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Today is memorializing our combined group meeting on October 7, 2016. This has been a very intense time. Many of us have been feeling a next level aggression that is being directed towards us on the path of spiritual freedom or consciousness freedom. But also, there's a lot of impersonal amounts of [[Miasma]], along with the additional chaos and trauma records that is surfacing in the planetary field, which lends to another feeling of, I would say amplification. It feels like the attacks recently have really packed a punch, and I feel that it's related to the shift in magnetism, the upsurge of trauma that is in the planetary body coming to surface. It's sort of like, as that trauma is surfacing into the planetary grid and it's really amplified, and it's being resonated with the people in the environment, it amplifies the power or the level of strength of directing forces to create more chaos and amplify what we know is miasm or trauma, which is, obviously, the result of the miasm. So with that in mind, in holding some space for that, and as well setting forth in the larger context, there's lots that is happening at this particular time, and I feel, as we know the profile of dark force of these regressive entities that refuse to give up their control, what it looks like, this is definitely a level of that 'smash and grab', and taking advantage of the trauma and the miasm and the forces of chaos, in order to gain leverage, and of course, you know fling that upon those of us that are holding higher consciousness or awareness or Light.
'''Transcript''' - Today is memorializing our combined group meeting on October 7, 2016. This has been a very intense time. Many of us have been feeling a next level dark aggression that is being directed towards us to prevent the path of spiritual freedom or consciousness freedom. But also, there's a lot of impersonal amounts of [[Miasma]], along with the additional chaos and trauma records that is surfacing in the planetary field. This lends to sensations of great intensity in the  amplification in the world of forces. It feels like the resistance to lightworking projects can really packed a punch. I feel that it's related to the shift in magnetism, the upsurge of trauma that is recorded in the planetary body as it is coming to surface. As that trauma is surfacing into the planetary grid and it's really amplified on the earth surface, this deep subconscious content is being surfaced in the groups of people in the environment. This amplifies the power or the level of strength of directing dark or low frequency forces to create more chaos and amplify the miasm or [[Trauma]] in the [[Collective Consciousness]].

There is a specific agenda I feel also related to the Family of Michael and the Avian consciousness that represents the full range of Seraphim. And as we know, what the Michael consciousness is in connection to the 3-6-9-12… it's like understanding the horizontal Rod functions, which need to be operating at a level to connect with vertical connections…. It's like saying the vertical and horizontal lines are being fought over at this time, in terms of the access point of in and out of here. And I feel that the Family of Michael, those that have Avian, more weighted Avian genetics or memories, Seraphim memories, that which connects into the Golden Eagle Grid, and that as well goes down into understanding Grailkeepers, people that have the histories with this earth to protect the earth, are guardians of the earth. Because when we understand that what the Rod is, it's a guardian of the earth. The masculine principle, and those that hold the Rod of the earth are connected to the Grail lines because it's supporting and protecting the internal access points, the inner worlds, the access into the inner worlds, was a part of the protection of the gatekeepers to the Grail points of this earth. So it seems like this history, this timeline, as well as a current struggle over these access points….and again we understand too as well that there are groups of beings that have been displaced into different areas and are negotiating, fighting, struggling for their access out of here. It's like saying, you know, a place where they were existing or had free reign or access to, they're losing some of these areas, and as a result, they're fighting back in order to negotiate some point of exit. And I feel that this has relationship to the Michael Families, when we understand the Michael is the guardian of one of the gates out of here, the East gate. Again understanding Aldebaran, the Family of Michael, what that represents in the ecliptic… this is a solar system gate that allows an access in and out of here. There's been barriers placed around the solar system to create quarantines on these particular entities, and my feeling is, is that some kind of push has come to shove in that agreement to leave the solar system, and there are struggles over axis in and out, and I feel that the direction of attacking energy has been a lot more aggressive during this particular time for these reasons as well. Again, there's a lot of things that are occurring.
With that in mind, in holding some space for that as its happening, and as well setting forth in the larger context, there's lots that is happening at this particular time. The profile of dark forces that make up these regressive entities is that refuse to give up their control over others. And this is what it looks like, this is definitely a level of that 'smash and grab' agenda, by taking advantage of the trauma and the miasm that contribute to increasing the forces of chaos, in order to gain leverage in territories. Then of course, the [[NAA]] target the miasmatic debris towards those of us that are holding higher consciousness or have a expanded awareness of co-creating with the [[Light]].

So, with this in mind, understanding the recent Family of Michael histories, I also feel that there is a specific trigger event or coding that is related to the Avian or Michael Families that has to do with 10:10, …and when we understand what reversal 55 is, and Metatronic reversals… because a lot of the inversion of the Family of Michael consciousness, which is a part of those distortions on what we call the Golden Eagle Grid…because that's a part of the Seraphim genetics and the Seraphim group consciousness bodies that became inverted or reversed upon themselves. And when we understand what Satanic forces are it starts to make more sense because Satanic force is all about creating reversals. Satanic force agenda is to reverse the healthy functioning of the central nervous system and brain of the human being, to reverse the pleasure and pain reactions in the autonomic system so that the person, the human being, associates trauma and pain with some kind of pleasure or some kind of response like addiction…and when we understand the Satanic profile is parasitic, addicted consciousness, a consciousness that is addicted to sensory feeling, has trapped itself in time and cannot move anywhere from its being trapped in time, but also it's coveting if you will - it's like a covet, lust addiction of fleshly desires, things that you can do in the flesh… Satanics have this kind of coveting of the flesh, and because they cannot embody necessarily in the flesh, they can only carry that out through a human being who is unaware that they are being used by these forces, this is how again they parasitize and collect the substance that is generated from the emotions, the addictions, the lust, the sense pleasures of a human being, the fleshly pleasures of a human being. They get off on that and they want to collect that. So that is also being escalated. You know, as a part of the bifurcation, you have groups of people that are in that wave of being amplified in their fleshly addictions so to speak, their material addictions, and these forces [are] taking advantage of that.
There is a specific agenda related to the [[Family of Michael]] and the Avian consciousness that represents the full range of lineages that are connected to the [[Seraphim]]. And as we know, what the Michael consciousness truly represents is in connection to the resonances of 3-6-9-12, which begins our awareness of the purpose of the horizontal [[Rod]] functions, which is needed to be operating at a level in order to connect with vertical connections.  

