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==Manipulation Tactics==
==Manipulation Tactics==
Believing the use of drugs or consciousness altering substances is actually defining positive spiritual development, and is responsible for consciousness enhancement, when it impairs bio-neurological functioning, altering perception, and scrambling the inner guidance system. The [[NAA]] and Controllers promote recreational and prescription drug use in every shape and form, period. They know they can completely control your bio-neurology and brain waves if you become dependent on any kind of drug that influences your nervous system, [[Brain]], mirror neurons and brain waves. Drugs are used as carrier waves for mind control transmissions directed towards the central nervous system. This includes nanites and other metals put into vaccinations and flu shots.  
Believing the use of drugs or consciousness altering substances is actually defining positive spiritual development, and is responsible for consciousness enhancement, when it impairs bio-neurological functioning, altering perception, and scrambling the inner guidance system. The [[NAA]] and Controllers promote recreational and prescription drug use in every shape and form, period. They know they can completely control your bio-neurology and brain waves if you become dependent on any kind of drug that influences your nervous system, [[Brain]], [[Mirror Neurons]] and [[Brain Waves]]. Drugs are used as carrier waves for mind control transmissions directed towards the central nervous system. This includes nanites and other metals put into vaccinations and flu shots.  

People that are mentally and emotionally unstable, tend to be disconnected from their inner core and spiritual self and tend to escape into using recreational drug substances. They may have a dominating ego and if they cannot control the situation, they may go into a control oriented temper tantrum, and at this point the person is extremely vulnerable to dark possession or excessive levels of [[Mind Control]] and [[Splitting]] behaviors. Many of these negative behaviors are spiritually abusive behaviors that are called [[Archontic Deception Behavior]]s.To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and to realize that all drug use, including ritual drug use supposedly for the purpose of consciousness enhancement, is promoted and marketed by the Controllers. There are no shortcuts, we all must do the inner [[Pain Body]] healing work and dedicate some effort towards expanding our consciousness.  
People that are mentally and emotionally unstable, tend to be disconnected from their inner core and spiritual self and tend to escape into using recreational drug substances. They may have a dominating ego and if they cannot control the situation, they may go into a control oriented temper tantrum, and at this point the person is extremely vulnerable to dark possession or excessive levels of [[Mind Control]] and [[Splitting]] behaviors. Many of these negative behaviors are spiritually abusive behaviors that are called [[Archontic Deception Behavior]]s.To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and to realize that all drug use, including ritual drug use supposedly for the purpose of consciousness enhancement, is promoted and marketed by the Controllers. There are no shortcuts, we all must do the inner [[Pain Body]] healing work and dedicate some effort towards expanding our consciousness.
