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The [[Victim-Victimizer]] or VV targeting program is a general definition of what I have experienced for many years now, as a spiritual "leader" (by default) and steward of this content over the years, with some of the community members, non-community members, in outside emails from people, internet stalkers, disinformation people, etc. I have been accused of many things from people in the distance that write or communicate perceptions of me that have never talked with me or know me at any level as a human being. That is not their intention to know the truth. The agenda is to create disinformation through doubt and chaos, and is designed to defame my character and demean the content, and destroy credibility through the portrayal that I am a cult leader or insane. My role is to promote spiritual and practical knowledge to the public that is refused entry to the Power Elite Bankers Club, run by the [[Orion Group]] and [[NAA]] consortium, in order to gain knowledge to stay informed, to help and empower themselves, to understand the levels of deception promoted through technological [[Mind Control]] and why extra dimensional manipulation on this planet has accelerated becasue of the Ascension Cycle. This is a spiritual study on how to free one's mind from [[Mind Control]].
The [[Victim-Victimizer]] or V-V targeting program is the general definition of a mind control program that has surfaced for many years now, from being in a role of spiritual leader by default, and being responsible for stewarding the Energetic Synthesis Guardian content over the years. This programming surfaces with archetypal forces using destructive patterns from previous timelines, and it happens with some of the community members and non-community members who may unconsciously play out these same roles. We are destined to repeat the same patterns of the past, until we awaken and understand them and take steps to elevate our consciousness beyond the painful, victim archetypal roles.  

The [[Controller]]s definition of sanity is very different than my own. My definition of [[Satanic|insanity]] is [[Psychopathy|Psychopathic minds]] with genetic discrimination that exhibit [[Lack of Empathy|no remorse or empathy]] for the rampant Satanic Ritual Abuse [[SRA]] they commit through killing, torture and wars to enslave the planet and disconnect heart and soul. The [[Imposter Spirit|predator force]] degenerate rule is based upon the killing, raping and pillaging of humanity, exploiting women and children as sexual slaves, and destroying this planet's resources for profit and power, and for their personal twisted pleasure of conquest and rule. This is my definition of [[Psychopathy|Psychopathic]] insanity as outlined in the [[Archontic Deception Behavior]].  
The V-V programming also commonly occurs as an energetic signature appearing in outside emails sent from random people, such as internet stalkers and online trolls, as well as intelligence community disinformation people. Because of my online public role, I am targeted and have been accused of many things from people at a distance. People that write or communicate their perceptions of me, in a negative slant or through accusations, even through they have never talked with me directly or know me at any level as a human being. People running V-V programming have no desire to know the real truth. V-V programming comes with a specific agenda of divide and conquer, it is the most common mind control program used by the dark forces or the [[NAA]] to incite confusion, fear and chaos within their targets.  

It is important at this time to educate oneself to make informed decisions and cultivate one's own inner clarity about their personal direction of time, [[Consciousness]] and energy, and how one wants to exist on this ascending planet. As a [[Controller]] being or learn how to be re-educated to be spiritually God-Sovereign-Free. [[GSF Behavior]]
The standard agenda is to create doubt and chaos through the continual spreading of disinformation and outright lies. It is a form of [[Psychological Warfare]] that is designed to defame a person's character, to dishonor and demean the associated content, with the purpose to destroy all credibility in the perception of an wider audience.  

