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[[File:Bi_TriWave.png|thumb|right|Bi-Wave to Tri-Wave|Bi-Wave to Tri-Wave]]Over the last 5,000 years our planet has been operating on a “closed” bi-wave, reversal polarity system. This means the Trinity wave nor Cosmic Mother were existing or accessible from within this planetary field during that timeline. A closed system means “finite energy supply”. With finite energy supply, consuming others energies and parasitic relationships multiplied into massive proportions. These “feedlines” have clustered creating multiple infections in the Universe and all through the Planetary Time Matrix. These “infections” are called “phantom matrix” or dead spaces. These dead spaces have to feed on someone or something in order to exist. Or they are just like piles of dead waste and pollution piled in a corner, just like massive trash dumps and plastic bottles littering the land and oceans of the Earth. It is the phantom or dead spaces that the Controller Forces siphon our planetary energy into. They do this by manipulation of the bi-wave polarity fields and rotation of the electron particle by forcing the energy flow in disproportionate channels that feed their intended source.
[[File:Bi_TriWave.png|thumb|right|Bi-Wave to Tri-Wave|Bi-Wave to Tri-Wave]]Over the last 5,000 years our planet has been operating on a closed bi-wave, reversal polarity system. This means the [[Trinity Wave]] nor Cosmic [[Mother Arc]] were existing or accessible from within this planetary field during that timeline. A closed system means finite energy supply. With finite energy supply, consuming others energies and parasitic relationships multiplied into massive proportions. These feedlines moving energies off planet have clustered and created multiple infections in the Universe and all through the Planetary Time Matrix. These infections are called [[Miasma]] and they accumulate and collect into [[Phantom Matrix]] or [[Dead Energy]] spaces. These dead spaces have to feed on someone or something in order to continue to exist. Or they are just like piles of dead waste and pollution piled in a corner, just like massive trash dumps and plastic bottles littering the land and oceans of the Earth. It is the phantom or dead spaces that the [[NAA]] Controller Forces through [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] siphon our planetary energy into. They do this through the manipulation of the bi-wave polarity fields and rotation of the electron particle by forcing the energy flow in disproportionate channels that feed their intended source.

This has created much damage in our nervous system and planetary brain. They [Controller Forces] are being increasingly squeezed out of this domain and are losing their “feeding sources” as Mother Arc Hub networks are coming online. These “Mother Arc Hubs” are returning the Tri-Wave or Trinity fields back to our planet. The Tri-Wave format in our particle structure is required to circulate the eternal supply of God Source through our bodies and the planet.  As Cosmic Mother Arc returns back to the planetary core her Arc Hub Gateways are systematically being activated into the networks and brain of the planetary body. These Arc Hub Gateways are reactivating the diamond hearts (crystal cluster networks) in the earth grid that had been artificially programmed, dormant or cut off. This is like saying crystal bodies in the earth grid network that used to (prior to Reptilian Invasion timelines and their genetic manipulation histories) emanate life giving pranic force into the human consciousness fields, nourishing all life forms, are systematically coming back online. These “heart” crystals (in various template formats existing both globally and within human personal light bodies) are systematically being reprogrammed to be able to transmit Cosmic Divine Mother frequencies back into our planet and human bodies.
This has created much damage in our nervous system, planetary brain and earthly kingdoms. This deeply impacts the [[Ley Lines]] and the [[Planetary Grid Network]]s. The [[Controller]] Forces are being increasingly squeezed out of this domain and are losing their feeding sources as [[Mother Arc]] Hub networks are coming online and opening intersections into the [[Aurora Body]]. The [[Mother Arc Hubs]] are returning the Tri-Wave or Trinity fields of [[Christos]] back to our planet. The Tri-Wave format in our particle structure is required to circulate the eternal supply of [[God]] Source through our bodies and into the planet.  As Cosmic [[Mother Arc]] returns back to the planetary core her Arc Hub Gateways are systematically being activated into the grid networks and the brain of the planetary body.  

