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When we break down the main causes of experiencing fear in our life, we must assess which side of the negative polarity we are in, and where we have the most vulnerability to be exploited. Fear is used to create victims and victimizers that exchange places with each other to form bondage loops within the same polarity. People live in fear feeling they are victims, when their perpetrators also live in fear as the victimizers. It is an interchangeable bondage loop that cannot be broken until you can see what side of the polarity that you play into. To break the cycle of fear based bondage loops, we have to stop playing out that pattern of the negative polarity based in fear and we must reach out for the unconditional love of God.
[[File:Love-fear-polarity game.jpg|thumb|Overcoming Fear]]

Many people that are living with unhealed subconscious fears vacillate between feeling threatened by fears and then lashing out at others, to regain the sensation of having personal control over their environment. Are we living with subconscious fears and perceptions of outer threats, so that we manipulate and control the environment and others in order to feel more secure? Do we experience sensations of fear and mental paralysis often in our day-to-day thoughts and emotions? When do we react and use fear to get what we want from other people or situations? What are the causal events and the real reasons that we feel triggered in fear or feel threatened?
When we break down the main causes of experiencing fear in our life, we must assess which side of the [[Negative Polarity]] we are in, and where we have the most vulnerability to be exploited. Fear is used to create [[Victim-Victimizer|victims and victimizers]] that exchange places with each other to form bondage loops within the same polarity. People live in fear feeling they are victims, when their perpetrators also live in fear as the victimizers. It is an interchangeable bondage loop that cannot be broken until you can see what side of the polarity that you play into. To break the cycle of fear based bondage loops, we have to stop playing out that pattern of the negative polarity based in [[Spirits of Mental Bondage|fear]] and we must reach out for the unconditional love of God.

The first step is recognizing where fear has bondage loops in the exchanges we make that have some kind of control over us. By taking an honest inventory of what places inside of us are feeling fear, we can then study the reasons why we feel this fear and how we react to it. To overcome fear we must study ourselves, witness our mental thoughts and emotional reactions to other people, places and things. The negative polarity in the frequency of fear matches the vibration that attaches to black energy and dark spirits. All people that indulge in unrestrained and uncorrected negative emotional states of fear will attract demonic or dark spirits, and these negative spirits generate energetic blockages and cords in our lightbody. This can greatly amplify sensations of chaos and anxiety internally within the body, because there are hitchhikers hanging on.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3200-overcoming-fear Overcoming Fear]</ref>
Many people that are living with unhealed subconscious fears vacillate between feeling threatened by fears and then lashing out at others, to regain the sensation of having personal control over their environment. Are we living with subconscious fears and perceptions of outer threats, so that we manipulate and control the environment and others in order to feel more secure? Do we experience sensations of fear and mental paralysis often in our day-to-day thoughts and emotions? When do we react and use fear to get what we want from other people or situations? What are the causal events and the real reasons that we feel [[Mental Triggers|triggered in fear]] or feel threatened?
==See Also==
[[Overcoming Fear]]
[[Category: Newsletter]]
[[Category: Ascension]]

The first step is recognizing where fear has bondage loops in the exchanges we make that have some kind of control over us. By taking an honest inventory of what places inside of us are feeling fear, we can then study the reasons why we feel this fear and how we react to it. To overcome fear we must study ourselves, witness our mental thoughts and emotional reactions to other people, places and things. The negative polarity in the frequency of fear matches the vibration that attaches to black energy and dark spirits. All people that indulge in unrestrained and uncorrected [[Houses of Ego|negative emotional states]] of fear will attract demonic or [[Imposter Spirit|dark spirits]], and these negative spirits generate energetic blockages and cords in our [[Lightbody]]. This can greatly amplify sensations of chaos and anxiety internally within the body, because there are hitchhikers hanging on.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3200-overcoming-fear Overcoming Fear]</ref>

