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According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, [[Aleister Crowley]] is a key figure in cooperating with the [[NAA]], starting from Grey Alien contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. They scribed and implanted him with "Book of the Law" which is the central sacred text of Thelema, written down from dictation mostly by Aleister Crowley, although his wife, Rose Edith Crowley and the entities themselves are known to have written phrases into the manuscript of the Book after its dictation. <ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_Law Book of the Law]</ref>
'''Abbreviation''' - [[AC]]

This contact began a lifelong series of interactions and collaboration with [[NAA]] to bring into physical manifestation Satanic forces of the [[Black Sun Program]] under the guise of representing themselves as "Holy Guardian Angels". They collaborated with Crowley, sent him to various key locations of the earths power vortexes to open closed portals and assist in their [[False King of Tyranny|patriarchal domination]] hijack of power grids of the earth. This allowed the [[NAA]] another form of entry into the earth through [[Black Magic Grids]] through the consent and cooperation of a human body, namely Crowley himself. It is little understood today that [[Aleister Crowley]] was an Negative Extraterrestrial Contactee and Abductee. In ES Ascension terms, we refer to these power grids as the [[Thoth Grids]] or [[Phoenix Grid]] as well as [[Black Magic Grids]], and that Crowley is the alien contactee that served the [[Armageddon Software]] timelines and was manipulated to enforce the [[Black Magician]] archetype for [[Satanic]] forces to increase [[SRA]] on the earth. Crowley's archetype is synonymous with [[Black Magician]] as his massive [[Negative Ego]] and [[Sexual Misery]] programming was exploited from his previous incarnation as a Solar Templar Lord in [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantis]]. The NAA was interested to control the [[Iran Gate|middle east]] completely, and used the area of original [[NAA]] invasion to manipulate Crowley into becoming their poster boy for activating their replicated creation code, the [[Baphomet]] and its feedlines into the parasitic [[Imposter Spirit]].
Reference from [[Historical Timeline Trigger Events]]: [[Aleister Crowley]], [[Black Magic Grids]], [[Mainstream Satanism]] - 115 YA, [[NAA]] Alien Abductee cooperates with Zeta infiltration of Earth grid networks, sets up [[Satanic]] Black Magic, [[Blood Sacrifice]] and portals that become Human Energy harvesting networks. Enochian and Thoth-Annunaki Thelema Language, OTO.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3188-historical-timeline-trigger-events Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref>

Below are Crowley's direct interpretations recorded of Baphomet and what he thought he was interacting with. It is clear that he was unable to discern the forces he was interacting with, which are the predator minds, the [[Satanic]] forces of the [[Imposter Spirit]] representing themselves as truth spirits when they were deceiving his mind in order to exploit him for their [[NAA]].
According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, [[Aleister Crowley]] is a key figure in cooperating with the [[NAA]], starting from [[Grey Alien]] contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. They scribed and implanted him with "Book of the Law" which is the central sacred text of Thelema, written down from dictation mostly by Aleister Crowley, although his wife, Rose Edith Crowley and the entities themselves are known to have written phrases into the manuscript of the Book after its dictation. <ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_Law Book of the Law]</ref>
This contact began a lifelong series of interactions and collaboration with [[NAA]] to bring into physical manifestation Satanic forces of the [[Black Sun Program]] under the guise of representing themselves as "Holy Guardian Angels". They collaborated with Crowley, sent him to various key locations of the earths power vortexes to open closed portals and assist in their [[False King of Tyranny|patriarchal domination]] hijack of power grids of the earth. This allowed the [[NAA]] another form of entry into the earth through [[Black Magic Grids]] through the consent and cooperation of a human body, namely Crowley himself. It is little understood today that [[Aleister Crowley]] was an Negative Extraterrestrial Contactee and Abductee. In ES Ascension terms, we refer to these power grids as the [[Thoth Grids]] or [[Phoenix Grid]] as well as [[Black Magic Grids]], and that Crowley is the alien contactee that served the [[Armageddon Software]] timelines and was manipulated to enforce the [[Black Magician]] archetype for [[Satanic]] forces to increase [[SRA]] on the earth. Crowley's archetype is synonymous with [[Black Magician]] as his massive [[Negative Ego]] and [[Sexual Misery]] programming was exploited from his previous incarnation as a Solar Templar Lord in [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantis]]. He was given the path to learn the [[Tunnels of Typhon]] which is the reverse Sephiroth path, or the [[Black Tree of Life]] called the [[Qlippoth]]. The NAA was interested to control the [[Iran Gate|middle east]] completely, and used the area of original [[NAA]] invasion to manipulate Crowley into becoming their poster boy for activating their replicated creation code, the [[Baphomet]] and its feedlines into the many layers of the parasitic [[Imposter Spirit]]. According to the Guardians, [[Aleister Crowley]] grew to be more deviant in his later years, as he got increasingly desperate, is a child murderer who experimented with [[SRA]] rituals, therefore he sodomized and sacrificed children and animals in his quest for immortality and gaining power over others.  

