Dismantling the Control System

From Ascension Glossary

This month, we learn more about Increasing Sentience and the main Collective Consciousness forces involved in Spiritual Warfare on this earth. Currently massive internal power shifts are occurring that reorganize the hierarchy of the main players, in the Controller groups, that have been exerting the dominate world power. The shake up within the Power Elite network is revealing the darkest underbelly of deception, corruption, bribery and disturbing abuses of power that include clear evidence of Satanic Ritual practices. For those unprepared for the layers of disclosure and revelations of the greater truth that exists in the highest echelons of the power brokers, such as those players in government, politics, finance, high society, and entertainment, these can be painful and desperate times. If we look to the surface, the deceptions of the 3D façade are crumbling away and those with the eyes to see, are observing how far down the rabbit hole really goes. These are the darkest areas filled with many different narratives of gross abuses of power and deceptions, being carried out through the mainstream media to brainwash people into believing that we live in a free society.

Many are breaking away from the mainstream now, desperate to find some truth or clarity in the alternatives. They have realized that they are being intentionally deceived by those people in power by those in whom they had placed trust. Humans are not living freely on this earth. This thrusts our focus to the unpleasant and painful truths of the crimes committed against humanity, and that as a species we must come to recognize and identify the cause. If we cannot see what it is and we cannot identify these crimes, this hidden scourge keeps using the same lies and manipulation to cover up the truth. We must do our best to stay awake through the Dark Night of the Planetary Soul, as this is what the stages of disclosure look like. However, as we observe these disturbing dramas, we must not overwhelm our emotions to polarize our consciousness into feeding the victim archetypes of Hero-Savior or enemy. This is the phase of dismantling the control system, and observing the shake down of what has been hiding behind 3D consciousness. As the internal fighting for control continues, it will reveal more to us every day, about the true nature of this reality.

This is a time to be brave, courageous, calm and self-aware as truth seekers. A time to dedicate ourselves to serve our inner spirit with every breath and know which consciousness we want to co-create. We are in this together.[1]

Power Elite or Cabal

The Power Elite are a small group of people who conjure Black Magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the Collective Consciousness through fear based programming that is transmitted via Mind Control. To reinforce the fear programming and keep the population in a vibration of fear and separation, they organized an complex system of global institutions to act as the primary enforcer of the propagation of the disinformation that they use to influence people to self-enforce the belief systems that shape the narrative of the 3D reality.

Controller Pillars of Society

There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs as a part of the Archontic Deception Strategy. These pillars of society are manipulated through the Predator Mind of the NAA to Mind Control to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes. The power Elites are controlled by the NAA forces (off planet) to create slaves through these Pillars of Society and rewarded with earthly power to serve the larger enslavement agenda of stealing resources through Consumptive Modeling. This is carried out in sophisticated technology and to primitive levels of psychological warfare to promote anti-human belief systems and to get humans to enforce their own enslavement and sickness, while using Victim-Victimizer techniques of intimidation, bullying and threats to keep people obeying the False King of Tyranny or the False Gods authority.

  • Military Industrial
  • Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government
  • Religious-Academic-Financial-Medical
  • Controlled Media and Press

Anti-Human Belief Systems of NAA

Science and medicine is monitored aggressively as these mainstream world organizations are used to reinforce anti-human and anti-life ideological beliefs in the public to serve the NAA. These anti-life belief systems require the termination of any progress or discovery which proves Consciousness exists through the consistent elimination of the acquisition of any knowledge that recognizes nature and life as fully sentient. Since Consciousness is equal to energy, the fight over energy as a power source is hidden to really mean the war being waged over consciousness on planet earth.


See Also

War Over Consciousness