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The planetary architecture of the [[Cosmic Clock]] is now secured by the Paliadorian and [[Krystal Star]] Guardian Host who are restoring the [[Natural Laws]] via the [[Krist-Krystallah]] coding in the God Worlds. This Diamond Sun alignment transmits to those on the [[Christos Paliadorian Covenant|Christos Mission]] and is gradually dissolving and imploding the [[Artificial intelligence]] technology that was originally used to invade the [[Planetary Grid Network|planetary Stargate system]] by the [[NAA]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3438-changing-architecture Changing Architecture]</ref>
[[File:12timelines.jpg|thumb|Cosmic Clock of 12 Timelines]]
The planetary architecture of the [[Cosmic Clock]] is now secured by the Paliadorian and [[Krystal Star]] Guardian Host who are restoring the [[Natural Laws]] via the [[Krist-Krystallah]] coding in the God Worlds. This [[Diamond Sun]] alignment transmits to those on the [[Christos Paliadorian Covenant|Christos Mission]] and is gradually dissolving and imploding the [[Artificial intelligence]] technology that was originally used to invade the [[Planetary Grid Network|planetary Stargate system]] by the [[NAA]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3438-changing-architecture Changing Architecture]</ref>

==New Aeons==
==New Aeons==
This cosmic shift in the Solar System is being synchronised into a new Aeon. This new Aeon is equal to a new measurement in cosmic time as well as the creation of a new cosmic entity. The new Aeon describes the horizontal measurement of time as having been adjusted by the [[Cosmic Clock]], by the hand of God.
This cosmic shift in the Solar System is being synchronised into a new Aeon. This [[New Aeon]] is equal to a new measurement in cosmic time as well as the creation of a new cosmic entity. The [[New Aeon]] describes the horizontal measurement of time as having been adjusted by the [[Cosmic Clock]], by the hand of God.

The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead. The [[Aeonic Pair]]s comprise the totality of the [[Godhead]] as the two divine principles which merge and unite as the third principle, becoming the Three in One.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2332-spiritual-sun-behind-the-sun November 2013 Newsletter]</ref>
The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead. The [[Aeonic Pair]]s comprise the totality of the [[Godhead]] as the two divine principles which merge and unite as the third principle, becoming the Three in One.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2332-spiritual-sun-behind-the-sun November 2013 Newsletter]</ref>