So with that in mind, recognizing 10:10 has a specific Avian relationship to coding. Understanding that the 10th Stargate is like the heart or one of the core structures holding down the inversion of the Avian bodies of the Family of Michael. It's what is used: reversal 55, reversal 10. Again, think of that reversal of planet body. Planet grids, the grid work of planet is the neurological system of planet. Just like [with] a human being, they try to reverse the neurological system in order to reverse everything that you're experiencing. Again, what you think is the truth is really a lie. Everything down here is an allusion. What you're looking at is a deception, and trying to navigate your way through that can be very difficult as we know. So a part of creating this deception and illusion is to create these reversals. They create reversals in the planetary grid and the planetary brain. These reversals are called reversal 55 grid, Metatronic reversal, or reversal 10. So when we are dealing with anything that is like a 10-based math, it's connecting to this 10th Stargate in Iraq-Iran, which is, as we know, a pinnacle place that controls the Jerusalem Grailpoint, as well as the warring structures, the military structures that are used to suppress the masculine Rod function on this earth, and then that agenda is played out through the masculine False King of Tyranny, again, which is in the reversal pattern of what the masculine truly is. It's like the lowest polarity if you will, the reversal of the male, is being used to carry out war and enforce that war, and it's a part of the Michael Family inversion - this military overlay and the mind control that is suppressing the men of this planet, the Michael consciousness, into certain belief systems in order to feed that inversion, that reversal.
The vertical and horizontal lines on the earth are being fought over at this time, in terms of controlling the access point of getting in and out of here. The [[Family of Michael]], those that have Avian, more weighted Avian genetics or memories, [[Seraphim]] memories, that which connects into the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]. This is related to understanding the purpose of [[Grailkeeper]]s, people that have the histories with this earth that are committed to protect the earth, they are the guardians of the earth. Because when we understand that what the function of the [[Rod]] is, essentially it's a guardian of the earth. The masculine principle, and those that hold the [[Rod]] of the earth are connected to the Grail lines because it's supporting and protecting the internal access points, the inner worlds, the access into the inner worlds, was a part of the protection of the gatekeepers to the [[Temple Mount|Grail points]] of this earth.  

So the reason why I'm saying this, is that today is October 7th and 10:10 is coming, and we have another 10:10 in 2017, which feels as well, [is] another level of amplification because 2017 is going to make a 10, and whenever you have these master numbers that are used in the architecture of date stamping in the timelines this way, there is a certain trigger event or potential that is connected to that. I feel that the attacks that we are enduring at this particular time are a pressure against the 10:10 codes, and the big one feels like a year from now, meaning the 2017 10:10 is extremely important and there's a playing out, if you will. You could almost call it like a false flag or a testing out of that, because what I feel is the potential of 10:10 is the release or the freedom of monads that have been inverted from the Family of Michael on this Golden Eagle Grid, and there is a fight to suppress that from occurring. This has to do as well with something ….when we understood Ezekiel as a monadic being that is trapped and enmeshed in this 10:10 field over there, and how it's all related to Ezekiel being the forefather of all of the Templar and Mystery School information that came or was brought into the planet… sort of the retention of knowledge and how it was brought to the planet through the Mystery Schools…and understanding that he is the Ezekiel monadic figure from Hyperborea holding that higher knowledge of the Fall and what happened to the history of man and the creational mechanics of planet Earth….because again, the Templars, the understanding of the earth grid, those are the Grailkeepers, those are the Templars, those are the people that understand the consciousness of the earth field, the nature, the kingdoms, the realms, the Stargates, the holographic geography where these portals are, that was all knowledge that was held through this, again, masculine Rod Grailkeeper lineage, you know, to be guardians of planet Earth…and now we recognize at the invasion point in the Middle East is where all of this was rewritten, all of this was reversed, all of the information was stolen and erased so that the masculine, and as well all…. because again, when we think masculine, we are just talking about horizontal grid networks, because remember the control over time, the control over dimension happens on the horizontal. That's why they're so concerned about the horizontal, the masculine, the mental body, because that controls time and they want to control time on planet Earth. We're really in a war over timelines down here. So when they have control over this area, they have control over time. As an adjunct to that, they have control over the mental body of the collective consciousness, and they have control over the Family of Michael because the masculine archetype in its king, in its highest expression or completion, would be Michael or the planetary Christ consciousness, which would represent, again, this androgyny, bringing the balance between the masculine and feminine.
So it seems like this history, this particular timeline, that which represents the current struggle over these access points on the earth. We understand that there are groups of entities that have been displaced into different areas and are in the throes of negotiating, fighting, and struggling for their access to move out of here.  

So all of this is to interfere with that ability, to interfere with the ability of making a vertical connection and having access in and out of this particular solar gate, which is a big deal right now because there is some kind of solar barrier that has been placed in areas where these entities… I think they used to be able to move in this area or something, and they cannot. There's a limitation in the movement of something happening at the solar level and there is a fight occurring over who gets in and out of that, and the means of the fight is taking hostage, taking ransom, creating chaos, trying to develop, again, some kind of hostage or ransom situation, and my feeling is the ransom is the Family of Michael. The ransom is those beings as some of us have attested, and again, in my own personal experience, the attempt to trap or harvest people that we know that are from the Family of Michael or have a history with the Family of Michael. Certainly, I have been enduring an experience with this with Tomas, with specific nano AI trying to cage his body, you know, during sleep state, things like this, and I can trace it back to Jerusalem, the Solomon Grid, the Grailkeepers, and the Family of Michael relationships. So clearly something larger is occurring in a scuttlebutt with access to grids, Family of Michael, Avian consciousness, Golden Eagle Grid, this reversal 55, which is a 10-based math that they use to control everything into reversals that is a part of this Satanic, Metatronic agenda to control the nervous system of the earth, that is a planetary grid, and therefore, control the nervous system of the nerve cells of this planet, which is each individual human being being completely controlled through their nervous system. It is bio-neurological control. There is a push in that direction. We know trans-humanism, AI (artificial intelligence), the mind control frequencies, the artificial crap they send out, all of that is about bio-neurological mind control, bio-neurological control over the autonomic functions and the brain mapping of that person, meaning the kind of mental map, the kind of neuronal firing and impulses we have. They are trying to get control over that and so the last few weeks here, that's been the theme: neurological control, control of the brain map, using artificial intelligence AI to cage Michael members, Grailkeeper members. For some reason, you know, this may be part of a hostage situation, that they're attempting to use as a bargaining chip on their way out of here. All of this is happening now. It's very convoluted, but it's definitely something that I feel has been impacting all of us at some level, especially those of us that have contracts and commission in working with grid work at this level and feeling these shifts and changes, in as well having partners or family members around us with the Michael coding.
As the planetary body shifts, the spaces where groups of lower entities were existing or had free reign or full access to, they're losing access in some of these areas. As a result, they're fighting back or pushing back in order to negotiate some point of exit in the [[Timelines|Timeline]]. This has relationship to the warring conflicts related to the history of the Michael Families. Michael consciousness is the guardian of one of the main gates out of here, the East gate. Bring to mind [[Aldebaran]], the history of the [[Family of Michael]], and what that represents in the ecliptic in the [[Four Royal Stars]]. This is a solar system gate that allows an access in and out of here on the east-west axis. There has been barriers placed around the solar system to create quarantines on these particular entities that are pushing to find a way out of this system. My feeling is, is that some kind of push has come to shove in that agreement or in multiple factions in conflict that are struggling to leave the solar system. There are struggles over the access into our Solar System, who gets in and out. The sense has been to track the direction of certain qualities of attacking energy that has been a lot more aggressive during this particular time for these reasons.