Below are Crowley's direct interpretations recorded of Baphomet and what he thought he was interacting with. It is clear that he was unable to discern the forces he was interacting with, as his [[Houses of Ego]] and [[Pain Body]] was exploded into uncontrollable addictions and accumulating aberrant energies from his own impulses and base desires that these dark entities used to exploit and take complete control over him. These are the predator minds, the [[Satanic]] forces of the [[Imposter Spirit]]s and the [[Negative Aliens]] representing themselves as truth spirits when they were deceiving his [[Ego/Personality]] mind in order to exploit him further for the [[NAA]].
'''Quoted from Wikipedia''' :"The [[Baphomet]] became an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by [[Aleister Crowley]] in the early twentieth century. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: "And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET."
In Magick (Book 4), Crowley asserted that Baphomet was a divine androgyne and "the hieroglyph of arcane perfection": The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the Black Brothers to imply a Unity in their ignorant muddle of dispersions. A devil who had unity would be a God... 'The Devil' is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation. He is 'The Devil' of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his letter is ayin, the Eye, so that he is Light; and his Zodiacal image is Capricornus, that leaping goat whose attribute is Liberty." <ref> [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet Baphomet, Wikipedia]</ref>

==Grey Aliens==
Many people that are direct Abductee-Experiencers have reported differently appearing types of [[Grey Alien]]s, in similar appearing bodies of different sizes for over the past 100 years. [[Aleister Crowley]] is a key figure in cooperating with the [[NAA]], starting from [[Grey Alien]] contact made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904. An [[Annunaki]] in a Grey Alien body named [[Aiwass]], transmitted and implanted him with "Book of the Law" which is the central sacred text of Thelema, that was written down from dictation given from the entity. The Greys have skin colors ranging from light gray to dark gray; dark bluish gray to steel gray; as well as skin tones in the tan to brown range. Despite their different skin tones, with the exception of their heights, their overall physiology is similar and they are normally categorized according to their height and observed hierarchical status relating to their behavior, and the tasks they are seen performing during the procedural processes that are carried out on Abductee-Experiencers. Greys are telepathic and use mind to mind melding techniques through strong thought projection made through the eyes to connect an optic nerve communication method. This form of mental telepathy and psychic power directed via thought is called [[Psionic]]s.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/2836-biological-drones-or-grey-aliens Grey ALiens]</ref>

==Typhonian Tradition==
==Typhonian Tradition==
The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O. T. O.). [[Typhon]] was the god in Greek mythology who when appearing before the other gods was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus' thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, also means the Opposer. Typhon's Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth.Excerpt from Bill Schoebelen: "most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley's demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. [[Aiwass]] is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. [[Sodomy]] is especially “sacred” to Set. It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner's body".—<ref>[Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, 1990 AD ed., see pp. 192, 197-200, Bill Schnoebelen]</ref>

The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O. T. O.). [[Typhon]] was the god in Greek mythology who when appearing before the other gods was so ugly he changed into a fire-eating monster; he waged a terrible war and was eventually killed by one of Zeus' thunderbolts. Thus, Typhonian is synonymous with fire and force, also means the Opposer. Typhon's Egyptian counterpart is Set or Seth.most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley's demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. [[Aiwass]] is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. [[Sodomy]] is especially “sacred” to Set. It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner's body.<ref>[Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, 1990 AD ed., see pp. 192, 197-200, Bill Schnoebelen]</ref>
==Hitler and Occult==
Following the rise of Adolf Hitler, who discovered the Society after he had been ordered to spy on them, Serbottendorff’s newspaper was bought out by Dietrich Eckart, a Bavarian Catholic who had helped form the German Worker’s Party - and thus the newspaper was now under German rule, for obvious reasons. It was Eckart who introduced Hitler to the more esoteric ways of the world, and it was Eckart who transcribed Mein Kampf. When they came to power, Hitler set up the SS, a secret Order of the Silver Star who went out initiating people into the esoteric mysteries. Close ties to Turkey were still in place, as the mass exterminations of both countries show.
Eckart himself was highly influenced by the Eastern mysticism and was a follower of [[Aleister Crowley]]’s movement. In fact, some researchers have even claimed that [[Aleister Crowley]] influenced the Nazi occult movement to such a degree that it may have been through him that the “secret brotherhood” were working and thereby influencing Hitler and his motley crew. (See [[German Esoteric Societies]])
'''Quoted from Wikipedia''' :"The [[Baphomet]] became an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by [[Aleister Crowley]] in the early twentieth century. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: "And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET."
In Magick (Book 4), Crowley asserted that Baphomet was a divine androgyne and "the hieroglyph of arcane perfection": The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the Black Brothers to imply a Unity in their ignorant muddle of dispersions. A devil who had unity would be a God... 'The Devil' is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation. He is 'The Devil' of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his letter is ayin, the Eye, so that he is Light; and his Zodiacal image is Capricornus, that leaping goat whose attribute is Liberty." <ref> [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet Baphomet, Wikipedia]</ref>