==Arc Zone==
The [[Arc Zone]] began transmitting another level of the Holy Mother’s Aquamarine frequencies and Cosmic Kristos Arc Codes from the [[13th Pillar|13th Circuitry]] gateway for expedient [[Monad]]ic activation, which is required for the planetary body and for each individual to gain access into the protected areas of the [[Arc Zone]]. Previously, about one third of the earth grids were able to hold the Krystic architecture that ran correct proportions of the [[Diamond Sun]] blueprint and tri-wave current that allowed for resetting of the organic timelines in the [[Cosmic Clock]]. Recent activations are spreading out the natural Krystic divine blueprint further into the planetary grid areas, which were previously running the reversed currents and [[Reversal Networks]] that fuel the artificial timelines.
<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3491-arc-zone Arc Zone]</ref>
==12th Solar Dragon Timekeepers==
The [[Liberation of Ezekiel]] is a major keystone in the reclamation of [[Christos]] on Earth, this event is a major marker in the ascension timeline which tells us the outer liberation of planet Earth and angelic humanity is imminent. Thus, during this year of 2022 we will begin to see evidence in the outer world that this lengthy and horrific spiritual war with anti-Christ alien invaders is coming to a close, as more of the hidden truths about world events are increasingly being disclosed to the masses. This liberation event, brought about many frequency upgrades, transformations and spiritual body healings to the Christos spiritual family lineages of Ezekiel and Hatshepsut, is now reunited as the divine male-female [[12th Solar Dragon Aeonic Pair]] in the [[Cosmic Clock]] of the Aeons.
==Cosmic Emerald Sun Awakening, Eukatharista==
[[File:Cosmic-Clock.jpg|thumb|Cosmic Clock Templar Reuche]]
On February 22, 2022, our planetary system begins the [[Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation]] of the central seed of the higher heart, or the [[Cosmic Emerald Sun Awakening]] into the path of the [[Eukatharista]]. The [[Universal Time Matrix]] begins to open the density locks leading directly into the higher Inner God World realms which begins to flood Cosmic Mother’s aquamarine blue ray source of zero-point flames from within the diamond heart of the [[Cosmic Clock]] shield network.
==Cosmic Clock Initiation==
The reunion of some of our Cosmic Christos family members in the hierogamic template of [[Golden Aeonesis]] is resetting the event horizons and timelines that were being held in place as the twelve [[Dark Aeon]]s. This field alteration is returning the planetary consciousness access all the way back through multiple time matrices that reorient our particular location in this time and space, to the coordinates recorded as density 1-2, quadrant 4, corridor 4, and spectra 3. Then finally going all the way back to the [[1st God World Creation]] by witnessing a sequence of opening interdimensional portals that begin to correct the [[Universal Time Matrix]] alignment with the original source fields of the [[Cosmic Clock]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3767-cosmic-clock-reuche-initiation Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation]</ref>
==Cosmic Energy cycle==
During the end of the [[Cosmic Cycle]], the [[Hidden Eighth Sun]] appears and the Cosmic [[Aton God Body]] assembles through the integrated merge that occurs between the [[Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis|Seven Suns of the One]].  The [[Seven Sacred Suns|Seven Suns]] of the particle matrix merge with the Seven Suns of the anti-particle matrix forming the completion of the cosmic time cycle, that further forms into the [[Aton God Body]] on the eighth day which marks the end of the cosmic cycle.  The Seven Suns on each side of the material and spirit domains unify and show the position on the [[Cosmic Clock of the Aeons]] as the right hand at 10 or 22 hours, and the left hand on 4 or 20 minutes. These positions can be thought of as 10:22, 10:4 or 10:20, which marks the dual time matrix merge that ends the current time cycle and aligns us into zero-point time in the creation door or [[Neutron Window]].
Through the [[Aton God Body]] which functions as the [[Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons|Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon]] body unifier of the Seven Suns into One as a [[Universal Ankh Body]], the Cosmic [[Krystal Cathedral]] architecture and spirit instruction sets played in heavenly orchestras from the God Worlds emerge. It is through the Cosmic Krystal Cathedral, which serves as the heavenly vessel for the massive spiritual consciousness body of the [[Cosmic Mother]], that she embodies within and without, internal and external to eternal life. It is a travelling consciousness vehicle that links the [[Stairway to Heaven]] spiritual planes of [[Sun-Star Network]]s with the material planes of the [[Earth]], and it is the repository for her instruction sets and musical designs for building out the entire Cosmic to Universal to Planetary [[Krystal Cathedral]] network for the planet.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3816-elaysa-melchizedek Elaysa-Melchizedek]</ref>
==Sapphire Diamond Shield==
As described in the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] newsletter, when the [[Universal Diamond Pillar]]s twinned themselves, the hierogamic merge occurred between Emerald and Sapphire pillars, and this shifted the Emerald Pillar into the 12 o’clock north position and the Sapphire Pillar into the 3 o’clock position in the [[Cosmic Clock]]. This shift in the Universal timekeeper mechanism generated an explosion of Emerald-Sapphire-Diamond blue wave frequencies, which formed into triple blue rainbow suns in the [[Sapphire Diamond Shield]]. This began a full spectrum repair upon all blue wave dimensional frequencies transmitting in the crystalline matrix of [[Earth]], spanning into the collective consciousness fields of the planetary matrix which stepped down into the individual human lightbody. The main focus of corrections is occurring in the layers of the sapphire body which form into the 10D [[Solar Star]] six inches above our head. The sapphire body is extremely important in the corrections of all blue based color wave spectrum frequencies; thus, it extends to rehabilitate many corrections throughout the 5D-6D-7D-10D lightbody layers.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>
==Cosmic Dragon Starhuman==
The extensive range of suns and stars in the [[Starry Night Dark Firmament]] each contain there own unique creator's identity of the [[Aton Solar Disk]] and are a part of our [[Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons|Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon King]] families who created our [[Universal Time Matrix]]. These are the [[Threefold Founder Flame]] Rishi-Reisha families who have held the keys to restore and embody the [[Aton God Body]] within the [[Universal Ankh Body]] as part of the triple solar diamond shields. These are accessible to the [[Starborn]] [[Cosmic Dragon Starhuman]], in which their Cosmic [[Aton God Body]], unifies the Solar Factor to reveal the [[Hidden Eighth Sun]] of the [[K+8 Solar Factor]]s.
When accessing the [[Cosmic Hall of Records]] the [[Cosmic Dragon Starhuman]] in their Eternal [[Ankh Solar Body]] undergoes a series of [[Silver Seed]] activations, which then change their access into the [[Core of Creation]] passed through [[The Silver Gate]] of Man, to [[The Golden Gate]] of man in the Galactic [[Ecliptic]]. During the [[Christos Mission]], the Ankh gateways have been restored by [[Emerald Order]], in which the Cosmic Rods and Ankhs in the center of the Time Matrix in the [[Gaian Matrix]] were restored into the Cosmic Wing principle of the Albion Emerald Founder [[Aeonic Pair]] of Cosmic Dragons and [[Rod and Staff]] Holders, which embody and govern the movement of the [[Cosmic Clock of the Aeons]].<ref>[https://omnilov3.com/wiki/Aton_Disk_Sun-Star_Networks Aton Disk]</ref>
==Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints==
During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the [[Separation of Worlds]] between the [[Lunar Matrix]] distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected [[Sun-Star Network]]s aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected [[Solar Calendar Positions]] for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back. These are the higher timeline positions of the [[Sun-Star Network]]s that have been anchored into the trifurcated section with the [[Copper Rose Gold Sun|triple solar copper-rose-gold failsafe]] [[Solomon Temple]] and Solomon Chalice Grail platform with three Solomon Maji Grail Red Kings holding the [[Krystal Star of Azoth]] ([[Krist-Krystallah]]) connecting into the [[Cosmic Clock]] central clockshield that was generated for supporting the [[Aton|Aton God Body]].  This position is where [[Return of Ascended Masters|returning Ascended Masters]] from outside of our [[UTM|time matrix]] can enter into our reality, and ride on the carrier waves of the White Lotus Triple Dragon Breath channels of Lote, Loti and Lota into the [[Temple of Khemalohatea]] located on the [[Rishic Shield|Rishic plane]]. The ascending Christos [[Starseed]] family on planet will either be anchored onto this central clockshield timeline within their personal base clockshield, or be able to commune in this area to reconnect with authentic [[Ascended Master]] spiritual family members in which to gain further support for their personal [[Ascension]] process, find their genetic twin and receive spiritual guidance for carrying out their divine mission after the [[The Collective Awakening Event|Collective Event]].

