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[[File:Image001.png|thumb|right|God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)]]
[[File:Image001.png|thumb|right|God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)]]

The [[Law of One]] is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of [[Christ Consciousness]] and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of [[Christos]]. Unity consciousness is at One with God and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. The Inner Light of [[Christos]] when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human. Practice [[Unity Field| Unity Consciousness]] and One is directly reflecting the image of God’s Love, and is eternally protected. Be At One with All, as One is All with God. Every soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level. The teachings of the [[Law of One]] describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension. It is a single philosophical system of [[World Humanism]], which merges cosmology, science, [[Human Rights]] and spiritualism.
The [[Law of One]] is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the [[All-One]]. The Law of One contains the Sacred Sciences which explain the mechanics of [[Christ Consciousness]] that comprise the [[Natural Laws]] that are governing the Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that the Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and that state of Eternal [[Love]] is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator or [[God]] Source. Eternal Love consciousness embodied within a form is referred to as [[Unity]] intelligence, and is simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of [[Christos]]. Unity consciousness is at One with God and this Unity consciousness is that which ignites the Inner Light of [[Christos]] held as an eternal flame within the [[Sacred Crystal Heart]]. The Inner Light of [[Christos]] when actualized into a manifest form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human that holds the title of a [[Cosmic Citizen]] and therefore is [[GSF]]. When we practice expressing [[Loving Kindness]] we build [[Unity Field| Unity Consciousness]] that is directly reflected as the true nature and holy image of God’s Love, and this [[Inner Holy Spirit]] of the sacred heart flame is eternally protected within angelic humans. Be At One with All, as One is All with God. Every [[Soul]] is taking the same spiritual journey, but each soul has evolved at different levels within the manifested [[Timelines]]. The teachings of the [[Law of One]] describe the spiritual laws that govern angelic humanity's spiritual evolution for each dimension that exists within the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. It is a single philosophical system of [[World Humanism]], which merges cosmology, science, [[Human Rights]] and spiritualism.

Simply put, the [[Law of One]] is the Universal Truth that All Is One. It is the Truth taught by [[Christ]] when he proclaimed, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." We are all direct expressions of the One Source God Source. The [[Law of One]] is an energetic reality as well as a creational covenant with the [[Oraphim|Founder Races]].(The Family Entity of RA, the [[Melchizedek]] Ur's, The [[Aurora]] Host Races) The [[Law of One]] is practiced by the Advanced Races that promote [[Self-Responsibility]] and accountability in our [[Universal Time Matrix]] through the comprehension of the energetic interconnection that exists between all living things. The [[Law of One]] expresses and acknowledges the interconnection, value and interdependence of the spirit and [[Consciousness]] that animates all things. This is the path to [[GSF]].  
[[File:Thelaw loo.jpg|thumb|Law of One, Books of the Law]]
Simply put, the [[Law of One]] is the Universal Truth that All Is One. It is the Truth taught by [[Christ]] when he proclaimed, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." We are all direct expressions of the One Source God Source. The [[Law of One]] is an energetic reality as well as a creational covenant with the Guardian Host [[Oraphim|Founder Races]].The [[Emerald Order]], [[Amethyst Order]], [[Gold Order]], Cosmic Family Entity of RA, The [[Aurora]] Host Races from the [[Seven Higher Heavens]] serve the [[Krystal Star]] in order to protect spiritual sovereignty for all races through the reclamation of the [[Christos Mission]]. The [[Law of One]] is practiced by the advanced races that promote [[Self-Responsibility]] and accountability in our [[Universal Time Matrix]] through the comprehension of the energetic interconnection that exists between all living things. The [[Law of One]] expresses and acknowledges the interconnection, value and interdependence of the spirit and [[Consciousness]] that animates within all things. Living a lifestyle that expresses unconditional [[Love]] to all creation brings true [[Unity]] with the [[Godhead]] and develops a direct relationship with [[God]]. Thus, this is the promise of the [[Emerald Covenant]] gifted to humanity in order to achieve planetary liberation and is the ascending path of the [[Cosmic Founders]] in order to achieve complete spiritual freedom from reincarnation cycles in the lower worlds during the [[Ascension Cycle]].  

