of security, which they will offer. ( See [[Problem, Reaction and Deceitful Solution]]) A power monger is selfish or [[Service to Self]], doing good for others only if it will increase their personal power and status.
A power monger sees themselves as elite and superior over the other lower beings, as opposed to seeing themselves among fellow citizens as a benevolent leader would. A power monger doesn’t avoid chaos, but rather purposefully creates chaos as an opportunity to cause more people to succumb to the desire for protection and a false sense of security, which they will offer. (See [[Problem, Reaction and Deceitful Solution]]) A power monger is selfish or [[Service to Self]], doing good for others only if it will increase their personal power and status.

==Predatorial in Nature==
==Predatorial in Nature==
Many awakened [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s are not inherently manipulators, deceivers or [[Power Mongers]], as they have come from more advanced civilizations. As a result our group tends to be even more naïve to the hidden motivations, deceit and complex [[Lying Techniques|psycho-emotional manipulation tactics]] that are used on the earth to maintain power. When we do not understand the scheming motivations and deliberate [[Divide and Conquer Tactics]] that are behind [[Psychopathy|psychopathic behavior]], we can be blindsided by the negative forces that are generated in deceptive and secretive agendas. There are [[Imposter Spirit|dark forces]] in the world that take advantage of our emotional weaknesses and lack of knowledge in order to harvest [[Loosh|negative emotional energy]] and further enslave human consciousness.
Many awakened [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s are not inherently manipulators, deceivers or [[Power Mongers]], as they have come from more advanced civilizations. As a result our group tends to be even more naïve to the hidden motivations, deceit and complex [[Lying Techniques|psycho-emotional manipulation tactics]] that are used on the earth to maintain power. When we do not understand the scheming motivations and deliberate [[Divide and Conquer Tactics]] that are behind [[Psychopathy|psychopathic behavior]], we can be blindsided by the negative forces that are generated in deceptive and secretive agendas. There are [[Imposter Spirit|dark forces]] in the world that take advantage of our emotional weaknesses and lack of knowledge in order to harvest [[Loosh|negative emotional energy]] and further enslave human consciousness.

Consequently, in order to perceive the harmful motivations behind the extensively pre-planned line of attack and schemes that are used by those who are predatorial in nature, we must study [[Divide and Conquer]] strategies.
Consequently, in order to perceive the harmful motivations behind the extensively pre-planned line of attack and schemes that are used by those who are predatorial in nature, we must study [[Divide and Conquer Tactics|Divide and Conquer]] strategies.

On planet earth we have humans and nonhumans that are predatorial by nature and seek to completely dominate, enslave and even kill other people they believe to be weaker than themselves. Many of these predatorial people are [[Power Mongers]] that may call themselves leaders, but they are really the polar opposite. The definition of a leader is to be of service to the collective group, to something larger than self interest.  [[Power Mongers]] use extensive manipulation and [[Psychological Warfare]] strategies to get what they want from others. They use coercion and intimidation as basic tools to syphon energy and resources.
On planet earth we have humans and nonhumans that are predatorial by nature and seek to completely dominate, enslave and even kill other people they believe to be weaker than themselves. Many of these predatorial people are [[Power Mongers]] that may call themselves leaders, but they are really the polar opposite. The definition of a leader is to be of service to the collective group, to something larger than self interest.  [[Power Mongers]] use extensive manipulation and [[Psychological Warfare]] strategies to get what they want from others. They use coercion and intimidation as basic tools to syphon energy and resources.
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Therefore power hungry people are more duplicitous to gain favor with others through [[False Impression]]s and charisma, seeking to increase their credibility through emotional manipulation, rather than upon personal merit and actual trustworthiness. [[Charismatic Authority|Charismatic People]] tend to use charm and seduction to superficially manipulate others to satisfy their [[STS|selfish agendas]], which characterizes a deceptive person. This kind of person will act as if something is true even when it’s not true, in order to get others to believe their deception so that they get what they want. Most people do not want to believe that a charismatic and likable person is lying directly to their face, so the manipulator actually acts as if it were true, so others will assume their deception is actually the truth. Obviously it’s not true, just because they act as if it were. This is the delusional behavior of [[Sociopath]]s.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3168-divide-and-conquer-tactics Divide and Conquer Tactics]</ref>
Therefore power hungry people are more duplicitous to gain favor with others through [[False Impression]]s and charisma, seeking to increase their credibility through emotional manipulation, rather than upon personal merit and actual trustworthiness. [[Charismatic Authority|Charismatic People]] tend to use charm and seduction to superficially manipulate others to satisfy their [[STS|selfish agendas]], which characterizes a deceptive person. This kind of person will act as if something is true even when it’s not true, in order to get others to believe their deception so that they get what they want. Most people do not want to believe that a charismatic and likable person is lying directly to their face, so the manipulator actually acts as if it were true, so others will assume their deception is actually the truth. Obviously it’s not true, just because they act as if it were. This is the delusional behavior of [[Sociopath]]s.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3168-divide-and-conquer-tactics Divide and Conquer Tactics]</ref>
==Power Abuser Attitudes==
To better define power abuses that are the most common in defining [[Misogyny|misogynistic]] attitudes and [[Narcissism|narcissitic]] manipulative behaviors that can be found in the cult environment, these terms provided below also apply to any dominating personality that wants to gain control and take advantage over others, from all walks of life. These are some of the common pointers in determining bullies and aggressors in the surrounding environment that like to abuse their power in any kind of social setting, whether it is in the personal family setting, work and career, marriages and partnerships, or any kind of interaction that occurs in the world at large. Many of the following themes describing abuses are directly related to [[SRA]] tactics, and are right out of the [[Satanic]] playbook for dominating and controlling others. See [[Controller]]s.
==Use Intimidation==
* Make the target or others feel afraid for their safety
* smash and destroy things, especially what they care about
* display weapons or threaten them with use of weapons
* destroy property, punch walls or generate chaos and damage in personal spaces
* abuse pets and loved ones, telling them it's their fault
==Use Emotional Abuse==
* put others down, belittling and cruel remarks
* make others feel bad, incite guilt or shame
* call others names and humiliate them in front of others
* play mind games like gaslighting, emotional blackmail
* make them think they are the crazy one, fill them with self-doubt
* character assassination
==Use Coercion and threats==
* make outright threats for bodily harm or threaten to kill
* force them to do illegal things to make them complicit
* threaten suicide or to report them to authorities with false charges
* make up threats and false situations to manipulate perceptions
* Deny, Reverse Victim and Offender [[DARVO]]
==Use Economic Abuse==
* Prevent them from getting a job, sabotage their lives and personal economy
* force the target to ask or beg for money for basic needs
* take away money and control the flow of money
* hide income or ways to access money
==Use Male Privilege==
* treat women as servants, breeders and sex slaves
*dominate the gender roles, establishing what is right or wrong with male and female roles
* act like the King of the castle, tyrant behavior
==Use Isolation==
*control and scrutinize every move the target makes
*control the flow and access to information, limit unapproved sources
*use jealousy or self righteousness to justify power abuses
*compel and control speech, control who and what they have access to
==Deny, Blame and Minimize==
* do not take concerns of abuse seriously
* repeatedly say the abuse is not happening and it's all imaginary
* shift blame and responsibility to something or someone else
* make light of the abuse, as if it' not a big deal
* say the victim is the victimizer, turn around the offense
* ignore the harm or the results of abuse
* conveniently change the narrative or pretend to forget what happened