The corrected [[Solar Calendar Positions]] generated a morphogenetic blueprint barrier between first density creations in the third dimension running on the [[Lunar Matrix Zodiac]] and its [[Artificial Timelines]], and the second density creations in the fifth dimension running on the [[Solar Matrix Zodiac]] and the organic timelines. Thus for many, this [[Bifurcation]] split from [[Lunar Calendar to Solar Calendar]] in the timelines has generated a new position within the timelines, shifting the [[Transduction Sequence]] and zodiac imprints from incarnation and igniting intense solar activations and miasmatic purging of foreign materials or [[Alien Hybridization|alien hybrid overlays]]. This includes the [[Enki DNA Skin]]s made from the long history of assorted alien intruder genetic hybridization programs, as discussed in last month’s newsletter. For those on this particular ascension pathway in the genetic lineage of the [[Cosmic Elohei]] family, others may suddenly react strongly to your presence, as those who are still hooked into the lunar zodiac birth imprints may not enjoy the major consciousness shifts when in the energetic presence of a person with newly activated [[Solar Zodiac Imprint]]s.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3869-tri-flame-of-khemalohatea Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>

==Gender Twin Flames==
Due to the challenges of [[Gender Reversal]] and [[Reversal Polarity Current|reversal polarity]], it is suggested to communicate directly with the [[Avatar]] Christ self for assistance in setting the merkaba spin pattern when working with the [[12D Shield]]. The [[Diamond Sun]] body instruction set is built upon the transmission of the [[12D Ray]] and holds the correct setting for the personal merkaba alignment for the [[Gender Fin]] that is within each light biology.
At the source point of when we entered the process of incarnation into the [[Universal Time Matrix]], the first [[Gender Twin Flames]] ever created came through the [[Cosmic Clock]], in a 12 based clockshield, in which the male and female pair incarnate into the 6 o’ clock and 12 o’clock time position. The 12 o’ clock and 6 o’clock position equally hold the entire [[Personal Mission Sphere]] of all stations of identities ascending within itself, and the sequence continues as the feminine twin generates the next masculine twin aspect and the masculine twin aspect continues to generate the next feminine twin aspect. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3869-tri-flame-of-khemalohatea Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[New Aeon]]

[[Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe]]
[[Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe]]