This [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] targeting program has occurred at every planetary grid project that I engage with, such as before, during and after, Damanhur, Egypt, Bali, and with the recent projects. The Orion Controller Group of the [[NAA]] likes to show me their displeasure and they roll this VV targeting program out like clockwork, usually trying to take out someone in the near vicinity that is mentally or spiritually weakened though unresolved conflicts, is an unstable, wounded personality or that has availability to me in the inner levels. I call that inner sanctum infiltration attempt the knife twister. They try to get closer” and closer to my person as in the strategy of an ambushed attack to weaken my spiritual strength. This is the [[NAA]] strategy of consciousness and freedom suppression on planet earth at the end of the dark cycle to deter or distort spiritual and community leadership that they consider a threat outside their mind control mechanism and [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] strategies. They also plant a lot of emotionally unstable and wounded people as spiritual leaders to promote their new age mind control agendas.  
By sharing the philosophy of the [[Law of One]] which is the knowledge base of the Guardian Host, the high risk of this vocation is that many times I am portrayed as a cult leader or that I am unstable or insane, by those in fear of what they do not understand. My spiritual mission and role is to promote spiritual and practical knowledge to the public that has been refused entry to the secrets of the [[Power Elite]], the bankers club cabal, run at the top of the pyramid of control by the [[Orion Group]] and [[NAA]] consortium. As the planetary body ascends, the inhabitants of earth need to gain higher knowledge to stay informed, to help empower themselves, to understand the sophisticated levels of [[Gaslighting]] and deception promoted through covert and invisible technological [[Mind Control]], and why extra dimensional manipulation on this planet has accelerated as the result of [[Ascension Cycle]]. [[Ascension]] information is offered as a spiritual study on how to free one's mind from the assorted effects of [[Mind Control]] and to learn how to gain a basic road-map to achieve inner spiritual connection that supports personal sovereignty.
The [[Controller]]s definition of normalizing despair and human suffering to mask an appearance of sanity in the 3D world, is very different than my own. My definition of [[Satanic|insanity]] is [[Psychopathy|Psychopathic minds]] with elitist beliefs of genetic discrimination that exhibit [[Lack of Empathy|no remorse or empathy]] for the rampant destruction caused through the practices of Satanic Ritual Abuse [[SRA]], as they intend to kill, torture and incite wars that are purposed to enslave the planet and disconnect the heart and soul of human beings. The [[Imposter Spirit|predator force]] degenerate rule is based upon the killing, raping and pillaging of collective humanity, exploiting women and children as sexual slaves, and destroying this planet's resources for profit and power, serving twisted ideas of personal pleasure by gaining total conquest and rule. This is [[Psychopathy|Psychopathic]] insanity as outlined in detail in the strategies of the [[NAA]]'s [[Archontic Deception Behavior]].
It is important at this time to educate oneself to make informed decisions about [[Consent]] and cultivate one's own inner clarity about consciously  choosing the direction of time, [[Consciousness]] and personal energy, deciding how one wants to participate with this ascending planet. As an unconscious  [[Controller]] being or learning how to be re-educated to evolve spiritually as God-Sovereign-Free through practicing [[GSF Behavior]].
The [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] V-V targeting program has occurred during every planetary grid project that I engage with in order to attempt to interfere or derail my projects in collaboration with Guardian Host. The Orion Controller Group of the [[NAA]] like to show me their displeasure and they roll this V-V targeting program out like clockwork. This usually happens when trying to take out someone in the near vicinity that is mentally unstable or spiritually weakened though their personal unresolved conflicts, a wounded personality unwilling to be responsible for their own behaviors. Sometimes they will infiltrate as close as possible, and this targeting attempt of the inner sanctum, I call that the 'knife twister'. They try to get closer and closer to something or someone that is vulnerable near my person in order to use that as a strategy of an ambushed attack designed to emotionally devastate or weaken my spiritual strength. This is the [[NAA]] strategy of [[Spiritual Warfare]] and consciousness freedom suppression at the end of the dark cycle to derail or distort spiritual communities or the community leadership, that they consider a threat. We are considered a threat because we act outside of their mind control mechanism, [[Frequency Fence]]s and [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] strategies. They also plant a lot of emotionally unstable and wounded people and prop them up as popular spiritual leaders in order to promote their new age hijack mind control agendas.  

==The Unstable or Wounded Personality==
==The Unstable or Wounded Personality==
The emotionally or mentally unstable personality profile is the first level of people that are directly targeted to be used as a dark portal and are used by the predator forces of the [[Imposter Spirit]] to spread V-V programming.

