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Virtue based ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the lightbody to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge, which leads to spiritual freedom. More simply, a virtue can also be defined as a character trait that is positive. Expressing those virtuous qualities causes more positivity to ripple out into the world, which is the direct result of that person’s behavior. When a person expresses virtuous qualities in their behaviors and interactions with others, it contributes to the co-creation of personal wellbeing and happiness and also helps others to reach that feeling of wellbeing. In the spiritual context this is experienced as blessings, feeling a blessedness that guides your path forward, which allows the human being to flourish and feel happiness and contentment in their life. The sentient intelligence of the Soul-Spirit, if we listen, will always lead us to express many kinds of higher quality virtues. Because the soul’s purpose is to guide each person to experience their own fulfillment of spiritual purpose, and to flourish in peace and contentment, while developing the deeper connection with higher consciousness.
[[File:Thelaw loo.jpg|thumb|Law of One, Books of the Law]]

We create the state of wellbeing, happiness, peace and contentment in our life when we have disciplined ourselves to achieve the natural flow of expression of the higher qualities of virtues and ethics that allow the person to succeed and fulfill their higher purpose. Another way to express this is that when a person practices virtue based ethics in every area of their life, no matter what difficulty, adversity or challenge comes their way, they can defeat the obstacles in their path through the dedicated practice of expressing, behaving and committing to the strengthening of virtue based ethics. The state of success as measured in the material world as material power or resources is not the same as fulfilling ones spiritual purpose in life. Many times we can observe people that have gained vast material wealth, power and influence, and yet they remain unfulfilled, unhappy and lost in life. Achieving our spiritual purpose, and being able to support the aims of our spiritual purpose being able to share and spread virtuous qualities with others, is the key to peace, happiness and fulfillment, with or without material or monetary rewards.
[[Virtue Based Ethics]] emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the [[Lightbody]] to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge, which leads to spiritual freedom. More simply, a virtue can also be defined as a character trait that is positive. Expressing those virtuous qualities causes more positivity to ripple out into the world, which is the direct result of that person’s behavior. When a person expresses virtuous qualities in their behaviors and interactions with others, it contributes to the co-creation of personal wellbeing and happiness and also helps others to reach that feeling of wellbeing. In the spiritual context this is experienced as blessings, feeling a blessedness that guides your path forward, which allows the human being to flourish and feel happiness and contentment in their life. The sentient intelligence of the [[Soul]]-Spirit, if we listen, will always lead us to express many kinds of higher quality virtues. Because the soul’s purpose is to guide each person to experience their own fulfillment of spiritual purpose, and to flourish in peace and contentment, while developing the deeper connection with higher consciousness.

Through the life experiences that are led by the Soul-Spirit to achieve ones spiritual purpose by developing strength of character and strength of the spiritual body, that person is lead through experiential knowledge, which is also called gnostic knowledge. Gnostic knowledge cannot be taken away once it has been achieved. By living through the experiences, the knowledge gained from that experience becomes an embodiment, an attribute and quality of that person’s consciousness development of gaining higher knowledge through the expression of many virtues. When a person authentically expresses and communicates their understanding of inner knowledge and virtues that they have gained through life experiences, they cannot act in opposition to what they know. When they live to fulfill their spiritual purpose this is essentially the same as living in truth. The virtuous person is who they are in every moment, that behavior which is natural to their expression and there is no need to represent them selves in any opposition to what they truly are. This is similar to viewing nature, a bird behaves like itself, and it does not pretend to be something that it is not.  The central feature of virtuous qualities is that they are applicable to the spiritual fulfillment of purpose that is universally regarded as virtuous qualities for all sentient beings, in any kind of setting they exist. However, a character trait that may be regarded by a culture that discriminates in its views on gender, race, or other factors, are not included as qualities that apply to the universality of virtue based ethics.
We create the state of wellbeing, happiness, peace and contentment in our life when we have disciplined ourselves to achieve the natural flow of expression of the higher qualities of virtues and ethics that allow the person to succeed and fulfill their higher purpose. Another way to express this is that when a person practices virtue based ethics in every area of their life, no matter what difficulty, adversity or challenge comes their way, they can defeat the obstacles in their path through the dedicated practice of expressing, behaving and committing to the strengthening of virtue based ethics. The state of success as measured in the material world as material power or resources is not the same as fulfilling ones spiritual purpose in life. Many times we can observe people that have gained vast material wealth, power and influence, and yet they remain unfulfilled, unhappy and lost in life. Achieving our spiritual purpose, and being able to support the aims of our spiritual purpose being able to share and spread virtuous qualities with others, is the key to [[Perfect Peace|peace, happiness and fulfillment]], with or without material or monetary rewards.

