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==Social Media and Operant Conditioning==
==Social Media and Operant Conditioning==
Many people especially in the younger generations have become addicted to online social media platforms from being repeatedly exposed to types of operant conditioning, in which a positive reinforcement occurs from online activity and this induces changes in their brain chemistry. A neurochemical is released in the brain as a reward molecule, after certain behaviors occur in a social media or marketing environment that instigate a positive reinforcement. This is similar to getting a dopamine hit, in which the brain starts to associate dopamine pathways with certain online activity, people, products or propaganda. Operant conditioning is a process of learned behavior from either positive or negative reinforcement, where the person associates something online as being positive or negative, and that information changes their expectations or controls their behavior.
Many people especially in the younger generations have become addicted to online social media platforms from being repeatedly exposed to types of operant conditioning, in which a positive reinforcement occurs from online activity and this induces changes in their brain chemistry. A neurochemical is released in the brain as a reward molecule, after certain behaviors occur in a social media or marketing environment that instigate a positive reinforcement. This is similar to getting a dopamine hit, in which the brain starts to associate dopamine pathways with certain online activity, people, products or propaganda. Operant conditioning is a process of learned behavior from either positive or negative reinforcement, where the person associates something online as being positive or negative, and that information changes their expectations or controls their behavior.
==Controlled Chaos==
Today too many good-hearted people in the world give their corrupted leaders and policy makers the benefit of the doubt, citing incompetence or pathological compassion when attempting to explain away the rapidly increasing destruction and decay of their western culture in major cities undergoing the agenda for controlled chaos. The systematic and methodical destruction of natural resources and civilized cultural settings, destroying or hiding beautiful masterpieces of art and literature, and the intended decimation of artifacts and antiquities highlighting previous ages of an enlightened human culture is not an accident.  Controlled chaos is based on subjecting individuals to sophisticated methods of a global psychological manipulation designed to reform and suppress the mass consciousness, by shaping false narratives that destroy unity and empathy within humanity. Divide and rule strategies encourage divisions, conflicts and chaos among the opposing groups to prevent the formation of strong alliances and unification that could challenge the power of the Controller or Ruler. This extends to the negative entities, such as the Luciferian or Satanic groups, that exert further control over their human representatives that have been socially engineered to carry out their divide and conquer agenda against the human race.
Comprehending the motivation of the controlling power elite means understanding their spiritual and ideological beliefs connected to using controlled chaos against their opposition, which essentially is to continually incite chaos and division in order to control the rest of earth’s inhabitants. [[Controlled Chaos]] is understanding the role of chaos theory that is used in military based decision making, when planning divide and conquer tactics being targeted against any group, demographic or nation.  [[Controlled Chaos]] is used both as a spiritual warfare strategy on the metaphysical front by non-physical dark forces, and as a propaganda-based disinformation tool and weakening tactic aimed against the masses in the physical world. This is a global strategy for full spectrum domination of earth carried out by the NAA forces, who use human controllers on the ground that have been handed access to unlimited wealth and resources of the planet in order to manage the rest of us in a [[Controlled Chaos]].