So, keeping that in our mind again, for observer witness, bringing it to surface I think is important, and is again… putting into the mix last night with all of this and what is been happening in the pulling down of the information from exactly this, what I'm talking about, and the relationship to technologies that have been stolen from the human race, and as well from the times of Aldebaran and the Luciferian Conquest, and which, again, has something to do with timelines resurfacing with this. A lot of this information that has been showing up in the past few weeks, starting with the dark matter template, and currently now the newsletter is talking about mirror neurons and bio-neurology. And I know this is a big no-no, they don't like this either, so last night was a more aggressive, blank-slating attempt on myself to do consciousness wiping. They have been much more aggressive with consciousness wiping during this time, and I think this is, as well, a part of the first in a larger agenda to gain total neurological control over us, and that's indiscriminate. It doesn't matter if you're a Starseed, Indigo, or 3D person. They just want control over your nervous system because once they control your nervous system they have total control of your body. That's what they want. So understanding that part of this is not personal, part of it is that as we are accessing more information they don't want us to have access to that because once we see it…..as an example, once I saw the origami AI trying to take over Tomas' body in a type of cage formation, once I saw it…it can't do anything. It's like once you have in your consciousness, once you see what it is that they're doing, it ceases to have power in your reality because you understand what it is, you're seeing it, you're observing it, and when you do not have any conflict over your consent and your authority and what you're doing here, this doesn't have a way in. It's like the only way it's got in is trickery. It's got to deceive you, it's going to try to get you in sleep state, but as long as we are, you know, fully holding that space, we are not wavering from our intent, our consent and authority, we keep saying we're GSF, we are serving the eternal Light of God…and this is really I think the work right now, is that it's requiring spiritual power, it's requiring an inner spiritual strength, to really hold it, because they are extremely aggressive right now. But if they're aggressive this is got to tell us that they're threatened. There's something that they feel threatened… obviously because they are so aggressive that they're doing this right now…and again, one of the reasons I think it is, I suspect it is, is because of 10:10. Somehow, some way, when we understand this, when we're doing the clearing work….because a lot of us have been doing the clearing work… I have been doing a lot of clearing work for Tomas, and timelines, and for myself, with all of this crap that has been surfacing…. when we start to clear this stuff out of the blueprints of the earth, out of the miasma or the planetary brain, and we can actually see this, there is something in this that allows a clearing or release of the monads that they have collected as a battery pack to power up the reversals on the Golden Eagle Grid. So my feeling is, is that again, gradually since about 2010, this is been happening, but for some reason this year and the next year, and probably because we're in this five-year period where some kind of measurement and movement of the planet is going to be taken, that there's more panic and more aggression with it because around 10:10 there is always a potential of monadic integration and healing, and parts of monads and the monad, you know, being returned to the rightful owner, to be cleared of that particular entrapment and entanglement. So as we come into this period of time, I think there is more monadic connections happening… there is...and this may be as well part of the aggression… they are seeing that the monads are being released off this grid, and they are really angry about so they are lashing out and they are trying to recollect, you know, people like Tomas, and others who are also reporting to me, women and children as well… that they're undergoing a level of aggression at this time.
So, with this in mind, understanding the recent surfacing of the warring conflicts in the [[Family of Michael]] histories, is recognizing that there is a specific [[Trigger Event]] or coding that is related to the Avian or Michael Families that has to do with 10:10 numerical code and date stamp. When we begin to understand the anti-life forces, the architecture of [[Reversal Grid 55]], and [[Metatronic Reversal]]s. There is a lot of the inversion of the [[Family of Michael]] consciousness, which is a part of those distortions on what we call the [[Golden Eagle Grid]], because this planetary architecture is connected directly to the [[Seraphim]] genetics. The damage on the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] is related to the [[Seraphim]] group consciousness bodies that became inverted or reversed upon themselves as a result of these alien machines.  

So holding this in mind, and as well using our group energy at this time to fortify each other, to strengthen each other, to recognize that we're in a particular time where the infighting, the struggle over consciousness, the battle over maintaining the sovereignty of our nervous system, our brain, the patterns of our brain, how we think, all of that is under great pressure right now, and understanding that you know, we're in this together, and it is in the solidarity, the unity, and the higher principles in understanding that we have, that lends us the strength, the protection, and the endurance to keep moving through this. I'm hoping, you know, once we get to this 10:10 window, maybe some of the pressure will relax, but again, I don't know because clearly this is, you know, a larger battle that is raging over access points of in and out of here.
And when we understand what [[Satanic]] forces are, then the damage of anti-life current starts to make more sense because [[Satanic]] force is all about creating reversals and inversion in the energy field of the earth. The [[Satanic Agenda|Satanic force agenda]] is to reverse the healthy functioning of the [[CNS|central nervous system]] and [[Brain]] function of the human being, to reverse the pleasure and pain reactions in the autonomic system. This is purposed in so that person, the human being, associates [[Trauma]] and pain with some kind of pleasure or some kind of addictive responses. When we understand the Satanic profile is [[Parasitism|parasitic]], it is an addicted level of consciousness, a [[consciousness]] that is addicted to sensory feelings, and has trapped itself in time. [[Satanic]] forces are trapped in [[Materialism]], and this type of identity cannot move anywhere from its position is being trapped in time, but simultaneously it's a signature of coveting if you will. The coveting of lust, and the addiction to fleshly desires, the activities that one can do in the fleshly state. The Satanics have this kind of profile, the coveting of the flesh, and because many of these alien forces or on human forces cannot necessarily embody in the flesh, so they can only carry that out this addictive behavior, to siphon energy through a human being who is unaware that they are being used by these dark forces. This is how they parasitize and collect the substance that is generated from the emotions, the addictions, the lust, the sense pleasures of a human being, the fleshly pleasures of a human being. They get off on that emotional substance, especially [[Negative Emotional Energy]] and they want to collect that energetic [[Loosh]]. So that activity of coveting is also being escalated. As a part of the [[Bifurcation]], there are groups of people that are in that wave of being amplified in their fleshly addictions so to speak, their material addictions are escalating, and these negative forces are taking advantage of that.

