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Through the intentional [[Psycho-Spiritual Warfare]] made against the minds of the human population, the population is made subservient to follow the [[NAA]] masking as the [[False King of Tyranny]] and [[Power Elite]].  [[Victimizer Archetypes]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
Through the intentional [[Psycho-Spiritual Warfare]] made against the minds of the human population, the population is made subservient to follow the [[NAA]] masking as the [[False King of Tyranny]] and [[Power Elite]].  [[Victimizer Archetypes]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
==Red Cube Cloned Identities==
[[File:Redcube.jpg|thumb|Red Nile Cube Technology]]
Additionally, the [[Red Cube]] AI technology is designed to be a genetic code crasher for anti-hierogamic union or to create interference through an [[Alien Love Bite]] scenario that engages that person in heavy emotional dramas via [[Victim-Victimizer]] archetypes and mistaken identity, by keeping the inner and outer gender principles split apart.  The [[Red Cube]] technology capitalizes on painful emotional astral damage and mistaken identity, confusing identities, so that the target cannot tell who is who, what are the false timelines and imposters versus the authentic identity. The targeted person can mistake AI [[Digital Twin]]s inserted into their hologram as their twin soul, or whatever else that can be included to interfere with integrated spiritual [[Ascension]] by confusing them with mistaken identity or [[Hero-Savior]] archetypes. This includes the target believing that they are this special identity from an inserted digital twin of a cloned Ascended Master in their lightbody, in which this clone runs AI red wave, false feminine violet programming or other artificial frequencies, which is quite common in the new age circles without [[Negative Ego]] training and [[Victim-Victimizer]] clearing.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3684-gaian-matrix Gaian Matrix]</ref>
==Aggressor Program==
[[Aggressor Program]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype and VV strategy that is used to target and suppress spiritually developing people. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations. [[Aggressor Program]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
[[Aggressor Program]] is to instigate forms of intimidation and bullying through a variety of techniques to manipulate or control other people, or exert power over a situation or group. Intimidation is intentional behavior that would cause a person fear of injury, harm or persecution. It is not necessary to prove that the behavior was so violent as to cause terror or that the victim was actually frightened.
Archetypes of the [[Aggressor Program]] include Oppressor, Dominatrix, Terrorist, Intimidator, [[Silent Enemy]], Tyrant, [[FKOT]]. These are listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 3 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
[[Chaos-Disrupter]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations.
As the [[Victimizer Archetypes]] and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. This is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing traps for ensnarement, and [[Addiction]], like jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability. [[Chaos-Disrupter]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 3 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 3 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
A person that is a dark portal for [[Imposter Spirit]]s or being controlled by external negative forces, is easily manipulated to bring energetic discord into a group, to derail projects and can be a [[Chaos-Disrupter]] archetype. The intention behind the [[Chaos-Disrupter]] is divide and conquer of the organization, group unity or destroying the energetic coherence in the environment. The [[Chaos-Disrupter]] profile is generally very egocentric to narcissistic behaviors, an emotional-psychic vampire and has little impulse control.
The silver lining of the [[Chaos-Disrupter]] is they will reveal any weakness or vulnerability in the group, and those situations or people that are weak will be especially influenced by the person playing the role of the [[Chaos-Disrupter]]. Sometimes their larger role is to weed out the wheat from the chaff, and to see visibly who is playing the role of the [[False Friend]]. The [[Chaos-Disrupter]] can bring to surface hidden shadow issues so they can be observed and seen in the light.

==False Friend==
==False Friend==
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*[[False Friend]] (i.e. Surface : I am so Proud of you! I want to be your friend on my terms of self entitlement. Hidden: Let me drain your light now!)
*[[False Friend]] (i.e. Surface : I am so Proud of you! I want to be your friend on my terms of self entitlement. Hidden: Let me drain your light now!)

The False Friend may be a dark portal that uses false flattery and is unusually "lovey-dovey", yet will become aggressive when they do not get what they want from you, whatever that hidden motivation or desire actually is. When they do not get what they want, they explode in anger, blame, finger pointing by making their issue your fault. They may think you are a "bad person" because you did not give them whatever they wanted. Many control freaks act out this way. This may be to derail or distract you from paying attention to what you need to be at that time.
The False Friend may be a dark portal that uses [[False Flattery]] and is unusually "lovey-dovey", yet will become aggressive when they do not get what they want from you, whatever that hidden motivation or desire actually is. When they do not get what they want, they explode in anger, blame, finger pointing by making their issue your fault. They may think you are a "bad person" because you did not give them whatever they wanted. Many control freaks act out this way. This may be to derail or distract you from paying attention to what you need to be at that time.
[[False Friend]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
[[False Friend]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>

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As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. Let us say this is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing traps for ensnarement, and [[Addiction]], like jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability. People around us, including family members may play into these Victim Software archetypes and being aware of the [[False Parent]] will help you to stay clear of energetic drain and emotional dramas.
As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. Let us say this is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing traps for ensnarement, and [[Addiction]], like jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability. People around us, including family members may play into these Victim Software archetypes and being aware of the [[False Parent]] will help you to stay clear of energetic drain and emotional dramas.

