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There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs as a part of the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]]. These pillars of society are manipulated through the [[Predator Mind]] of the [[NAA]] to [[Mind Control]] to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes. The power Elites are controlled by the [[NAA]] forces to create slaves through these Pillars of Society and rewarded with earthly power to serve the larger enslavement agenda of stealing resources through [[Consumptive Modeling]]. This is carried out in sophisticated technology and to primitive levels of psychological warfare to promote anti-human belief systems and to get humans to enforce their own enslavement and sickness, while using [[Victim-Victimizer]] techniques of intimidation, bullying and threats to keep people obeying the [[False King of Tyranny]] or the [[False Gods]] authority.  
There are main pillars of the five structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs as a part of the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]]. These pillars of society are manipulated through the [[Predator Mind]] of the [[NAA]] to [[Mind Control]] and to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes. The power Elites are controlled by the [[NAA]] forces to create slaves through these Pillars of Society and are rewarded with earthly power to serve the larger enslavement agenda of stealing resources through [[Consumptive Modeling]]. This is carried out through sophisticated technology and primitive levels of psychological warfare to promote anti-human belief systems and to get humans to enforce their own enslavement and sickness, while using [[Victim-Victimizer]] techniques of intimidation, bullying and threats to keep people obeying the [[False King of Tyranny]] or the [[False Gods]] authority.  

* [[Power Elite]]s or [[Controller]]
* [[Power Elite]]s or [[Controller]]

* Military Industrial
* Military Industrial Complex

* Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government
* Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government

* Religious-Academic-Financial
* Religious-Academic-Financial-Medical

* Controlled Media and Press
* [[Media Manipulation|Controlled Media and Press]]

In choosing one of the main Pillars of Society – Religious-Academic-Financial - we can see how even though these three areas of belief systems feel completely separate and opposed from each other, in reality they are not. They are used strategically to interconnect together to shift power and resources to the top of the chain and are made to appear in diametric opposition to the public onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other to manipulate positions of power to be given to the top of the chain to maintain control over humanity and resources. Divide and Conquer mentality to continually create [[Victim-Victimizer|victims and victimizers]] is how all of these pillars of society work. So let us choose the Academic world for an example. Current mainstream atheistic science forms the current parameter of the collective accepted belief systems in the academic world which further direct the consortium of world organizations which impact human and planetary affairs. Science promotes atheistic consensus and barbaric medical practices, while Religion promotes spiritual terrorism, pestilence and war through Hell fire and brimstone. Both make massive amounts of money for the financial, medical and military sectors with the primary goal to invest in mind controlling and enslaving human beings to believe the lies they are told. Effectively, they are all functioning components of the same thing designed to enslave humans through the divide and conquer strategy and obfuscation of how these pillars work to give power to the top of the chain.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2493-expanding-consciousness Expanding Consciousness]</ref>
In choosing one of the main Pillars of Society – Religious-Academic-Financial - we can see how even though these three areas of belief systems feel completely separate and opposed from each other, in reality they are not. They are used strategically to interconnect together to shift power and resources to the top of the chain and are made to appear in diametric opposition to the public onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other and manipulate positions of power to be given to the top of the chain to maintain control over humanity and resources. Divide and Conquer mentality to continually create [[Victim-Victimizer|victims and victimizers]] is how all of these pillars of society work. So let us choose the Academic world for an example. Current mainstream atheistic science forms the current parameter of the collective accepted belief systems in the academic world, which further direct the consortium of world organizations which impact human and planetary affairs. Science promotes atheistic consensus and barbaric medical practices, while Religion promotes spiritual terrorism, pestilence and war through Hell fire and brimstone. Both make massive amounts of money for the financial, medical and military sectors with the primary goal to invest in mind controlling and enslaving human beings to believe the lies they are told. Effectively, they are all functioning components of the same thing designed to enslave humans through the divide and conquer strategy and obfuscation of how these pillars work to give power to the top of the chain.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2493-expanding-consciousness Expanding Consciousness]</ref>
==Controller System of Inversion==
In everyday life, [[Inverted Systems]] allow for the production of artificial storefronts or business facades that more effectively hide the real intentions of that industry from the public, which allows for easy dark infiltration to feed corruption, reversals and blackmail. The imposters hire [[Psychopaths]] and marketing propaganda teams to represent them, while operating from within the deep compartmental layers built upon the same inverted system of energy. Thus, they generally remain hidden from view and scrutiny, unseen and unknown by the rest of the workforce, or the greater public. It is important to be able to identify the profiles of psychopathic and criminal behavior, because psychopaths are specifically being groomed in humanity in order to act as the managerial gatekeeper in the industries that enforce the inverted systems and enforce the reversals to stay in place. Thus, the [[Workplace Psychopaths]] are doing their job of serving the [[Death Culture|anti-human structures]] that increase the overall [[World Suffering|suffering in the world]].
To gain a larger perspective of the working model of the [[Global Control System of Energy Inversion]], we must first understand the concept of [[Entropy|closed loop entropic systems]], repetitive mind control systems that turn inward or invert the overall system of energy to be directly funneled to a singular hidden or veiled source. The [[Controller Pillars of Society]] are pyramidal organizations that make up our civilization’s main structural systems, which are intentionally corrupted at the top in order to continue to feed the [[Reversal Networks|system of energy inversion]], which is intrinsically required to maintain the [[NAA]]’s human enslavement methods.
An example to better comprehend inverted systems are the [[Controller Pillars of Society]] that are manipulated by the [[NAA]] through sophisticated marketing propaganda to make them appear to be in service to humanity, when they actually have opposite goals. There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control, which influence all planetary affairs as a part of the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]]. This is carried out in sophisticated psychological warfare to promote anti-human belief systems and to get humans to enforce their own enslavement and [[Fragmentation|spiritual sickness]]. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3145-inverted-systems Inverted Systems]</ref>

