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HGS Calibration: Difference between revisions

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* Central Nervous System to Parasympathetic to Sympathetic to Vagus Nerve - Balance Triad  
* Central Nervous System to Parasympathetic to Sympathetic to Vagus Nerve - Balance Triad  
* Brain Balancing Treatment
* Brain Balancing Treatment
==HGS Calibration -Step Four- Seven Day PMR==
This PMR when activated is a re-circuitry support system that will generate etheric surgeons from the HGS Network. Depending on the best time for your re-circuitry session it may happen immediately or at sleep time. You may feel dehydrated and will require more water.  This is designed to maximize physical body stability and structural support.
* Determine Physical Body Core Stability and Apply Upgrades
* Ask Again - Is my Physical Body and Core Stabilized to Continue (Y/N?)
* Answer is Yes, Continue to Next Step 5.
* Answer is No, STOP. Apply 7 DAY Physical Matrix Reconnection Program. Continue when YES.
7 Day Physical Matrix Connection Program
* Seven Nights of Assigned Sleep State Healing
* Rotational Meditation
* Health Upgrade
* Participation Meditation
Instruction on Page  137-139