So in holding the space, I'm going to ask Beloved Holy Presence of God, please open all channels of Light. We ask to be cleared of all artificial intelligence signals and transmissions of mind control, from nonhuman or human sources, of which we fortify our spiritual links, we fortify the Light of God in our heart, we activate our inner spirit and Christ shield to be in full unification with the Krystal Star, with the Godhead itself, and with the ascension timelines, the Aurora time continuum of God, Sovereign, Free time.
So with that in mind, recognizing the 10:10 date stamp has a specific relationship to Avian genetic coding. Understanding that the [[Iran Gate|10th Stargate]] is like the [[Black Heart]] or one of the core [[Reversal Networks]] holding down the inversion of the Avian bodies of the [[Family of Michael]]. It's what is used: reversal 55, reversal 10 current in the planetary field. Bring to mind the concept of energetic reversal being run in the planetary body. Planetary grids, the grid work of the planet is the neurological system of planet. Just like with a human being, the agenda is to try to reverse the neurological system in order to reverse everything that you're experiencing, which is the way to control perception. Again in the [[Controller]] 3D narrative, what is promoted in the [[Mind Control]] that people believe is the truth, but is really a lie. Everything down here is an illusion, what we are looking at many times is actually involved in a deception. Trying to navigate our way through that can be very difficult as we know. So a part of creating this deception and illusion in the [[Collective Consciousness]] is to create these reversals. The [[NAA]] create reversals in the planetary grid and the [[Planetary Logos|Planetary Brain]].  

Again, through this now moment of self, asking for axiatonal alignments: may all vertical channels and axiatonal lines be cleared in Krystal Star algorithm in universal harmonics, which allow a correction of any reversals, imbalances, harmful energies being directed towards us, towards our loved ones, towards our home in residential spaces. Again, we extend this clearing and amplification of God's protection to our home, to our residence and to our spaces, of which we claim the divine right in the Law of Structure, through cosmic sovereign law, through the intent, consent and authority that is our full commitment to serve the eternal Light of God. We command the laws of God to be fully governed over our home, residential spaces now. We connect all spiritual energetic links both horizontal, vertical and diagonal through our Christ-Sophianic God-self, and we ask for the amplifiers of support for each of us individually, and collectively, to again expand, strengthen, stabilize and extend the support that is needed and necessary during this time of struggle and consciousness war. Double Diamond Sun Body, the Krystal Rainbow Body and Diamond Ball Krysthala resonant tones, please strengthen the universal harmonics of our Rainbow Ray and Kunda Ray Body to be impenetrable and invincible in this current now self. May we amplify our pillars of protection to extend to our spouses, partners, loved ones, family members and those stewarded into our care, which we claim and lovingly command as God, Sovereign, Free, now and always.
These anti-life forces or energetic reversals have been given descriptors to better understand how they work in the field, they are called reversal 55 grid, [[Metatronic Reversal]], or reversal 10 current. So when we are dealing with anything that is based upon 10-based math, many of these structures are connecting to this 10th Stargate in Iraq-Iran. This area is a pinnacle place of warring conflict that controls the access into the Jerusalem Grailpoint, as well as the military structures that are used to suppress the correct proportions of the masculine Rod function on this earth. The [[NAA]] agenda is played out through the masculine archetypes of the [[False King of Tyranny]], again, which is in the reversal pattern of what the masculine truly is. It's like the lowest polarity if you will, the reversal of the male principle in the [[Law of Gender]]. This is being used to carry out war and enforce that war on the planet. [[Militarization]] strategy is a part of the Michael Family inversion. This military overlay and the related layers of [[Mind Control]] that are targeting and suppressing the males of this planet, is to block the potential to blossom into the highest levels of the Michael consciousness that holds the Guardian of the horizontals through the [[Rod]] architecture. The [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] is to influence certain negative belief systems into the [[3D]] narrative in order to continue to feed that inversion, into those [[Reversal Networks]].

We ask for any distortions which need to be cleared or removed, either obsolete energies related to planetary miasma of Golden Eagle Grid, again from either genetic lineages, family of origin lineages, or other ancestral or tribal affiliations, to be healed, cleared and released. May we hold a space for shadow vortex or for Mother Arc transharmonic gate portal. Release to clear any and all energies, entities, miasms, structures, devices, as well as implants, holographic inserts and their implants, from creating interference, dark manipulation, weakness or vulnerability in our field at this time. Again, looking at disease implants that are connected to a lot of this miasm, and feeling as well …because there is so much miasma coming up…miasma, in my experience, is very much connected to disease: miasm, reversals, dead energy creates disease in the people, and that disease becomes a vulnerability… sort of like when we're swimming in a field of miasm and that miasm is filled with disease energies, it becomes a vulnerability when, you know, we can't clear off fast enough because we're being immersed in so much of that influence of planetary miasma… With that in mind, I would like to bring into the focus of our consciousness and observer the clearing of all planetary miasma links or influences which create vulnerability, or weakness in our personal energy, in our collective energy, and in the grid of which we hold in terms of our hub, pillar within our home space. Please clear planetary miasma influences from the grid networks of reversal life currents that resonate with any imbalances that create vulnerability to disease blockages or forms of disconnection. Again, applying quickstep for pain, disconnection and disease clearing. Please correct disease, disconnection or pain through any onslaught of miasma created from the planetary field or the larger magnetic shifts, which are directing tremendous amounts of miasm and dead energy into the energetic fields of planet. Please clear the miasma influences from our body: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Clear attachments, fragments, personalities, any negative alien machinery or artificial software and their signals or structures. We ask to clear the ancestral/genetic relationship from these miasma influences and to clear the collective consciousness memory that also connects into the tribal affiliations, on and off planet, that are connected or creating weakness or vulnerability to these miasmatic influences. Please replace with the organic matrix of Krystal Star Double Diamond Sun Body where needed and necessary. Clear all dead influences and dead energy being generated, and we ask for STS sweep. Holy Father please clear miasma, addictions, parasites, mind control, alien software, machinery. We ask to perform any body retrievals, and we ask on behalf of any monadic bodies that are being returned at this time, that we call upon the appropriate guardian host protocols, and our Divine Mother Holy Mother Presence through the Holy Mother Arc and Aqua Ray Portal to assist in those body retrievals, as God would have it be. We collapse vulnerabilities in time created from black holes, or rips and tears in the time space field. Please seal, protect our aura, and reconfigure all neurological components of our system in the nadis blueprint of our central nervous system, as well as our brain and nervous system, physical nervous system itself, to fully run Krystal Star algorithms, to run the Aurora colors, Rainbow Ray colors.
This is heightened during this timeline, especially as we get closer to the 10:10 window that is coming. Each cycle of these Avian based genetic codes sourcing into the planetary field, mixed in with the historical timelines of the [[Nephilim]] hybridization, raises into another level of amplification of the contrast that exists inside the polarities. Whenever these master numbers are used in the architecture for the purpose of that date stamping used to influence in the timelines this way, there are certain [[Trigger Event]]s or potentials that are connected to that section of the field. The resistance and the attacks that we are enduring at this particular time are a pressure against the correction of the 10:10 codes, resetting [[Tri-Wave Influences|tri-wave architecture]] which collapses the bi-wave potentials used to reverse current by those [[NAA]] groups that have control of this particular area of the earth.  