==Baphomet Interpreted by Crowley==
==Baphomet Interpreted by Crowley==
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==Crowley, Churchill and Hitler==
==Crowley, Churchill and Hitler==
The Atlantian Overlord Conspiracy was revealed through contemporary times with Three key members based in the UK that laid the blueprint and were utilized and participated willingly in this painstakingly precise process of the Illuminati NWO Agenda or activating the [[Armageddon Software]]. [[Aleister Crowley]] is the first in the sequence of the timeline, and it was revealed he was an incarnated Solar Temple Lord that was one of the abusers of the Power from the [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantian Time Cycle]]. He was quite vengeful and spiteful, believing first …..personal Will over the “ Law” and that he would indeed make his mark. It is interesting to note that he despised and hated his Mother, which is an easy recipe for [[Satanic]] infiltration. He was a Master Alchemist, Manipulator, Sexual Deviant and [[Blood Sacrifice|Blood Ritualist]], [[Misogyny|Misogynist]] and was able to command the elemental forces and several kingdoms, such as elemental and devic ( with [[NAA]] support). He was cultivated and grown to become who he was responsible to be, by the Grey Aliens, (Zeta Factions), and these [[NAA]] Zeta Forces shortly after picked him as a point person on earth. They went on to introduce themselves to the World Governments, specifically in the UK where Winston Churchill was being simultaneously groomed for power corruption exploitation in the UK interests to serve the reptilian power base. The timeline sequence was Crowley meets Churchill who masterminds the World War II agenda to manipulate and mind control Hitler who then proceeds with his psychotic Atlantian Black League ( [[Sons of Belial]] and [[Black Sun Program]] Agenda) with planned mass genocide and begins to target the depopulation of the [[Indigo]] or host race for the human DNA evolution in this last 30,000 year cycle, the [[Hibiru Tribes]] races otherwise known as the Hebrews. The Hebrews held a specific genetic [[Melchizedek]] code they wanted eliminated. The Grays also wanted to decimate the Hebrew population. Advancing the DNA through genetic evolution in teh [[Ascension Cycle]] is the last thing they want to happen to those human beings they are attempting to imprison. The higher one has risen to the ranks in use of Occult/[[Consciousness]] technology the deeper and amplified is the fall down from grace, the corruption becomes extremely amplified, and [[Aleister Crowley]] is a real example of that. An power hungry criminal mastermind that ultimately fragmented into the hell realms of insanity.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/forum/16-lisa-renees-journal/10693-crowley-churchill-and-hitler-timeline-to-nwo Crowley, Churchill Hitler Timeline in Forum],</ref>
The Atlantian Overlord Conspiracy was revealed through contemporary times with Three key members based in the UK that laid the blueprint and were utilized and participated willingly in this painstakingly precise process of the Illuminati NWO Agenda or activating the [[Armageddon Software]]. [[Aleister Crowley]] is the first in the sequence of the timeline, and it was revealed he was an incarnated Solar Temple Lord that was one of the abusers of the Power from the [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantian Time Cycle]]. He was quite vengeful and spiteful, believing first …..personal Will over the “ Law” and that he would indeed make his mark. It is interesting to note that he despised and hated his Mother, which is an easy recipe for [[Satanic]] infiltration. He was a Master Alchemist, Manipulator, Sexual Deviant and [[Blood Sacrifice|Blood Ritualist]], [[Misogyny|Misogynist]] and was able to command the elemental forces and several kingdoms, such as elemental and devic ( with [[NAA]] support). He was cultivated and grown to become who he was responsible to be, by the Grey Aliens, (Zeta Factions), and these [[NAA]] Zeta Forces shortly after picked him as a point person on earth. They went on to introduce themselves to the World Governments, specifically in the UK where Winston Churchill was being simultaneously groomed for power corruption exploitation in the UK interests to serve the reptilian power base. The timeline sequence was Crowley meets Churchill who masterminds the World War II agenda to manipulate and mind control Hitler who then proceeds with his psychotic Atlantian Black League ( [[Sons of Belial]] and [[Black Sun Program]] Agenda) with planned mass genocide and begins to target the depopulation of the [[Indigo]] or host race for the human DNA evolution in this last 30,000 year cycle, the [[Hibiru Tribes]] races otherwise known as the Hebrews. The Hebrews held a specific genetic [[Melchizedek]] code they wanted eliminated. The Grays also wanted to decimate the Hebrew population. Advancing the DNA through genetic evolution in teh [[Ascension Cycle]] is the last thing they want to happen to those human beings they are attempting to imprison. The higher one has risen to the ranks in use of Occult/[[Consciousness]] technology the deeper and amplified is the fall down from grace, the corruption becomes extremely amplified, and [[Aleister Crowley]] is a real example of that. An power hungry criminal mastermind that ultimately fragmented into the hell realms of insanity. See Sessions [[Hitler, Crowley, Churchill Timeline]]. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/forum/16-lisa-renees-journal/10693-crowley-churchill-and-hitler-timeline-to-nwo Crowley, Churchill Hitler Timeline in Forum],</ref>