*[[False Parent]](i.e. Surface: I am your protector/nurturer. Hidden: Let me play this role so I can exhaust you and divert you from realizing your real spiritual path)
*[[False Parent]] (i.e. Surface: I am your protector/nurturer. Hidden: Let me play this role so I can exhaust you and divert you from realizing your real spiritual path)
==False Righteousness==
[[False Righteousness]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations.
[[False Righteousness]] or Self-righteousness (also called sanctimoniousness, sententiousness, and holier-than-thou attitudes) is a feeling or display of (usually smug) moral superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person. Self-righteous individuals are often intolerant of the opinions and behaviors of others. Self-righteous individuals are often thought to exhibit hypocrisy.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-righteousness]</ref> [[False Righteousness]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
A self-righteous person acts superior to his peers because he believes his moral standards are higher or perfect. This "moral smugness" is condescending by nature and is usually found offensive by others. Various cults and religions promote self-righteousness in an attempt to convert the average person, who feels immoral by comparison.
==False Security==
[[False Security]] is the sense that one thinks everything is fine, but it really isn't, this is common manipulation to lead someone into believing that all is well before attacking or leading someone into destructive or negative situations, or there is imminent failure in the situation. This is a result of lack of [[Self Awareness]] as the person is living in many self deceptions from denial of personal responsibility.
[[False Security]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations.
Self-indulgence of the [[Negative Ego]] promotes, among other things, attitudes of fanaticism, [[False Security]], presumption, and fun-seeking at a cost. Fanaticism is unbridled obsession, and though most do not recognize it as form of ego self-indulgence, it is a gratification of selfish desire through [[STS]]. [[False Security]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
[[Hero-Savior]] complex is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target [[Starseed]]s and spiritually developing people. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations.
[[Hero-Savior]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
* Hero: (i.e. Surface: You are helpless so I will save you! Hidden: Let me steal your resources so I can be more powerful than you are)
Awakening [[Starseed]]s are commonly targeted from lower energetic discernment levels to put themselves in dangerous or destructive scenarios because they believe "God or their Guides told them to do that". Newly awakening people generally have to heal the [[Hero-Savior]] complex as if not corrected, this error in thinking will form into spiritual ambition that is based in unhealthy [[Negative Ego]] attitudes. Usually, this means the person becomes an endangerment to themselves, because they put themselves in the hero position thinking they are needed to save others, but really they are getting caught in the crossfire of spiritual battle. They misinterpret their personal awakening experiences that may form into hero-saviors complex - that they are here to save the world, because the people around them do not have the level of intelligence or [[Consciousness]] that they may feel they are accessing.
Generally, in spiritual community, it is common that the person with unhealed [[Hero-Savior]] complex will attempt to save people around them from some imagined threat or vision fed to them by the [[NAA]] in [[Holographic Insert]]s in order to divide and conquer the group effort or disrupt group projects. Thus, the person in the hero complex is used skillfully by the [[NAA]] and becomes a dark portal used to destroy group unity by feeding dramas, malicious gossip, divided competition and making assumptions without having the facts.

==Orphan Complex==
==Orphan Complex==
[[Orphan Complex]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target [[Starseed]]s that are spiritually developing during the [[Ascension Cycle]]. Because many spiritually developing people experience isolation, depression and confusion about where we belong, many of us feel despair while being on the earth without spiritual direction. When we are confused about out identity the [[NAA]] will target Star people to feel suicidal and have dark depression as a result from the intense isolation many of us feel from the earth inhabitants and feeling disconnected from our Star families.

[[Orphan Complex]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target [[Starseed]]s that are spiritually developing during the [[Ascension Cycle]]. Because many spiritually developing people experience isolation, depression and confusion about where we belong, many of us feel despair while being on the earth without spiritual direction. When we are confused about out identity the [[NAA]] will target Star people to feel suicidal and have dark depression as a result from the intense isolation many of us feel from the earth inhabitants and feeling disconnected from our Star families.
[[Seducer Archetype]] is very energetically profitable to siphon for an [[Negative Ego]] controlled by sexual addiction and hooked into the mass consciousness [[Sexual Misery]] program and belief systems. When a human being is “choosing” to play out the game of seducer, they are in unconscious consent to be energetically implanted to feed the [[NRG]] network and spread its [[NRG Implants]]. The [[NRG]] and the [[Michael-Mary Reversal]] are systems of which are designed to split apart male and female energies in so that internal balance is not capable of being achieved through the consistent abuse of one's sexual energies or gender energies. The [[Seducer Archetype]] is enmeshed with the [[Baphomet]] reversal mother or [[Satanic]] fields in the earth layers at the [[2nd Chakra]] and 2nd dimensional layers.
* [[Seducer Archetype|Seducer]]: (i.e. Surface: Oooh.You're cute! Flatter, Flatter. Hidden: Let me tangle you in my false flattery webbing and cord your 2D centers for my insatiable vampire and lure you into [[Sexual Misery]])
A [[Femme Fatale]] or “player” is very good for an ego addicted to receive external attention or energy cords from the opposite sex to feel loved or worthy of attraction. This is related to the [[Seducer Archetype]].
Archetypes of the Seducer include Charismatic Leader, Fame Seeker, Status Seeker, Publicity Seeker, Escapist, [[Princess Code]], [[Pathological Liar]] and [[Sociopath]]. These are listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 3 clearing under Addictions/Phobias.
==Silent Enemy==
[[Silent Enemy]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people and spiritual communities. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations.
[[Silent Enemy]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
*[[Silent Enemy]] (i.e. previous aggression from silent enemy is totally dormant and silent. Hidden: Looking for a vulnerability and monitoring for aggression to divert and create chaos and disruption)
[[Silent Enemy]] is basically a dark portal plant from the [[NAA]] or [[Imposter Spirit]] that is sent into situations, communities, online forums, in order to monitor or research what that group or community is involved in and/or get a profiling data. Generally, the person has no interest in the group or community of people, is there for [[STS]] agendas, and trolls for vulnerability or weakness of which to exploit in order to divide and conquer the group effort, or create a lot of diversion and chaos through their presence. They may be there to gather information or to cull resources for themselves.