For a moment, in looking at clearing brain and nervous system diseases. Again, I feel disease booby-traps: the pharmaceutical, medical mind control is very heavy right now. As people are undergoing the shifts, not understanding what's happening in the world at large, most of these people are being diagnosed with some kind of medical symptom or "disease". With those influences being rampant in the collective consciousness at this time, we want to unplug any collective consciousness, collective unconsciousness disease influences being promoted as mindslides, mind control in the collective mind. We ask to replace the organic matrix of energy consciousness and connection directly with the vital forces of our body to circulate directly from the Godhead and Christ-Sophia body. Clear any and all disease implants: now self, other self, in the collective mind, in all combinations. Correct the brain and nervous system patterning. I ask that the God-self, Christ-self take full governance and control as the sovereign brain and nervous system of each being that is in direct consent with their heart and their highest expression of divinity in God consciousness, as God, Sovereign, Free beings. Clear all fear, conflicts and trauma contributing to imbalances in the brain and entire central nervous system. Perform transits, and remove any attachments or fragments, residue on the neurological system, disconnect any subversion or reconnection to reptilian brain, within the brain itself, within the etheric nadis, within the central nervous system blueprint of the nadis itself. Perform transits as need be. And repair and restore energy receivers and energy transmitters in the neurological system brain, and etheric nadis through the Krystal Star blueprint and organic matrix, as God would have it be.
As we move forward in time, the coding and the meaning behind the 10:10 architecture is extremely important and there's a playing out of those dynamics in the field, if you will. This is directly related to militarization strategies, as a result, this can be compared to the false flag agenda that works in order to test out the results or [[Consequence of Actions|consequences of those actions]].  

Going to go to the central nervous system anatomical chart for a moment: each of us, in feeling deeply the neurological system, imagining your neurological matrix and brain, think of and bring and call to mind your central nervous system, brain…. sense it or feel it as it moves all the way down your spine, your spinal nerves, from tailbone to the back of your neck, and fully connecting into your brain …and as well as feels appropriate and guided, commanding your divine right to dedicate and consecrate your brain, your neurological system and spinal nerves, brain nerves, facial nerves to be dedicated and consecrated to the highest expression of your divinity as a God, Sovereign, Free being.
With every cycle, the potential of corrected alignment of the genetics related to the 10:10 coding is the potential release or the freedom of trapped [[Monad]]ic bodies that have been inverted from the [[Family of Michael]] warring conflicts on the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]. There is a fight to suppress that potential reclamation of the monadic identities of the male principle from occurring. This has to do with the historical timeline related to [[Ezekiel]] as a monadic being that is trapped and enmeshed in this 10:10 reversal field. The timeline trigger event that is related to [[Ezekiel]] being the forefather of all of the Templar and Mystery School information that came or was brought into the planet from the [[Law of One]] records, the ancient builder races blueprints. This includes the retention of knowledge and how it was brought to the planet and disseminated through the Ancient Mystery Schools. The Ezekiel monadic figure from the [[Hyperboreans|Hyperborean]] timelines on [[Gaia]] that hold that higher knowledge of the Fall of humanity, and had access to what happened to the historical records of humanity, the records in the blueprints that hold the creational mechanics of the planet Earth. The Templars had the understanding of how the [[Collective Consciousness]] functions in the earth grid, and had access to those family lineages that are the [[Grailkeeper]]s. Those are the real Templars, those are the people that understand the consciousness of the earth fields, and communicate with all the realms of nature, the kingdoms, and know of the [[Stargate]]s. There are [[Holographic Geography]] points that exist where these portals are located, the knowledge that was held through the hidden history is also hidden within the masculine [[Rod]] lineage, to run currents in alignment to 3-6-9 harmonics.  

Correction of the coccyx, focus on the coccyx… we're going to move from the bottom up… correction of the coccyx, spinal nerves all the way up, connect and correct: sacrum, 5th lumbar, 4th lumbar, 3rd lumbar, 2nd lumbar, 1st lumbar… as you focus on your lumbar area and spinal nerves feel in the back of your spine…now move forward, feel the energy of the neurological system as it resonates into the front of your body, into your organ system… imagine flooding your spinal nerves at the lumbar area from your coccyx to the lumbar, move it forward, send a blast of Light to all of the neurological connections into your organ and glandular system. Flood your organs with Light: your sexual organs, your bladder, your kidneys left to right, your rectum, large intestine, small intestine, adrenal glands, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver… see that entire area circulating, connected, communicating, interconnected with Light through your nervous system.. coming back and connecting into your lumbar.
We may recognize at the invasion point in the Middle East is where the human history was rewritten, all of this information and coding was reversed, the information was stolen and erased so that the masculine principle would be unable to protect the horizontal grid networks that control time. The masculine principle is connected to the horizontal grid networks, which can be gained to have access of control over [[Timelines]], the control over dimensional layers happens on the horizontal. That's why the [[NAA]] are so concerned about the horizontal, preferring the the masculine, the mental body, because that architecture controls time and space, and they want to control the timelines on planet Earth. We're really in a war over timelines down here. So when they have control over this particular area, they have control to manipulate the consciousness perception of time and identity. As an adjunct to that, they have gained control over the mental body of the [[Collective Consciousness]], and thus they have control over the [[Family of Michael]] because the masculine archetype in it represents a king. In the highest expression or completion of unified balance, this could be considered the Michael of the planetary [[Christ]] consciousness. This would represent this androgyny, bringing the balance between the masculine and feminine into hierogamic union.