The emotionally or mentally unstable personality profile is the first level of people that are targeted and used by the predator forces of the [[Imposter Spirit]].
Tempering our knowledge with the fact that we are in a heavily manipulated reality from covert neagtive alien involvement, coupled with the fact that unstable people are being used as portals for these dark forces, is an important distinction to make for an appropriate action. Unstable and traumatized  people are commonly used as portals for dark forces. What is the characteristic of an unstable person?

Tempering our knowledge with the fact that we are in a heavily manipulated reality from alien involvement, coupled with the fact that unstable people are being used as portals for these dark forces, is an important distinction to make for an appropriate action. Unstable people are used as portals for dark forces. What is the characteristic of an unstable person?
Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by untrustworthy behaviors, impulsive actions, rapidly shifting moods, and chaotic relationships. Many times because of insecurities they seek to control the environment and others in order to make things around them fit into their belief system. The individual usually goes from one emotional crisis to another and feeds on this drama as a psychic vampire. Often there is narcissism, dependency, separation anxiety, unstable self-image, chronic feelings of emptiness or sadness and [[Addiction]] problems. See [[Negative Ego]] and its evolving stages into [[Narcissism]] and then its final stages into full blown [[Psychopathy]].
Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by untrustworthy behaviors, impulsive actions, rapidly shifting moods, and chaotic relationships. Many times because of insecurities they seek to control the environment and others in order to make things around them fit into their belief system. The individual usually goes from one emotional crisis to another and feeds on this dram as a pyschic vampire. Often there is narcissism, dependency, separation anxiety, unstable self-image, chronic feelings of emptiness or sadness and [[Addiction]]. See [[Negative Ego]] and its evolving stages into [[Narcissism]] and then its final stages into full blown [[Psychopathy]].

==Personal Case Study of Targeting==
==Personal Case Study of Targeting==
I am sharing my personal case study on stages of V-V programming, as it follows a clear and distinct pattern no matter who it surfaces within. I hope this information may help other spiritual leaders and community stewards to navigate this insidious programming more easily.

I would like to share my case study on the : I Love You and then I Hate You [[Victim-Victimizer]] Software Program a special targeting rolled out by [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] of the [[NAA]] as the [[False King of Tyranny]] to attack Spiritual or Community Leaders in any field they perceive as a threat. This is a [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] Divide and Conquer strategy used to break apart groups or community from forming or from progressing in productive or effective ways. I hope this helps other spiritual leaders and community stewards to navigate more easily.  
I Love You and then I Hate You [[Victim-Victimizer]] Software Program; the 180 degree flip. This is a special targeting rolled out by [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] of the [[NAA]] using a dominating, aggressive, intimidating personalty for carrying out the [[False King of Tyranny]] to attack a spiritual group or community leader in any field of [[Unapproved Topics]] that they perceive as a threat to the mind control narrative. This is an [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] for [[Divide and Conquer Tactics]] used to break apart groups or community from forming strong bonds or from progressing forward and growing in productive or effective ways.  

'''Stages of Targeting Spiritual Leadership'''
'''Stages of Targeting Spiritual Leadership'''

==Level One: Projections==
==Level One: Projections==
An [[Awakening]] person becomes newly exposed to any kind of spiritual ascension material, such as the ES field and content on the website, or the persona of Lisa Renee as a steward, and as a result of this exposure, begins to have all kinds of astral images, misconceptions, fantasy projections, and expectations that get imagined as facts. The information is based in astral fantasy, and thus barely any of it is based in an accurate reality or truth. This may come with the pedestal attachment of standard guru modeling as has been entrained in 3D mind control. When a leader is placed on a pedestal in someone's mind, it means the leader at some point will be knocked down off that pedestal in disgrace. People that tend towards [[Emotional Manipulation]] of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] archetypes will run the gamut of a variety of emotional dramas and sudden urgencies. Strange intense attachments may begin to develop in the person's mind, attaching them to the spiritual leader image, that are stemming from subconscious manipulation or astral delusions, many times from dream states or lucid experiences that have been manipulated by dark forces.

