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[[Hero-Savior]] or [[Messiah complex]] is a [[Victim-Victimizer]] software mind control archetype that is used to target [[Starseed]]s and spiritually developing people. This is one of the [[Controller Programs]] that is a sub program of the [[Victim-Victimizer]] software program and a collective [[Miasma|miasm]] that has accumulated over many generations.
[[Hero-Savior]] is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. <ref>Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109</ref>
* Hero: (i.e. Surface: You are helpless so I will save you! Hidden: Let me steal your resources so I can be more powerful than you are)
Awakening [[Starseed]]s are commonly targeted from lower energetic discernment levels to put themselves in dangerous or destructive scenarios because they believe "God or their Guides told them to do that". Newly awakening people generally have to heal the [[Hero-Savior]] complex as if not corrected, this error in thinking will form into spiritual ambition that is based in unhealthy [[Negative Ego]] attitudes. Usually, this means the person becomes an endangerment to themselves, because they put themselves in the hero position thinking they are needed to save others, but really they are getting caught in the crossfire of spiritual battle. They misinterpret their personal awakening experiences that may form into hero-saviors complex - that they are here to save the world, because the people around them do not have the level of intelligence or [[Consciousness]] that they may feel they are accessing.
Generally, in spiritual community, it is common that the person with unhealed [[Hero-Savior]] complex will attempt to save people around them from some imagined threat or vision fed to them by the [[NAA]] in [[Holographic Insert]]s in order to divide and conquer the group effort or disrupt group projects. Thus, the person in the hero complex is used skillfully by the [[NAA]] and becomes a dark portal used to destroy group unity by feeding dramas, malicious gossip, divided competition and making assumptions without having the facts.
When we are empathic to the pain of others, we can be easily manipulated by the pain we feel that we may not understand its actual causal source or where the pain is coming from. The [[Victimizer Collective Archetypes]] that contain empathic feelings are designed to instigate the [[Hero-Savior]] or messiah complex in order to trap that person into sacrificing themselves for others, or being led into destructive situations,  thereby they are easily persecuted and victimized. See [[Dark Force Manipulation Methods]].
When we are empathic to the pain of others, we can be easily manipulated by the pain we feel that we may not understand its actual causal source or where the pain is coming from. The [[Victimizer Collective Archetypes]] that contain empathic feelings are designed to instigate the [[Hero-Savior]] or messiah complex in order to trap that person into sacrificing themselves for others, or being led into destructive situations,  thereby they are easily persecuted and victimized. See [[Dark Force Manipulation Methods]].

* Believing that you are a savior, messiah or guru, or you were “responsible” for an act of healing, study or modality is a part of [[Spiritual Ego]] or [[Messiah Complex]].
* Believing that you are a savior, messiah or guru, or you were “responsible” for an act of healing, study or modality is a part of [[Spiritual Ego]] or [[Messiah Complex]].