Through the life experiences that are led by the Soul-Spirit to achieve ones spiritual purpose by developing strength of character and strength of the spiritual body, that person is lead through experiential knowledge, which is also called gnostic knowledge. [[Gnosis|Gnostic knowledge]] cannot be taken away once it has been achieved. By living through the experiences, the knowledge gained from that experience becomes an embodiment, an attribute and quality of that person’s consciousness development of gaining higher knowledge through the expression of many virtues. When a person authentically expresses and communicates their understanding of inner knowledge and virtues that they have gained through life experiences, they cannot act in opposition to what they know. When they live to fulfill their spiritual purpose this is essentially the same as living in truth. The virtuous person is who they are in every moment, that behavior which is natural to their expression and there is no need to represent them selves in any opposition to what they truly are.  This is similar to viewing nature, a bird behaves like itself, and it does not pretend to be something that it is not.  The central feature of virtuous qualities is that they are applicable to the spiritual fulfillment of purpose that is universally regarded as virtuous qualities for all sentient beings, in any kind of setting they exist. However, a character trait that may be regarded by a culture that discriminates in its views on gender, race, or other factors, are not included as qualities that apply to the universality of virtue based ethics.
When we develop the strength of character in which we are in the process of fulfilling our purpose, we can more easily perceive the right or erroneous actions of our behavior, through our intention to not harm others. Gaining discernment about our ethical conduct is to take right action in the world and that we consider the consequences of our actions on the short and longer term. What is the consequential impact of our actions on the people around us, and the natural environment? Are the actions we take of benefit to the people, or a detriment? Inquiring on the consequential impact that our actions have on others is taking personal responsibility and being accountable to our actions.
When we develop the strength of character in which we are in the process of fulfilling our purpose, we can more easily perceive the right or erroneous actions of our behavior, through our intention to not harm others. Gaining discernment about our ethical conduct is to take right action in the world and that we consider the consequences of our actions on the short and longer term. What is the consequential impact of our actions on the people around us, and the natural environment? Are the actions we take of benefit to the people, or a detriment? Inquiring on the consequential impact that our actions have on others is taking personal responsibility and being accountable to our actions.

People should realize that the origin of virtue based ethics or concepts of morality are not based in the judgments and biases of religious interpretation, but is the ancient knowledge based on the natural interpretation of the Natural Laws. It is time to dispel the myth that religious dogma and judgments from God are the source of virtue-based ethics that have been used to guilt and shame people in order to control them. Virtues, ethics, and morality do not originate from religion or spirituality, and thus the true knowledge of virtue-based ethics should be no different for atheists, agnostics, religious, spiritual or any other person.  The origin is within the Natural Laws of creation and thus, governs all of humanity in achieving their highest purpose of personal fulfillment.
People should realize that the [[Origin of Virtue Based Ethics]] or concepts of morality are not based in the judgments and biases of religious interpretation, but is the ancient knowledge based on the natural interpretation of the Natural Laws. It is time to dispel the myth that religious dogma and judgments from God are the source of virtue-based ethics that have been used to guilt and shame people in order to control them. Virtues, ethics, and morality do not originate from religion or spirituality, and thus the true knowledge of virtue-based ethics should be no different for atheists, agnostics, religious, spiritual or any other person.  The origin is within the Natural Laws of creation and thus, governs all of humanity in achieving their highest purpose of personal fulfillment.
==Harmonizing our Mind with Universal Mind==