==The Spirits of Mental Bondage==
==The Spirits of Mental Bondage==
All of us must learn how to overcome our fears, which dissolves the darkness that exists within the layers of our mind so that we can become free of mental bondage. When we are no longer controlled by fear based belief systems and reactions, we can stop allowing fear bondage loops and the dark spirits they attract, to make an internal dwelling inside our bodies, minds, and emotions. When we have cleaned out these internal dark dwellings, the spaces where there was darkness are now filled with light. In this state there is a tangible experience of mental and emotional freedom, there are no more automatic impulse that internalize the frequency of fear or darkness. You know that you are not that. The most common fear bondage loops take root in the pain body from places where fear generated walls of separation. Behind these walls are the most common core fears and dark spirit attachments that produce great suffering in the mind and emotions of human beings. It’s time to tell the hitchhikers to take a hike!
All of us must learn how to overcome our fears, which dissolves the darkness that exists within the layers of our mind so that we can become free of mental bondage. When we are no longer controlled by fear based belief systems and reactions, we can stop allowing fear bondage loops and the dark spirits they attract, to make an internal dwelling inside our bodies, minds, and emotions. When we have cleaned out these [[Demonic Houses|internal dark dwellings]], the spaces where there was darkness are now filled with light. In this state there is a tangible experience of mental and emotional freedom, there are no more automatic impulse that internalize the frequency of fear or darkness. You know that you are not that. The most common fear bondage loops take root in the [[Pain Body]] from places where fear generated [[Walls of Separation]]. Behind these walls are the most common core fears and dark spirit [[Attachments]] that produce great suffering in the mind and emotions of human beings. It’s time to tell the hitchhikers to take a hike!

==Imposters Manipulate Fear Perception==
==Imposters Manipulate Fear Perception==
An important part of improving our feeling of safety is improving our [[Emotional Competence|Emotional Competency]] to recognize that negative emotions in our selves and others, greatly cloud our [[Discernment]] and interpretation of events. If people only see reality through the lens of fear, most of the time their interpretation is based on false evidence appearing real. '''Fear is the manipulation tool of Imposters.''' When we have the capability to [[Emotional Self-Regulation|emotionally self-regulate]], appropriate communication is not avoided through unhealed fears triggering some unwanted emotion. We all can learn to free ourselves from fear based thoughts and emotions like anger, bitterness, resentment, retaliation, and other destructive emotions that cause hurt and pain. Yet everywhere we go in this world, we will get the opportunity to see that dark forces continually manipulate those same fears in others, in order to gain control over them.

An important part of improving our feeling of safety is improving our emotional competency to recognize that negative emotions in our selves and others, greatly cloud our discernment and interpretation of events. If people only see reality through the lens of fear, most of the time their interpretation is based on false evidence appearing real. Fear is the manipulation tool of Imposters. When we have the capability to emotionally self-regulate, appropriate communication is not avoided through unhealed fears triggering some unwanted emotion. We all can learn to free ourselves from fear based thoughts and emotions like anger, bitterness, resentment, retaliation, and other destructive emotions that cause hurt and pain. Yet everywhere we go in this world, we will get the opportunity to see that dark forces continually manipulate those same fears in others, in order to gain control over them.
All imposters and dark forces, human or nonhuman that have the primary interest in exerting [[Controller|power and control]], or taking the superior position to rule over others, will attempt to manipulate our darkest and deepest fears, most of which are hidden from our conscious mind. This is how the [[Controller Pillars of Society|3D system works on planet earth]], as long as it remains in the hands of the Controllers that desire to keep humanity in servitude. Many humans have subconsciously taken on the fear based predator mind belief systems that were given to them from alien [[Mind Control]] for the purpose of consciousness enslavement. As long as we allow fear to exert control over us, these dark forces that are visible and nonvisible, will use fear tactics at every opportunity to manipulate our mental perceptions into fear so that we remain in bondage and enslaved.  This is why it is imperative that we do the self-inquiry process, to drill down and source our personal fears and anxieties, and to observe our surface thoughts and behaviors, because we hide what we fear the most. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3200-overcoming-fear Overcoming Fear]</ref>
All imposters and dark forces, human or nonhuman that have the primary interest in exerting power and control, or taking the superior position to rule over others, will attempt to manipulate our darkest and deepest fears, most of which are hidden from our conscious mind. This is how the 3D system works on planet earth, as long as it remains in the hands of the Controllers that desire to keep humanity in servitude. Many humans have subconsciously taken on the fear based predator mind belief systems that were given to them from alien mind control for the purpose of consciousness enslavement. As long as we allow fear to exert control over us, these dark forces that are visible and nonvisible, will use fear tactics at every opportunity to manipulate our mental perceptions into fear so that we remain in bondage and enslaved.  This is why it is imperative that we do the self-inquiry process, to drill down and source our personal fears and anxieties, and to observe our surface thoughts and behaviors, because we hide what we fear the most. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3200-overcoming-fear Overcoming Fear]</ref>