==Anti-Human Belief Systems of NAA==
==Anti-Human Belief Systems of NAA==
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==Divide and Conquer==
==Divide and Conquer==
The human collective has been shaped upon the influence from extra dimensional sources that remain hidden about our true origin and the [[Mind Control]] that is used as psychological warfare to enslave humanity and planetary resources. Hence, the true nature of science merged with ethical philosophy as in the pursuit of higher knowledge, has been extracted and replaced with a soul less machine promoting divide and conquer belief systems. If a highly intellectual scientific atheist cannot prove existence of such things as the Soul, or as animals and plants having sentience, it allows the mad scientist community to slice and dice body parts, extract vital organs and tissues without regard for the total consciousness that functions within the holistic organism. This is purposed to serve the movement of Transhumanism or Cyborgization of people as "medical miracles" or superhumans. Today's mainstream science ridicules new discoveries, outcasts those that want to develop and improve human potential, and persecutes those who choose interests beyond profiting the multinational corporations and stockholders. These multinational corporations are rewarded by the [[NAA]] as they are useful structures to maintain control over the human population to serve their enslavement agenda. This is why it is left to each of us to be our own spiritual scientist, be an ethical human based researcher and true scientist to test out the nature of consciousness for ourselves. Be an experiencer! Then we may do our best to share our knowledge of consciousness with others through stating calm, unbiased and evidential facts.
The human collective has been shaped upon the influence from extra dimensional sources that remain hidden about our true origin and the [[Mind Control]] that is used as psychological warfare to enslave humanity and planetary resources. Hence, the true nature of science merged with ethical philosophy as in the pursuit of higher knowledge, has been extracted and replaced with a soul less machine promoting divide and conquer belief systems. If a highly intellectual scientific atheist cannot prove existence of such things as the Soul, or as animals and plants having sentience, it allows the mad scientist community to slice and dice body parts, extract vital organs and tissues without regard for the total consciousness that functions within the holistic organism. This is purposed to serve the movement of Transhumanism or Cyborgization of people as "medical miracles" or superhumans. Today's mainstream science ridicules new discoveries, outcasts those that want to develop and improve human potential, and persecutes those who choose interests beyond profiting the multinational corporations and stockholders. These multinational corporations are rewarded by the [[NAA]] as they are useful structures to maintain control over the human population to serve their enslavement agenda. This is why it is left to each of us to be our own spiritual scientist, be an ethical human based researcher and true scientist to test out the nature of consciousness for ourselves. Be an experiencer! Then we may do our best to share our knowledge of consciousness with others through stating calm, unbiased and evidential facts.
==Global Agenda of Trauma based Mind Control==
Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going.  We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.  It is difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda.  This newsletter will be a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.
Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going.  We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.  It is difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda.  This newsletter will be a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.