A person becomes exposed to any kind of spiritual ascension material, such as the ES field/website, or the persona of Lisa Renee as a steward, and has all kinds of images, perceptions, projections, and expectations get imagined. Barely any of it is based on reality or truth. This may have a pedestal attachment of guru modeling which means the leader at some point will be knocked down off that pedestal in disgrace. People tend towards manipulation of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] archetypes which will run the gamut of a variety of emotional dramas. Strange intense attachments may begin to develop in the person attaching them to the spiritual leader, that are stemming from subconscious or astral delusions, many times from dreams or lucid experiences that have commenced or been manipulated by forces.  
Many times these astral delusions are perceived as coming from the "spiritual leader" (ES/LR), so that leader can be blamed for both bad experiences and/or praised for good experiences. This is an immature action of personal non accountability and irresponsibility with spiritual hygiene. During these astral experiences, blame shifting occurs as their personal experiences are now being projected onto me as the responsible party. The person can become overly excited and go overboard with their spiritual ambition and learning pace. This usually means they are setting themselves up for burn out, and shows that they have little discipline in controlling impulses and emotions. This behavior is a sign of a lack of inner [[Emotional Manipulation|emotional stability]], and/or lack of life experience where understanding and wisdom has not yet been integrated into a mature personality. Some people have acquired knowledge without wisdom, heart or patience, and this creates the feeling of self-entitlement, lack of humility and sharpness in the mental body. This can feel to an intuitive like a prickly pear feeling, sharp mental probing. When there is an overall lack of emotional clarity and emotional competence, that leads to potential hijack through dark force manipulation. Many times the person is wanting shortcuts and looking for instant gratification to release anxiety caused by the [[Negative Ego]]. In these cases, I feel weary that the person may be set off easily by something because they lack core stability. One can feel the attachments being made and the lack of emotional stability in their choices. Attachment tot he external creates manipulation and forms of controlling which leads to hijack of inner clarity and clouding of accurate assessment.  

This is perceived as coming from the "spiritual leader" (ES/LR), so that leader can be blamed for both bad experiences and/or praised for good experiences. This is an action of non accountability and irresponsibility. Somehow their personal experiences are projected onto me as the responsible party. The person can become overly excited and go overboard with their spiritual ambition and pace, which usually shows that they have little discipline and will burn out soon. Usually this behavior is a sign of a lack of inner [[Emotional Manipulation|emotional stability]], and/or lack of life experience where wisdom has not yet been integrated. Some people have acquired knowledge without wisdom, heart or patience, and this creates the feeling of sharpness (in the mental body, like a prickly pear feeling) and an overall lack of emotional clarity that leads to potential hijack and dark force manipulation. Many times the person is wanting shortcuts and instant gratification for the [[Negative Ego]]. In these cases, I feel weary that the person may be set off easily by something. One can feel the attachments being made and the lack of emotional stability in their choices. Attachment in any way creates manipulation which leads to a hijack of inner clarity and accurate assessment.
Keynotes: Euphoria, simulated connectedness with attachment and expectation, initial resonance with spiritual leader as a reflection of the inner self, “I am home”. Conversely, the person can hate the leader for no apparent reason and start a research campaign to find any iota of minutiae to question or defame the leader's character or personal integrity on a disinformation campaign.
Keynotes: Euphoria, simulated connectedness (with attachment and expectation), initial resonance with spiritual leader as a reflection of the inner self, “I am home”. Conversely, the person can hate the leader for no apparent reason and start a research campaign to find any iota of minutiae to question or defame the leader's character or personal integrity on a disinformation campaign.

==Level Two: Emotional Manipulation==
==Level Two: Emotional Manipulation==
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[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/forum/16-lisa-renees-journal/60271-a-community-case-study-of-vv-software-in-stages  VV Software in Stages]
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/forum/16-lisa-renees-journal/60271-a-community-case-study-of-vv-software-in-stages  VV Software in Stages]
==See Also==
[[Splitting]] Behavior

[[Category: Ascension]][[Category: Newsletter]]
[[Category: Ascension]][[Category: Newsletter]]