Moving up to the thoracic: 12th thoracic, 11th thoracic, 10th thoracic, 9th thoracic, 8th thoracic, 7th thoracic, 6th thoracic, 5th thoracic, 4th, 3rd. 2nd, 1st thoracic. This is your mid-back… see the line of Light encompass your entire neurological system. Now fill that Light and move it forward to all of the organs in the front of your body: starting in your abdomen, your stomach, feeling that whole still-point area, focusing on the pancreas for a moment, and the spleen, filling it with Light… now moving up to the lungs, and the heart, fill your lungs and heart…see that line from the mid or higher thoracic to the back, where your heart is.. flood that area with Light, see the connections of your nervous system resonating and connecting with your organs… the nervous system is what gives it the impulses, the directions, the functions, the messages… see that filled with Light, each layer of this intricate neurological structure filled with Light, connecting to your organ system… see your lungs filled up, completely contained in Light: each bronchi, the bronchial tubes... coming into the trachea, moving up towards the larynx, esophagus…coming back down a moment, filling your heart: as an organ, see your heart beating, with every beat sending out waves of love and Light, connected to God, your heart completely encased in your soul energy, all the nadis structure, all the points of impulses connecting to your heart, filled with Light.
So this damage in the field interferes with the ability of making appropriate vertical connections, and having access in and out of this particular solar gate. This is a big deal because there is some kind of solar barrier that has been placed in areas where these entities used to be able to exist and move more freely. It appears as an area that they used to be able to move in and around, and now they cannot. There's a limitation in the movement happening at the solar levels impacting solar gates. There is a fight occurring over who gets in and out of that, and the means of the fight is taking hostage, taking ransom, creating chaos, trying to develop, again, some kind of hostage or ransom situation, and my feeling is the ransom is the [[Family of Michael]].  

Moving back into the cervical correction: 7th cervical, 6th cervical, 5th cervical, 4th cervical, 3rd, 2nd and 1st… again, the first of the atlas and axis is important, that's at the base of your neck… focus and send as much Light front to back… again a huge amount of Light if you can focus it… Celestine Fire to the base of your neck, to the front of your throat, see it moving in both directions and blasting out towards the back, blasting out towards the front, clearing this area of the first and second cervical of the axis and atlas.
The ransom is being held from these [[NAA]] groups, again in my own personal experience, the attempt to trap or harvest people that we know that are from the [[Family of Michael]] or have a historical timeline connected with the Family of Michael wars. It is transpiring through [[Bio-neurological Control]]. There is a strong push in that direction that is happening at this time. We know [[Transhumanism]], AI (artificial intelligence), the mind control frequencies, the artificial carriers they transmit is about bio-neurological mind control. The bio-neurological control over the autonomic functions and the brain mapping that happens in that person, meaning the content that forms into the [[Mental Map]]. The kind of neuronal firing and impulses we have sent to our brain. They are trying to get more control over that and so that's been the theme: neurological control, control of the brain map, using artificial intelligence AI to cage Michael family members, [[Grailkeeper]] members. For some reason, you know, this may be part of a hostage situation, that they're attempting to use as a bargaining chip on their way out of this system. It's very convoluted, but it's definitely something that I feel has been impacting many of us at some level in the field, especially those of us that have contracts and commission in working with grid work and are feeling these shifts and changes, as well as having partners or family members around us with the Michael coding.

And moving up into the brain, correction and strengthening again through each correction. and strengthening of the brain function. We dedicate fully, as a sovereign brain, as a vessel of transmission of our God-self and to receive only the messages, impulses and information from electro-magnetic signals that are directed from our God-self, Christ-self only. Correction: medulla oblongata, reticular formation, cerebellum, the pons, the corpus callosum, the entire brain, the cranial vault, all hemispheres of the brain, …and for a moment focusing on your brain, seeing your complete grey matter brain filled with Light, radiating Light, transmitting Light and all neurological structures of the brain, the neural net, the neurons, the axons, the dendrites, completely transmitting the Light harmonics of your soul-spirit-monad-avatar Christ-self God-self.
So, keeping that in our mind for observer witness, bringing it to surface awareness is important. The pulling down of the information from the relationship to technologies that have been stolen from the human race, and as well from the times of [[Aldebaran]] and the [[Luciferian Rebellion|Luciferian Conquest]]. It doesn't matter if you're a [[Starseed]], [[Indigo]], or [[3D]] person. They just want control over your nervous system. Because once they control your nervous system they have total control of your body.  So understanding that part of this is not personal, part of it is that as we are accessing more information they don't want us to have access to that information because once we see it, we can change it in the timelines. Many of us are  fully holding that space, we are not wavering from our intent, our consent and authority! We repeat that we're [[GSF]], and we are serving the eternal Light of God throughout all systems and realities.  

In the center of your brain, as we again connect to Krysthala in the seven bass tones of God: KA RA YA SA TA AA LA… allowing the Light structure to emanate from your eyes, from your nose, from your ears, and from your mouth, sending out the rainbow Light of Krysthala through all portals of consciousness in your face, flooding your brain, all openings, portals of consciousness on your face to be emanating, sending out this rainbow Light of Krysthala. Correction: of the mucous membranes, the glands, the nose and palate, the eyes, the ears, mouth and tongue, all facial nerves, all optic nerves, all sensory nerves of the physical senses are consecrated as God, Sovereign, Free and directed only to be governed by the impulses of our Krystal Star God-self, the highest expression of our divinity in this moment, and to terminate any and all manipulation or hijack of our senses from past, present, future in all identities… correct blueprint structures now in the morphogenetic imprint, correct all memories and influences through the morphogenetic imprint.
There is an opportune moment in this awareness that allows a clearing or release of the [[Monad]]s that they have collected as a battery pack to power up the reversals on the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]. Since about 10-10-2010, this is been happening in [[RRO]], but for some reason during this cycle, there's more panic and more aggression stemming from [[NAA]] forces because there is potential for greater levels of monadic integration and healing. Retrieving parts of monads and the monadic identity, being [[RRO|returned to the rightful owner]] and to be cleared of that particular [[Consciousness Trap]] and karmic entanglement. So as we come into this period of time, I think there are more monadic connections happening in the future timelines of the solar plane. The [[NAA]] may recognize that the monads are being released off this enslavement grid, and they are really angry about that. They are trying to recollect those that have been freed or transited out in the future, these groups that have had their future timelines shifting into consciousness freedom, away from the [[NAA]] control.  

