
Hibernia (Latin: [(h)ɪˈbɛr.n̪i.a]) is the Classical Latin name for Ireland. The name Hibernia was taken from Greek geographical accounts. During his exploration of northwest Europe (c. 320 BC), Pytheas of Massalia called the island Iérnē (written Ἰέρνη). In his book Geographia (c. 150 AD), Claudius Ptolemaeus ("Ptolemy") called the island Iouerníā (written Ἰουερνία, where "ου"/ou stands for w). The Roman historian Tacitus, in his book Agricola (c. 98 AD), uses the name Hibernia.
Ἰουερνία Iouerníā was a Greek rendering of the Q-Celtic name *Īweriū, from which eventually arose the Irish names Ériu and Éire. The name was altered in Latin (influenced by the word hībernus) as though it meant "land of winter", although the word for winter began with a long 'i'.
The Romans called the conquered province Britannia, Scotland Caledonia and Ireland Hibernia on the basis of existing "Celtic" terminology. By the 18th century, the use of Hibernia had revived in some contexts, just as had the use of Caledonia, one of the Latin terms for Scotland, and Britannia for Britain. Hibernia was used on Irish coins in the 1700s, and on a 2016 2 euro coin.[2]
Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire
During this stage of the Ascension Cycle, the hidden magical jewel and Dragon Eye of the Cosmic Mother, the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire, was discovered to be protecting angelic humanity’s evolutionary purpose as recorded in the local planetary grid architecture, confirmed to be installed within the landmass of Ireland. Thus, the landmass of Ireland, formerly called Hibernia and referred to as Éire by the Irish, was specifically chosen by the Cosmic Mother to hide her most sought-after spiritual treasures from the God Worlds. That which was to be embodied by her triple solar sons and daughters, Aryans, as they incarnated into the lands of Éire to be genetically key coded into the landscape, imbued with her sophianic codes and hidden historical records of the Emerald Order, flowing through the sacred trees, grottoes, lush rolling hills and fresh water springs.[3]