==Law of One Practices==
==Law of One Practices==
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5. Service to Others
5. Service to Others

6. Consiousness Expansion
6. Consciousness Expansion

7. Responsible Co-Creation
7. Responsible Co-Creation

See Further information on [http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/law-of-one-practices?highlight=YTo5OntpOjA7czozOiJsYXciO2k6MTtzOjI6Im9mIjtpOjI7czozOiJvbmUiO2k6MztzOjk6InByYWN0aWNlcyI7aTo0O3M6NjoibGF3IG9mIjtpOjU7czoxMDoibGF3IG9mIG9uZSI7aTo2O3M6Njoib2Ygb25lIjtpOjc7czoxNjoib2Ygb25lIHByYWN0aWNlcyI7aTo4O3M6MTM6Im9uZSBwcmFjdGljZXMiO30= Law of One Practices]
See Further information on [http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/law-of-one-practices?highlight=YTo5OntpOjA7czozOiJsYXciO2k6MTtzOjI6Im9mIjtpOjI7czozOiJvbmUiO2k6MztzOjk6InByYWN0aWNlcyI7aTo0O3M6NjoibGF3IG9mIjtpOjU7czoxMDoibGF3IG9mIG9uZSI7aTo2O3M6Njoib2Ygb25lIjtpOjc7czoxNjoib2Ygb25lIHByYWN0aWNlcyI7aTo4O3M6MTM6Im9uZSBwcmFjdGljZXMiO30= Law of One Practices]
==Christos Mission==
Thus, the term Christ or [[Christos]] used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as [[Jesus Christ]], as taught through the world religions. [[Christos]] extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free [[Cosmic Citizen]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3506-artificial-timeline-wars Artificial Timeline Wars]</ref>

==Service to Others==
==Service to Others==
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==Kindness Above All==
==Kindness Above All==
It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous that is happening on planet Earth. The planetary [[Ascension]] impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your [[Soul]], connecting with God Source is very personal and unique for each individual. As a part of the human race we all know what it means to suffer horribly in emotional pain and feel completely alone in the darkness. As we endure the [[Ascension Cycle]], remember, it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are at, take the time you need, allow yourself the space to heal and find the compassion and kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence in the world, then practice random acts of kindness towards others. One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child and a person for life. One second of kindness can elevate a child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find their [[Soul]] and God connection. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1647-participation Participation]</ref>
==Inner Christos==
[[File:Christfactor.jpg|thumb|Inner Christos (art by Sequoia)]]
The [[Inner Christos]] is the personal divine blueprint of the eternal God Source consciousness energy from which all things are manifest and made into being. The [[Law of One]] is the law governing the eternal divine blueprint and consciousness energy of the [[Inner Christos]], thus they are interchangeable. To develop the Inner Christos eternal blueprint, we must align and follow the principles of the [[Natural Laws]], the [[Law of One]]. The [[Law of One]] is based in the true knowing of our highest expression, that our direct relationship with [[God]] Source is Love and this pure consciousness is expressed through our [[Inner Christos]] or [[Living God Spirit]]. The ancient knowledge of the Inner Christos that resides within our original divine blueprint belongs to all people, regardless of their religious affiliation or belief system. This ancient spiritual wisdom of the philosophies of the [[Law of One]] was common knowledge to all of humanity until the [[Luciferian Rebellion]]. This is when the planet was returned back to the dark ages at the end of the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]], when all of the original spiritual teachings of the [[Inner Christos]] were eliminated and falsified.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3438-changing-architecture Changing Architecture]</ref>
==Emerald Founder Records==
[[File:5-Emerald-Covenant.jpg|thumb|Emerald Covenant]]

It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous happening on planet Earth. The [[Ascension]] impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your [[Soul]], Connecting with God Source is very personal. As a part of the human race we all know what it means to suffer horribly in pain and feel completely alone in the darkness. As we endure this [[Ascension Cycle]], remember, it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are at, take the time you need, allow yourself the space to heal and find the kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence, then practice random acts of kindness towards others. One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child and a person for life. One second of kindness can elevate a child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find their soul. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1647-participation Participation]</ref>
The [[Founder Records]] are also referred to as the [[Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Plates]] that comprise the egalitarian philosophy of the [[Law of One]], which originally belonged to all of the human [[12 Tribes]] and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned [[Maji Grail King]] on the [[Earth]], who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3606-precipice-of-evolution-and-lyran-history Precipice of Evolution]</ref>
The [[Emerald Founder Records]] contained explicit knowledge about the origins, genetics and purpose of the human race, which included historical timeline accounts of [[Galactic History|Galactic history]] considered to be the divine birthright of all angelic humans. This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original [[Emerald Founder Records]], which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source.The [[Emerald Founder Records]] included explicit ancient wisdom teachings on the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign [[Law of One]], in which humans were directly taught how to spiritually activate their lightbody through consciousness training methods, so they could achieve full liberation as a [[Cosmic Christos]].

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Unity Vow]]

[[Relationship Mastery Guidelines]]
[[Relationship Mastery Guidelines]]