Again, in deep love and gratitude, we thank our God-self, our Guardian Teams, advisory teams and guides, we ask to extend to each individual as needed and necessary, for their highest expression of support in this now moment, to further their consciousness and ascension process and to remove all obstacles of interference, obfuscation, mind control or direct interference with that person's divine right and ability to coexist in the field of God, as they choose in this moment, in cosmic sovereign law. We ask for the help, support, and etheric surgery that is needed or necessary in the morphogenetic field imprint to restore the being to health, balance, sanity, self-determination and the divine right to choose their highest expression, path and mission, and to fulfill their divine purpose as God would have it be. Clear all memory and influences of falsity, clear all trauma or pain memory and influences permanently and completely. We ask to eliminate, release, protect, set free, sovereign, zero point. Beloved Holy Presence please STS sweep in a final collapse of time fields. We seal, unify the group aura, session aura, strengthen each individual aura, and we close to end our HGS session. Beloved God, beloved Guardian teams, beloved Mentor Band, with deep love and gratitude, thank you, thank you, thank you, and so it is. We seal our field.
So holding this in mind, and as well using our group energy at this time to fortify each other, to strengthen each other, and to recognize that we're in a particular time where the infighting, the struggle over consciousness, the battle over maintaining the sovereignty of our nervous system, our brain, the patterns of our brain, how we think, all of that is under great pressure right now. We're in this together, and it is in the solidarity, the unity, and the higher principles in understanding that information we have been given, that lends us the group strength, the protection, and the endurance to keep moving through this challenge in the field. I'm hoping, that once we get through the 10:10 window, that some of the pressure will relax into neutral. This is a larger battle that is raging over access points of getting in and out of this Universal System.

