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With current major magnetic shifts, matter substance is becoming less dense and changing its chemical structure. As it becomes more fluid and flexible there are articles or things rising to the surface.  This reveals an assortment of artifacts and objects manifesting from other timelines, as well as parasitic debris coming to the surface for witnessing. Future timelines reveal the fragments of various kinds of bodies, energetic bodies and spiritual bodies that were exploded and became intermixed with the matter substance in the earth body. Timelines from the 5D earth matter, connected to the Souls of the Taran body that exploded, became a type of radioactive decay intermixed into the soup of matter that came into this physical dimension, from the explosion event and the magnetic manipulation of the time and space fields. The World Soul of Tara, became a part of the atomic body of this physical planet, stuck and strewn between the first and the fourth dimensions. We are in a phase of time where the matter composition is changing into something less dense, and while it's in less dense states we are able to move out these artifacts, assorted bodies and consciousness remnants. As a result, some of us may have been helping in the recon and transit of the [[Souls of Tara]], and so we leave you with [[GSF Blessings]] to be applied on their behalf.
[[File:12-Christos-Founder-Mother lines.jpg|thumb|Christos Founder Mother Lines]]
With current major magnetic shifts, matter substance is becoming less dense and changing its chemical structure. As it becomes more fluid and flexible there are articles or things rising to the surface.  This reveals an assortment of artifacts and objects manifesting from other timelines, as well as parasitic debris coming to the surface for witnessing. Future timelines reveal the fragments of various kinds of bodies, energetic bodies and spiritual bodies that were exploded and became intermixed with the matter substance in the earth body. Timelines from the 5D earth matter, connected to the Souls of the Taran body that exploded, became a type of radioactive decay intermixed into the soup of matter that came into this physical dimension, from the explosion event and the magnetic manipulation of the time and space fields. The World Soul of Tara, became a part of the atomic body of this physical planet, stuck and strewn between the first and the fourth dimensions. We are in a phase of time where the matter composition is changing into something less dense, and while it's in less dense states we are able to move out these artifacts, assorted bodies and consciousness remnants. As a result, some of us may have been helping in the recon and transit of the [[Souls of Tara]], which is connected to the [[Reclamation of Christos Mission]] that goes back to the [[Covenant of Paliador]].
And so we leave you with [[GSF Blessings]] to be applied on their behalf. See [[Tara]].

I would like to finalize a God Sovereign Free blessing to the Taran souls, or souls which we are representing here and now to have them go forth fully freed in the eternal light of God.
I would like to finalize a God Sovereign Free blessing to the Taran souls, or souls which we are representing here and now to have them go forth fully freed in the eternal light of God.

Beloved holy presence in Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your compassionate witness in service to the souls of Tara or the world collective soul of which this impacts. I pray with all of my heart to bless them and protect them in the eternal light of God in the blessings of Holy Spirit and the spirits of Christ to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon them by those imposters and deceivers of God's eternal light. Through the light of God I am and through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless the world Souls of Tara to be freed into their highest expression and true nature that they may be with God. May they be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God now and always. May all beings be baptized and blessed in the Holy Spirit so that the true nature of God and reconnection and reclamation of Christ is fully made manifest in this reality here and now. Thank you!<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3082-geomagnetism Geomagnetism]</ref>
Beloved holy presence in Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your compassionate witness in service to the souls of Tara or the world collective soul of which this impacts. I pray with all of my heart to bless them and protect them in the eternal light of God in the blessings of Holy Spirit and the spirits of Christ to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon them by those imposters and deceivers of God's eternal light. Through the light of God I am and through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless the world Souls of Tara to be freed into their highest expression and true nature that they may be with God. May they be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God now and always. May all beings be baptized and blessed in the Holy Spirit so that the true nature of God and reconnection and reclamation of Christ is fully made manifest in this reality here and now. Thank you!<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3082-geomagnetism Geomagnetism]</ref>
==Amenti Mission==
[[Lyran-Sirian Founders|Lyran Sirian]] contact expressed that those responsible to guard and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian administration councils. The Sirian Lodge is a Hall which oversaw the 6D networks which acted as the portal for Star and [[Indigo]] Races to incarnate on the earth plane through the [[Amenti]] halls. This Lyran-Sirian administrative body created the Azurite council for the sole purpose of a collective team to support the human embodiment of the [[Jesus Christ]] or Yeshua Mission to repair these networks and secure the Amenti field. The [[Azurites]] were assigned primary responsibility for the carrying out of the [[Covenant of Paliador]] which is to recover the lost [[Souls of Tara]].
==Organic Field Restoration==
For those on the [[Christos Mission]], we have regained access into the pre-Fall of Taran holographic matrices and organic field instruction sets in the second harmonic universe, which have reset the consciousness evolution pathway into organic timelines for the Taran souls. This is one very important alteration that has been recently upgraded in the collective human race [[Birth Transduction Sequence|transduction blueprint records]] on the planet earth. This challenging stage in the Guardian mission of reclaiming 5D architecture from the dimensional splits in the [[Artificial Timelines]], that were pulling 5D Taran fragments into the [[Phantom Matrix|phantom]], is a major milestone and victory in these [[Artificial Timeline Wars|timeline wars]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3506-artificial-timeline-wars Artificial Timeline Wars]</ref>
==Taran First Human Seeding==
The matter form body we have embodied as an angelic human being began on the earth’s fifth dimensional future timeline; the future planet [[Tara]] is the true origin of the current prototype for the human tribes on the earth. The angelic human prototype on [[Tara]] was incredibly genetically advanced and was designed to embody and hold all of the Universal Genetic Library, as well as have direct communication links with the celestial management structures and other star civilizations. Other civilizations wanted to interbreed or hybridize with these new God creator bodies called Tarans, and the blending with non-humans created genetic diversity in such ways that began to fragment and fracture the consciousness body of the human species. Alien hybridization and eugenic programs are still very active today in the current enslavement agendas, as the same entities are attempting to steal or crack the God Creator DNA codes found within the angelic human body, are still working on using human DNA as a consciousness weapon against our species. The planet Tara was originally inhabited by God-like humans designed to be the [[Guardian Host|Guardians]] of the Universal Genetic Library, thus collectively we held the jewel in the crystal heart of the entire Universal body. When Tara fell, our [[Sacred Crystal Heart]] would be shattered and the angelic human species would be forced to return to incarnate upon the earth in the lowest density during the dark ages, in order to begin the long process of reclaiming and healing our original human DNA.
During the ending evolutionary cycles on [[Tara]], conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the [[Blue Flame]]. As self-appointed [[Blue Flame Keepers]], these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others.  The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]] faction violated their agreements with the [[Paliadorian Covenant]] through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the [[Egyptian-Serres]] culture on [[Tara]]. The [[Egyptian-Serres]] human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the [[Universal Tribal Shield]]. This power grab made by the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]]s contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet [[Tara]] and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3655-universal-shadow Universal Shadow]</ref>
==See Also==
[[War Over Timelines]]
[[Silicate Matrix]]
[[12 Tree Grid]]
[[Category: HGS Manual]]
[[Category: Newsletter]]
[[Category: Ascension]]



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[[Organic Taran Field Restoration]]

[[Magnetic Field Shifting]]
[[Magnetic Field Shifting]]