==Thothian Language, Thelema==
==Thothian Language, Thelema==
Thothian-[[Annunaki]] language (based on usurped enochian language of the Original Creational God Code – The [[Law of One]]) was given to [[Aleister Crowley]] at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this "[[Black Magic]]" language into the physical realms – which continued the Atlantian brotherhood war and its [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantian Conspiracy]] in this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego of patriarchal superiority, greed, genetic elitism, ego maniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of [[Ley Lines]] of control for [[NAA]] Thothian interests. This is synonymous in defining the structure of [[Satanic]] forces which run the reversal energies in [[Black Magic Grids]]. He was groomed in the United Kingdom (the location of the last of the lost Atlantian colonies from 11,500 years ago, see [[Ages of Humanity]]) with the government heads (reptilian central leaders, such as Winston Churchill used to protect their interests.)
Thothian-[[Annunaki]] language (based on usurped enochian language of the Original Creational God Code – The [[Law of One]]) was given to [[Aleister Crowley]] at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this "[[Black Magic]]" language into the physical realms – which continued the Atlantian brotherhood war and its [[Atlantian Cataclysm|Atlantian Conspiracy]] in this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego of patriarchal superiority, greed, genetic elitism, ego maniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of [[Ley Lines]] of control for [[NAA]] Thothian interests. This is synonymous in defining the structure of [[Satanic]] forces which run the reversal energies in [[Black Magic Grids]]. He was groomed in the United Kingdom (the location of the last of the lost Atlantian colonies from 11,500 years ago, see [[Ages of Humanity]]) with the government heads (reptilian central leaders, such as Winston Churchill used to protect their interests.)
==Crowley Biographical Data==
Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century. A prolific writer, he published widely over the course of his life.
Born to a wealthy Plymouth Brethren family in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, Crowley rejected this fundamentalist Christian faith to pursue an interest in Western esotericism. He was educated at the University of Cambridge, where he focused his attentions on mountaineering and poetry, resulting in several publications. Some biographers allege that here he was recruited into a British intelligence agency, further suggesting that he remained a spy throughout his life. In 1898 he joined the esoteric [[Hermetic Dawn|Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn]], where he was trained in ceremonial magic by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and Allan Bennett. Moving to Boleskine House by Loch Ness in Scotland, he went mountaineering in Mexico with Oscar Eckenstein, before studying Hindu and Buddhist practices in India. He married Rose Edith Kelly and in 1904 they honeymooned in Cairo, Egypt, where Crowley claimed to have been contacted by a supernatural entity named [[Aiwass]], who provided him with The Book of the Law, a sacred text that served as the basis for [[Thelema]]. Announcing the start of the Æon of Horus, The Book declared that its followers should adhere to the code of "Do what thou wilt" and seek to align themselves with their Will through the practice of magick.
After an unsuccessful attempt to climb Kanchenjunga and a visit to India and China, Crowley returned to Britain, where he attracted attention as a prolific author of poetry, novels, and occult literature. In 1907, he and George Cecil Jones co-founded a Thelemite order, the A∴A∴, through which they propagated the religion. '''After spending time in Algeria, in 1912 he was initiated into another esoteric order, the German-based Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), rising to become the leader of its British branch, which he reformulated in accordance with his Thelemite beliefs. Through the O.T.O., Thelemite groups were established in Britain, Australia, and North America. Crowley spent the First World War in the United States, where he took up painting and campaigned for the German war effort against Britain, later revealing that he had infiltrated the pro-German movement to assist the British intelligence services.''' In 1920 he established the Abbey of Thelema, a religious commune in Cefalù, Sicily where he lived with various followers. His libertine lifestyle led to denunciations in the British press, and the Italian government evicted him in 1923. He divided the following two decades between France, Germany, and England, and continued to promote Thelema until his death. Crowley gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, being a recreational drug experimenter, bisexual and an individualist social critic. He was denounced in the popular press as "the wickedest man in the world" and a Satanist. Crowley has remained a highly influential figure over Western esotericism and the counter-culture, and continues to be considered a prophet in Thelema. In 2002, a BBC poll ranked him as the seventy-third greatest Briton of all time.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley A crowley wikipedia]</ref>
