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Our individual [[Morphogenetic Field]] has been replicating templates from our own genetic material. Our genetic material that is held in our personal blueprints (i.e. morphogenetic fields) is being utilized for larger use as the creational templates for other life forms. Some of these templates we are working to design involve greater divergence in allowing less evolved life forms (fragments of consciousness or those damaged genetically) to use these templates to manifest into forms they can evolve rapidly into. They then may hold the greater levels of frequency needed to activate certain DNA, so they too can attach to the higher reality fields and ascend beyond third dimensional consciousness. This process is being called a "Host Matrix Transplant". This term refers to getting those that need to be imprinted with certain genetic material (that they are missing or that have been damaged) to have the ability to biologically ascend. This allows them to be exposed to extremely high frequencies and passage through dimensional portals without being damaged or short circuited.
Our individual [[Morphogenetic Field]] has been replicating templates from our own genetic material. Our genetic material that is held in our personal blueprints (i.e. morphogenetic fields) is being utilized for larger use as the creational templates for other life forms. Some of these templates we are working to design involve greater divergence in allowing less evolved life forms (fragments of consciousness or those damaged genetically) to use these templates to manifest into forms they can evolve rapidly into. They then may hold the greater levels of frequency needed to activate certain DNA, so they too can attach to the higher reality fields and ascend beyond third dimensional consciousness. This process is being called a "Host Matrix Transplant" or [[Template Replication ]]. This term refers to getting those that need to be imprinted with certain genetic material (that they are missing or that have been damaged) to have the ability to biologically ascend. This allows them to be exposed to extremely high frequencies and passage through dimensional portals without being damaged or short circuited.

There are also constructs of new matrices that are being put into place for new layers of planetary grid work. These new matrices will contain original patterns of perfection that are devoid of all cellular memory of the past transgressions of human suffering or imbalance. As we have reached a critical mass as a group on this planet, light workers have become confident in the safety of their environment and with a new ability to speak their truth. This is a large part as to why we now have the ability to access and anchor these new morphogenetic fields that are being created.
There are also constructs of new matrices that are being put into place for new layers of planetary grid work. These new matrices will contain original patterns of perfection that are devoid of all cellular memory of the past transgressions of human suffering or imbalance. As we have reached a critical mass as a group on this planet, light workers have become confident in the safety of their environment and with a new ability to speak their truth. This is a large part as to why we now have the ability to access and anchor these new morphogenetic fields that are being created.
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Refers to term "Replace Organic Matrix " Term first found: Page 44, HGS Manual & "Host Matrix Repair" Term first found: Page 49 HGS Manual  
Refers to term "Replace Organic Matrix " Term first found: Page 44, HGS Manual & "[[Host Matrix Repair]]" Term first found: Page 49 HGS Manual  

[[Category:Ascension]][[Category:Newsletter]][[Category:HGS Manual]]
[[Category:Ascension]][[Category:Newsletter]][[Category:HGS Manual]]