We exist within multi-dimensional layers of electromagnetic fields with billions of harmonic waves resonating within and around us. Our mind, our consciousness, our thoughtforms are the interaction in-between these waves that are producing qualities of sound, tone and color. Each belief or thought we have produces resonances in the larger fields that are harmonizing or discordant. Our brain and mental body is structured upon these harmonic waves, and thus our mind must conform to and develop within the laws of nature, which are the morphogenetic fields that form the instruction sets, the blueprint of higher thought or spiritual knowledge.  When we align our mind to harmonize with the blueprint that holds the intelligent information for fulfilling our highest purpose, we strengthen the color waves that connect to the larger unified field, and our purpose begins to reveal itself to us clearly. We will be continually led into the natural flow of right action, considering the ethical conduct for consequential impacts and developing virtuous qualities that benefit the whole. How these virtues and ethics are arranged and expressed have universal application. But they are also specific to the heart based spiritual qualities that each unique soul and spirit is striving to learn, express or evolve, as their consciousness moves in between time and space to experience life and a particular station of identity. Virtues and Ethics are the foundation of a storehouse of experienced knowledge and truth, and for each of us we must explore that content inside our own heart, spirit and relationship to the Universe.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3043-violating-laws-of-nature Violating Laws of Nature]</ref>
We exist within multi-dimensional layers of electromagnetic fields with billions of harmonic waves resonating within and around us. Our mind, our consciousness, our thoughtforms are the interaction in-between these waves that are producing qualities of sound, tone and color. Each belief or thought we have produces resonances in the larger fields that are harmonizing or discordant. Our brain and mental body is structured upon these harmonic waves, and thus our mind must conform to and develop within the laws of nature, which are the morphogenetic fields that form the instruction sets, the blueprint of higher thought or spiritual knowledge.  When we align our mind to harmonize with the blueprint that holds the intelligent information for fulfilling our highest purpose, we strengthen the color waves that connect to the larger unified field, and our purpose begins to reveal itself to us clearly. We will be continually led into the natural flow of right action, considering the ethical conduct for consequential impacts and developing virtuous qualities that benefit the whole. How these virtues and ethics are arranged and expressed have universal application. But they are also specific to the heart based spiritual qualities that each unique soul and spirit is striving to learn, express or evolve, as their consciousness moves in between time and space to experience life and a particular station of identity. Virtues and Ethics are the foundation of a storehouse of experienced knowledge and truth, and for each of us we must explore that content inside our own heart, spirit and relationship to the Universe.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3043-violating-laws-of-nature Violating Laws of Nature]</ref>

==GSF Behavior==
==GSF Behavior==
Many philosophers of ancient wisdom have written in depth treatise on ethics, morality and virtues, and most all of it has basis in following Universal Natural Laws, which are guidance mechanisms left for the people. However there can be no strict adherence to exacting labels that try to define and describe the nature of ethics, as all aspects can be interpreted differently by each and every person.  That is why each person must find the true meaning of virtue-based ethics in the contents of their own heart and soul. An inspirational quote by Marcus Aurelius demonstrates the value of making a difference through being ethical:
Many philosophers of ancient wisdom have written in depth treatise on ethics, morality and virtues, and most all of it has basis in following Universal Natural Laws, which are guidance mechanisms left for the people. However there can be no strict adherence to exacting labels that try to define and describe the nature of ethics, as all aspects can be interpreted differently by each and every person.  That is why each person must find the true meaning of virtue-based ethics in the contents of their own heart and soul. An inspirational quote by Marcus Aurelius demonstrates the value of making a difference through being ethical: