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A system of [[Black Magic Money]] or controlled currency was established to monetize the [[Death Culture]] and is organized by the NAA in order to manipulate, exert control over and enslave the citizens of the earth. Systems of currency used as the medium of exchange are generated through an assortment of anti-human consciousness traps that are designed to manifest more poverty consciousness in those unable to discern what is really behind the total control of global currency. Once again, at the top levels, it is not human and much of the earthly resources still left are funneled off planet.  For thousands of years planet earth has been quarried and leached for every kind of resource, mineral substance and chemical element known and yet to be discovered, by both human and alien mining sources and their machinery. Some of the massive desert wastelands and canyons thought to be natural and declared as national monuments and protected reserves, are actually the result of ancient mining quarries digging up the earth, now deserted. Even today there are dark money groups lobbying to overturn the Antiquities Act to get back into the Grand Canyon to mine for uranium, just as the aliens did in the past.  
A system of [[Black Magic Money]] or controlled currency was established to monetize the [[Death Culture]] and is organized by the NAA in order to manipulate, exert control over and enslave the citizens of the earth. Systems of currency used as the medium of exchange are generated through an assortment of anti-human consciousness traps that are designed to manifest more poverty consciousness in those unable to discern what is really behind the total control of global currency. Once again, at the top levels, it is not human and much of the earthly resources still left are funneled off planet.  For thousands of years planet earth has been quarried and leached for every kind of resource, mineral substance and chemical element known and yet to be discovered, by both human and alien mining sources and their machinery. Some of the massive desert wastelands and canyons thought to be natural and declared as national monuments and protected reserves, are actually the result of ancient mining quarries digging up the earth, now deserted. Even today there are dark money groups lobbying to overturn the Antiquities Act to get back into the Grand Canyon to mine for uranium, just as the aliens did in the past.  

Today the ability to multiply money and profits to steadily increase wealth is highest for those people in the financial sectors that run and rule the economy through the corporatocracy and who use whatever means necessary to maintain total control over liquidity and unlimited access to the global money supply. These small groups of people have access to unbelievably large amounts of cash, or liquid assets, and they are purposely programmed by the Orion Group control structure to monetize human suffering and pain, by forcing the majority of the world citizens to live in poverty and pay for their own genocidal holocaust. Deceptive propaganda, intimidation and terrorism are the important tools used to push the global debt slavery program, which requires the participation of broad sectors of the corporatocracy, banking and the world population in order to be successful. Perpetrators must hide their murderous intentions from the victims they intend to decimate.  They generally become involved with creating inhumane laws veiled from public scrutiny, that allow for their criminal behaviors without obvious detection.
Today the ability to multiply money and profits to steadily increase wealth is highest for those people in the financial sectors that run and rule the economy through the corporatocracy and who use whatever means necessary to maintain total control over liquidity and unlimited access to the global money supply. These small groups of people have access to unbelievably large amounts of cash, or liquid assets, and they are purposely programmed by the [[Orion Group]] control structure to monetize human suffering and pain, by forcing the majority of the world citizens to live in poverty and pay for their own genocidal holocaust. Deceptive propaganda, intimidation and terrorism are the important tools used to push the global debt slavery program, which requires the participation of broad sectors of the corporatocracy, banking and the world population in order to be successful. Perpetrators must hide their murderous intentions from the victims they intend to decimate.  They generally become involved with creating inhumane laws veiled from public scrutiny, that allow for their criminal behaviors without obvious detection.

In order to evolve beyond a fraudulent system of manipulated currency, while the [[Power Elite]] backed by the NAA groups profit from destroying the earth resources, we must understand how the current economic system was created for world domination and slavery that purposely monetizes and rewards that which produces global genocide. The current anti-human global economic structure has turned the earth into a toxic wasteland, which it is rapidly killing off many species. Citizens of earth must awaken and stop allowing these corporations and those behind them, to massively profit from perpetrating intentional genocide on the earth.
In order to evolve beyond a fraudulent system of manipulated currency, while the [[Power Elite]] backed by the [[NAA]] groups profit from destroying the earth resources, we must understand how the current economic system was created for world domination and slavery that purposely monetizes and rewards that which produces global [[Genocide]]. The current anti-human global economic structure has turned the earth into a toxic wasteland, which it is rapidly killing off many species. Citizens of earth must awaken and stop allowing these corporations and those behind them, to massively profit from perpetrating intentional genocide on the earth.

==Poverty Consciousness produces Worthlessness==
==Poverty Consciousness produces Worthlessness==
The perpetrators use [[Poverty Consciousness]] fears to trigger feelings of worthlessness in the human race in order to get people to acquiesce and be complicit in committing genocide against their own species and planet. If humans only find worth in money and [[Materialism]], they have no value placed on the human soul or life, thus genocide of certain groups is made acceptable. Poverty consciousness is a state of fear that is produced by belief systems and attitudes that form into value systems that promote [[Materialism]]. It is the twisted association of value woven into thoughts and feelings one has toward money or material possessions. Poverty consciousness has nothing to do with the amount of money, physical comfort or material possessions a person has. Poverty consciousness is deeply rooted in fears of [[Victim-Victimzer|victimization]], survival, insecurity, and limitation, as well as fears of death that include fears about our relationship to God and the Universe.
The perpetrators use [[Poverty Consciousness]] fears to trigger feelings of worthlessness in the human race in order to get people to acquiesce and be complicit in committing genocide against their own species and planet. If humans only find worth in money and [[Materialism]], they have no value placed on the human soul or life, thus genocide of certain groups is made acceptable. Poverty consciousness is a state of fear that is produced by belief systems and attitudes that form into value systems that promote [[Materialism]]. It is the twisted association of value woven into thoughts and feelings one has toward money or material possessions. Poverty consciousness has nothing to do with the amount of money, physical comfort or material possessions a person has. Poverty consciousness is deeply rooted in fears of [[Victim-Victimizer|victimization]], survival, insecurity, and limitation, as well as fears of death that include fears about our relationship to God and the Universe.

When a person lacks spiritual foundation or inner core strength the most common energetic imbalances of the personality, or [[Three Layers of Ego|lower three chakras]], triggered by NAA [[Mind Control]] are survival fears and poverty consciousness.  Poverty consciousness is a mind control program shaped by the [[Social Engineering]] that is designed to get humanity to believe we are worthless and that we exist in a world where there is not enough for everybody. When the masses focus on the worthlessness of human life and the lack of resources needed to help all people thrive, it means someone else is stealing the resources and hoarding them for themselves. It is completely obvious for everyone to see the exorbitant excesses of wealth and resources that those in the [[Power Elite]] receive, by continuing to enforce the NAA infrastructure to monetize human suffering, maintain the slave classes and make the earth a toxic dump.  
When a person lacks spiritual foundation or inner core strength the most common energetic imbalances of the personality, or [[Three Layers of Ego|lower three chakras]], triggered by NAA [[Mind Control]] are survival fears and poverty consciousness.  Poverty consciousness is a mind control program shaped by the [[Social Engineering]] that is designed to get humanity to believe we are worthless and that we exist in a world where there is not enough for everybody. When the masses focus on the worthlessness of human life and the lack of resources needed to help all people thrive, it means someone else is stealing the resources and hoarding them for themselves. It is completely obvious for everyone to see the exorbitant excesses of wealth and resources that those in the [[Power Elite]] receive, by continuing to enforce the [[NAA]] infrastructure to monetize human suffering, maintain the slave classes and make the earth a toxic dump.  

The mind control has been so effective throughout many generations that many of us were born into families who believed they had to accept poverty and abuse, or that wealth is not spiritual, or had taken poverty vows. Additionally poverty consciousness has a long history on the earth since the NAA invasion, and as such it also holds miasmatic imprints that have been passed down ancestrally. Poverty consciousness is a system of fear based belief that is seeded in low self-worth that has been inherited, conditioned, and reinforced by mind control into a learned brain pattern to [[Anti-Soul Agenda|accept anti-human agendas]]. The pattern of recurring thought forms and unconscious beliefs around fear of survival form into energy patterns that project poverty consciousness, which is used as a tool to trigger deep insecurity fears around survival and death. Thus, humans are easily led into the pen of controlled spiritual oppression. When one can see how poverty consciousness is used as a mass tool for spiritual oppression, slavery and generating irrational fears, it is easier to identify when it’s happening and consciously choose to reprogram fears into unconditionally loving behaviors towards the self and others. A person cannot effectively shift poverty consciousness and survival fears until they can see its mechanism clearly and understand how it is operating inside themselves.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3056-poverty-consciousness Poverty Consciousness]</ref>
The mind control has been so effective throughout many generations that many of us were born into families who believed they had to accept poverty and abuse, or that wealth is not spiritual, or had taken poverty vows. Additionally poverty consciousness has a long history on the earth since the NAA invasion, and as such it also holds miasmatic imprints that have been passed down ancestrally. Poverty consciousness is a system of fear based belief that is seeded in low self-worth that has been inherited, conditioned, and reinforced by mind control into a learned brain pattern to [[Anti-Soul Agenda|accept anti-human agendas]]. The pattern of recurring thought forms and unconscious beliefs around fear of survival form into energy patterns that project poverty consciousness, which is used as a tool to trigger deep insecurity fears around survival and death. Thus, humans are easily led into the pen of controlled spiritual oppression. When one can see how poverty consciousness is used as a mass tool for spiritual oppression, slavery and generating irrational fears, it is easier to identify when it’s happening and consciously choose to reprogram fears into unconditionally loving behaviors towards the self and others. A person cannot effectively shift poverty consciousness and survival fears until they can see its mechanism clearly and understand how it is operating inside themselves.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3056-poverty-consciousness Poverty Consciousness]</ref>
==Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide==
Sadly, the heavy burden most [[Awakening]] people carry is the difficult realization that the majority of intelligent people around them will only glance superficially at some enormous [[Disclosure]] event of great importance, disregarding any semblance of [[Critical Thinking]], common sense and reason.
As the result of full spectrum [[Mind Control]] programming exposure, many still don’t seem to care to inquire any further into the crimes made against humanity. Instead, their situational awareness is compromised as they continue to ignore blaring red flags and reinforce the mainstream [[Propaganda]] of [[Satanic]] based ideological subversion and their [[Controlled Narrative]]. Rather than dig deeper to question what has happened to our civilization through an open dialogue or be willing to review critically important information that is available to those willing to look at it, they just shut down and ignore that situation entirely. Many of those awake and aware to current anti-human genocidal agendas see that many people around them insist on avoiding addressing anything that would disrupt their reality bubble or personal comfort zone. Those awakening to the [[Controller]] deceptions and atrocious crimes of [[Genocide]] will be facing more of these social and relational difficulties this year, as the [[3D Breakdown]] continues to crumble the [[Controller Pillars of Society|main pillars of society]] from within. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3773-3d-breakdown-and-enlightened-contact Enlightened Contact]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==

[[New World Order]]


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