As an analogy, it is hard for those of us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand germs or wash their hands.  The first person to suggest a connection between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing stock of his day.  Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and recovered much faster.  There is a connection between hidden forms of mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities.  When people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to have any control over them.  They also understand why it is crucial not to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark forces in.  If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we cannot recognize and understand the light forces.
As an analogy, it is hard for those of us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand germs or wash their hands.  The first person to suggest a connection between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing stock of his day.  Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and recovered much faster.  There is a connection between hidden forms of mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities.  When people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to have any control over them.  They also understand why it is crucial not to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark forces in.  If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we cannot recognize and understand the light forces.

==The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix==
==The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix==
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==Abusing Spiritual Principles==
==Abusing Spiritual Principles==
A very important principle to understand, that is used to control all people on this earth by the dark forces of [[Satanic|Satanism]], is to incite fear, anger and confusion toward any concept that describes the nature of God, Soul and Spirit. When people are continually subjected to forms of pain, trauma, grief and loss, when they feel that their only choices are to be the [[Victim-Victimizer|victim or become the victimizer]], then people can be easily manipulated to commit and enforce any kind of heinous behavior and depraved action. Through people's self-hatred, the dark spiritual forces of hatred are directed towards life and all things sacred to the nature of Soul. This is expressed through people's [[Lack of Empathy]], to which they have no moral conscience to the pain, harm and suffering that they create.  
A very important principle to understand, that is used to control all people on this earth by the dark forces of [[Satanic|Satanism]], is to incite fear, anger and confusion toward any concept that describes the nature of God, Soul and Spirit. When people are continually subjected to forms of pain, trauma, grief and loss, when they feel that their only choices are to be the [[Victim-Victimizer|victim or become the victimizer]], then people can be easily manipulated to commit and enforce any kind of heinous behavior and depraved action. Through people's self-hatred, the dark spiritual forces of hatred are directed towards life and all things sacred to the nature of Soul. This is expressed through people's [[Lack of Empathy]], to which they have no moral conscience to the pain, harm and suffering that they create.

==Erosion of Personal Integrity==
The [[Controller Pillars of Society]] demonstrate recurrent victimization of those individuals that speak transparently and truthfully to the public, in order to condition persecution of any [[Personal Value System|coherent value system]] that is deeply connected to maintaining one’s [[Personal Integrity]].  The [[Controller]]s do not want to produce people with genuine Personal Integrity that follow a coherent value system that promotes strong [[Self Esteem]] and self-responsibility, a person that lives by what they believe in and won’t compromise their integrity.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3236-personal-integrity Personal Integrity]</ref>

==Astral Reconstruction==
Recent [[Guardian Alliance|Guardian projects]] have extended into the [[Astral Plane]] level of reality of the [[Soul]] matrix timelines, in which exploration of extensive artificial architecture was located and found to be used to harvest [[Loosh]] and enslave humanity on the soul planes, through assorted ideological systems being reenforced through organizations. These make up extensive organizational structures like corporations, churches, hospitals, medical institutes, internet technology, pharmaceutical companies and many other systems that are used with the negative purpose to control the human collective consciousness via perceptions of reality from the astral and 3D matter planes. Effectively, what has been revealed is that the same massive megacorporation organizational structures that exist on the 3D physical plane have had an exact mirror organization on the astral plane, being run by power mongering human and nonhuman controllers that desire to totally enslave the surface dwellers to maintain their power base in multiple realities.  <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3784-astral-reconstruction Astral Reconstruction]</ref>