==Guardian Session Field Support==
So in holding the space for this intention of support, I'm going to ask Beloved Holy Presence of God, please open all channels of eternal [[Light]]. We ask to be cleared of all [[Artificial intelligence]] signals and transmissions of [[Mind Control]], from nonhuman or human sources, of which we fortify our spiritual links, we fortify the Light of God in our heart, we activate our inner spirit and Christ shield to be in full unification with the [[Krystal Star]], with the [[Godhead]] itself, and with the [[Ascension]] timelines, the [[Aurora]] time continuum of [[GSF|God, Sovereign, Free]] time.
Again, through this now moment of self, asking for axiatonal alignments: may all vertical channels and axiatonal lines be cleared in Krystal Star algorithm in universal harmonics, which allow a correction of any reversals, imbalances, harmful energies being directed towards us, towards our loved ones, towards our home in residential spaces. Again, we extend this clearing and amplification of God's protection to our home, to our residence and to our spaces, of which we claim the divine right in the [[Law of Structure]], through cosmic sovereign law, through the intent, consent and authority that is our full commitment to serve the eternal Light of God. We command the laws of God to be fully governed over our home, residential spaces now. We connect all spiritual energetic links both horizontal, vertical and diagonal through our Christ-Sophianic God-self, and we ask for the amplifiers of support for each of us individually, and collectively, to again expand, strengthen, stabilize and extend the support that is needed and necessary during this time of struggle and consciousness war. Double [[Diamond Sun Body]], the Krystal Rainbow Body and Diamond Ball [[Krystallah]] resonant tones, please strengthen the universal harmonics of our Rainbow Ray and [[Kunda-Ray]] Body to be impenetrable and invincible in this current now self. May we amplify our pillars of protection to extend to our spouses, partners, loved ones, family members and those stewarded into our care, which we claim and lovingly command as God, Sovereign, Free, now and always.
We ask for any distortions which need to be cleared or removed, either obsolete energies related to planetary miasma of [[Golden Eagle Grid]], again from either genetic lineages, family of origin lineages, or other ancestral or tribal affiliations, to be healed, cleared and released. May we hold a space for shadow vortex or for [[Mother Arc]] transharmonic gate portal. Release to clear any and all energies, entities, miasms, structures, devices, as well as implants, [[Holographic Insert]]s and their implants, from creating interference, dark manipulation, weakness or vulnerability in our field at this time. Again, looking at disease implants that are connected to a lot of this miasma. In my experience miasma and dead energy are very much connected to disease manifestation: miasm, [[Metatronic Reversal]], [[Dead Energy]] creates disease in the people, and that disease becomes a vulnerability. Similar to an example of swimming in a field of miasm and that miasm is filled with disease energies, it becomes a vulnerability when, we can't clear off fast enough because we're being immersed in so much of that influence of planetary miasma. With that in mind, I would like to bring into the focus of our consciousness and observer the clearing of all planetary miasma links or influences which create vulnerability, or weakness in our personal energy, in our collective energy, and in the grid of which we hold in terms of our hub, pillar within our home space. Please clear planetary miasma influences from the grid networks of reversal life currents that resonate with any imbalances that create vulnerability to disease blockages or forms of disconnection.
Again, we request the application of quickstep for pain, disconnection and disease clearing. Please correct disease, disconnection or pain through any onslaught of miasma created from the planetary field or the larger magnetic shifts, which are directing tremendous amounts of miasm and [[Dead Energy]] into the energetic fields of planet. Please clear the miasma influences from our body: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Clear [[Attachments]], fragments, personalities, any negative [[Alien Machinery]] or artificial software and their signals or structures. We ask to clear the ancestral/genetic relationship from these miasma influences and to clear the collective consciousness memory that also connects into the tribal affiliations, on and off planet, that are connected or creating weakness or vulnerability to these miasmatic influences. Please replace with the organic matrix of Krystal Star Double [[Diamond Sun Body]] where needed and necessary. Clear all dead influences and dead energy being generated, and we ask for STS sweep. Holy Father please clear miasma, addictions, parasites, mind control, alien software, machinery. We ask to perform any body retrievals, and we ask on behalf of any monadic bodies that are being returned at this time, that we call upon the appropriate guardian host protocols, and our Divine Mother Holy Mother Presence through the Holy [[Mother Arc]] and [[Aqua Ray]] Portal to assist in those body retrievals, as God would have it be. We collapse vulnerabilities in time created from black holes, or rips a]]nd tears in the time space field. Please seal, protect our aura, and reconfigure all neurological components of our system in the nadis blueprint of our central nervous system, as well as our brain and nervous system, physical nervous system itself, to fully run [[Krystal Star Algorithms]], to run the [[Aurora]] colors, Rainbow Ray colors.
For a moment, in looking at clearing brain and nervous system diseases. Again, I sense disease booby-traps: the pharmaceutical, medical mind control is very heavy right now in the outer landscape. As people are undergoing the shifts, not understanding what's happening in the world at large, most of these people are being diagnosed with some kind of medical symptom or "disease". With those influences being rampant in the collective consciousness at this time, we want to unplug any [[Collective Consciousness]], and the collective unconsciousness disease influences being promoted as [[Mind Slides]], mind control in the collective mind. We ask to replace the organic matrix of energy consciousness and connection directly with the vital forces of our body to circulate directly from the [[Godhead]] and [[Christos-Sophia]] body. Clear any and all disease implants: now self, other self, in the collective mind, in all combinations. Correct the brain and nervous system patterning. I ask that the God-self, Christ-self take full governance and control as the sovereign brain and nervous system of each being that is in direct consent with their heart and their highest expression of divinity in God consciousness, as God, Sovereign, Free beings. Clear all fear, conflicts and trauma contributing to imbalances in the brain and entire central nervous system. Perform transits, and remove any attachments or fragments, residue on the neurological system, disconnect any subversion or reconnection to reptilian brain, within the brain itself, within the etheric nadis, within the central nervous system blueprint of the nadis itself. Perform transits as need be. And repair and restore energy receivers and energy transmitters in the neurological system brain, and etheric nadis through the [[Krystal Star]] blueprint and organic matrix, as God would have it be.
Going to go to the central nervous system anatomical chart for a moment: each of us, in feeling deeply the neurological system, imagining your neurological matrix and brain, think of and bring and call to mind your central nervous system, brain. Sense it or feel it as it moves all the way down your spine, your spinal nerves, from tailbone to the back of your neck, and fully connecting into your brain. As feels appropriate and guided, commanding your divine right to dedicate and consecrate your brain, your neurological system and spinal nerves, brain nerves, facial nerves to be dedicated and consecrated to the highest expression of your divinity as a [[GSF|God, Sovereign, Free]] being.
Correction of the coccyx, focus on the [[Tailbone|coccyx]]. We're going to move from the bottom up. Correction of the coccyx, spinal nerves all the way up, connect and correct: sacrum, 5th lumbar, 4th lumbar, 3rd lumbar, 2nd lumbar, 1st lumbar. As you focus on your lumbar area and spinal nerves feel in the back of your spine, now move forward, feel the energy of the neurological system as it resonates into the front of your body, into your organ system… imagine flooding your spinal nerves at the lumbar area from your coccyx to the lumbar, move it forward, send a blast of Light to all of the neurological connections into your organ and glandular system. Flood your organs with Light: your sexual organs, your bladder, your kidneys left to right, your rectum, large intestine, small intestine, adrenal glands, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver. See that entire area circulating, connected, communicating, interconnected with Light through your nervous system. Now coming back and connecting into your lumbar.
Moving up to the thoracic: 12th thoracic, 11th thoracic, 10th thoracic, 9th thoracic, 8th thoracic, 7th thoracic, 6th thoracic, 5th thoracic, 4th, 3rd. 2nd, 1st thoracic. This is your mid-back. See the line of Light encompass your entire neurological system. Now fill that Light and move it forward to all of the organs in the front of your body: starting in your abdomen, your stomach, feeling that whole still-point area, focusing on the pancreas for a moment, and the spleen, filling it with Light. Now moving up to the lungs, and the heart, fill your lungs and heart. See that line from the mid or higher thoracic to the back, where your heart is and flood that area with [[Light]]. See the connections of your nervous system resonating and connecting with your organs. The nervous system is what gives it the impulses, the directions, the functions, the messages. See that filled with Light, each layer of this intricate neurological structure filled with Light, connecting to your organ system. See your lungs filled up, completely contained in Light: each bronchi, the bronchial tubes, coming into the trachea, moving up towards the larynx, and esophagus. Now coming back down a moment, filling your heart: as an organ, see your heart beating, with every beat sending out waves of love and Light, connected to God, your heart completely encased in your soul energy, all the [[Nadial Structure]], all the points of impulses connecting to your heart, filled with Light.
Moving back into the cervical correction: 7th cervical, 6th cervical, 5th cervical, 4th cervical, 3rd, 2nd and 1st. Again, the first of the atlas and axis is important, that's at the base of your neck. Focus and send as much Light front to back. Send a huge amount of Light if you can focus it. [[Celestine Fire]] to the base of your neck, to the front of your throat, see it moving in both directions and blasting out towards the back, blasting out towards the front, clearing this area of the first and second cervical of the axis and atlas.
And moving up into the brain, correction and strengthening again through each correction. and strengthening of the brain function. We dedicate fully, as a sovereign brain, as a vessel of transmission of our God-self and to receive only the messages, impulses and information from electro-magnetic signals that are directed from our God-self, Christ-self only.
Correction: [[Medulla Oblongata]], reticular formation, cerebellum, the pons, the [[Corpus Callosum]], the entire brain, the cranial vault, all hemispheres of the brain, and for a moment focusing on your brain, seeing your complete grey matter brain filled with Light, radiating Light, transmitting Light and all neurological structures of the brain, the neural net, the neurons, the axons, the dendrites, completely transmitting the Light harmonics of our soul-spirit-monad-avatar Christ-self God-self.
In the center of your brain, as we again connect to [[Krystallah]] in the seven cores tones of God: KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. Allowing the [[Light]] structure to emanate from your eyes, from your nose, from your ears, and from your mouth, sending out the rainbow Light of [[Krystallah]] through all portals of consciousness in your face, flooding your brain, all openings, portals of consciousness on your face to be emanating, sending out this rainbow Light of [[Krystallah]].
Correction: of the mucous membranes, the glands, the nose and palate, the eyes, the ears, mouth and tongue, all facial nerves, all optic nerves, all sensory nerves of the physical senses are consecrated as [[GSF|God, Sovereign, Free]] and directed only to be governed by the impulses of our [[Krystal Star]] God-self, the highest expression of our divinity in this moment, and to terminate any and all manipulation or hijack of our senses from past, present, future in all identities. Correct blueprint structures now in the morphogenetic imprint, correct all memories and influences through the morphogenetic imprint.
Again, in deep love and gratitude, we thank our God-self, our [[Guardian Host|Guardian Teams]], advisory teams and guides, we ask to extend to each individual as needed and necessary, for their highest expression of support in this now moment, to further their consciousness and ascension process and to remove all obstacles of interference, obfuscation, mind control or direct interference with that person's divine right and ability to coexist in the field of God, as they choose in this moment, in cosmic sovereign law. We ask for the help, support, and etheric surgery that is needed or necessary in the morphogenetic field imprint to restore the being to health, balance, sanity, self-determination and the divine right to choose their highest expression, path and mission, and to fulfill their divine purpose as God would have it be. Clear all memory and influences of falsity, clear all trauma or pain memory and influences permanently and completely.
We ask to eliminate, release, protect, set free, sovereign, zero point. Beloved Holy Presence please STS sweep in a final collapse of artificial time fields. We seal, unify the group aura, session aura, strengthen each individual aura, and we close to end our HGS session. Beloved God, beloved Guardian teams, beloved [[Mentor Field|Mentor Band]], with deep love and gratitude, thank you, thank you, thank you, and so it is. We seal our field.<ref>Michael Family Update in October 2016</ref>

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