The [[Arc Zone|Arc Hub Gateways]] are reactivating the [[Diamond Heart]]s (crystal cluster networks) in the earth grid that had been artificially programmed, dormant or cut off. These crystal bodies in the earth grid network that used to function correctly to emanate life giving pranic force into the human consciousness fields, nourishing all life forms, are systematically coming back online. The [[Diamond Heart]] crystals in various template formats exist both globally and within human personal light bodies are systematically being reprogrammed to be able to transmit the Cosmic Divine Mother frequencies back into our planet and human bodies to restore the [[Sophianic Body]]. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1707-the-diamond-heart February 2011 Newsletter]</ref>

==Recoding V.P to Trinity Form==
This energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and [[Alien Machinery|inorganic architecture]], one such structure known as the '''Vesica Pisces''' a bi-polar geometry. This hijacked [[Vesica Pisces]] code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the [[Trinity Wave]] or unity code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. See [[V.P. to Trinity Form]]

(Ref. LR NL Feb 2011)
==Entropic Coded Metatronic Spirals==
The life force energy was being harnessed using hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture, by controllers through the Vesica Pisces bi-polar geometry. The hijacked Vesica Pisces architecture kept the binary code locked down in our planet so that the trinity wave code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and splitter patterns that continually fragmented the human species consciousness in multiple dimensions.

Term first found: Page 117, HGS Manual
With the NAA invasion history and the war with competing off planet species writing code into the planetary Morphogenetic Field, the attempts to modify human DNA and to genetically manipulate the original divine human blueprint are clear. Extradimensional entities have used the [[Fibonacci]] sequence and created [[AI]] energetic wave spirals, in order to hijack, siphon and steal energy from the planetary body and humanity. These artificially generated Fibonacci Spirals are created through Alien Machinery and [[AI]] technology, to be inorganic and parasitic. This is how the [[Metatronic Reversal]] fields were created, as well as the Adverse [[Sephiroth]] or Artificial Tree of Life that is represented in [[Kabbalah]] teachings, and made popular by [[Black Magician]]s such as [[Aleister Crowley]]. The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influence or the [[Vesica Pisces]], instead of the eternal life three spheres, or [[Trinity Wave]] Influence. Metatronic code manifests reverse merkaba ratios, which force people's Merkaba’s to spin in ways that prevent Ascension.
Since the [[Bifurcation of Time|bifurcation event]], the issue of discerning between entropic systems of [[Metatronic Reversal]] based on bi-wave [[Closed Source]] systems, and recognizing [[Negentropy|Negentropic]] systems of [[Krystal Spiral]] based on tri-wave open source systems, is crucial to our [[Expanding Consciousness]].<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2737-entropy-and-negentropy Entropy and Negentropy Feb 2016]]</ref>
==Vesica Pisces Correction==
The [[Vesica Pisces]] represents the first individuation from the Godhead in the form of divine masculine and divine feminine, setting into the matrix the potential for electron and proton merge to manifest the neutral or third field of creation, the offspring of [[Christos-Sophia]]. The Vesica Pisces holographic architecture was hijacked by the NAA in which they inverted the bi-wave geometry with alien machinery to generate energy harvesting devices, frequency fences and subatomic harnesses. The hijacked [[Vesica Pisces]] geometry was a primary device used in the alien grid systems to distort the spinning rotational axis of merkaba fields, which imploded staff currents and resulted in monadic reversals. The [[Gemini]] constellation matrix was an integral part of the NAA’s ability to run inverted bi-wave currents into the planetary grid network for a variety of purposes to enslave the planet, creating a host of matrix distortions related to keeping the grid locked down in reversal polarity, [[Sexual Misery]], and [[Gender Reversal]]. See [[Gemini and Vesica Pisces Corrections]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3716-solar-coding-crystal-body-and-dna Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA]</ref>
==See Also==
[[Ley Lines]]
[[Bi-Wave Consciousness]]
[[Category: Ascension]]
[[Category: Newsletter]]

[[Category: HGS Manual]]
[[Category: HGS Manual]]
[[Category: Newsletter]]