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[[File:Elderwisdom.jpg|thumb|Melchizedek Host (art by Sequoia)]]
The Melchizedek’s are the genetic hosting race of the earth’s ascension cycle for the last 35,000 years. They were to help the earth heal and evolve out from the lower dimensions of the [[Phantom Matrix]]. Because we are coming to the close of a [[Root Race]] end cycle, their tour of duty with earth in this capacity, is also ending or coming to completion. This allows a time of review and pause for genetic rehabilitation and integrative healing for the [[12 Tribes]]. This is the promise that Melchizedek’s would not be forgotten, even if they were “fallen” and forgot who they really are. This is made possible with the alignment to the Mother’s heart quintessence, to be rebirthed into the Creatrix field. This is the [[Mother Arc]] and her rehabilitation of the [[Blue Ray]] and the [[Sophianic Body]].<ref>
The Melchizedek’s are the genetic hosting race of the earth’s ascension cycle for the last 35,000 years. They were to help the earth heal and evolve out from the lower dimensions of the [[Phantom Matrix]]. Because we are coming to the close of a [[Root Race]] end cycle, their tour of duty with earth in this capacity, is also ending or coming to completion. This allows a time of review and pause for genetic rehabilitation and integrative healing for the [[12 Tribes]]. This is the promise that Melchizedek’s would not be forgotten, even if they were “fallen” and forgot who they really are. This is made possible with the alignment to the Mother’s heart quintessence, to be rebirthed into the Creatrix field. This is the [[Mother Arc]] and her rehabilitation of the [[Blue Ray]] and the [[Sophianic Body]].<ref>
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2119-quintessence December 2012 Newsletter]</ref>
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2119-quintessence December 2012 Newsletter]</ref>

==Former Blue Ray Holder==
==Former Blue Ray Holder==

Melchizedek is actually the sound tone translation of the vibrational pattern of the Source family of Collective Cosmic Consciousness within our [[Universal Time Matrix]]. All humans are directly descended from this pattern and are, in truth, a Melchizedek. When the Patriarchal Melchizedeks digressed out of energetic balance and joined the Annunaki resistance in wars they became the '''Fallen Melchizedeks'''.
Melchizedek is actually the sound tone translation of the vibrational pattern of the Source family of Collective Cosmic Consciousness within our [[Universal Time Matrix]]. All humans are directly descended from this pattern and are, in truth, a Melchizedek. When the Patriarchal Melchizedeks digressed out of energetic balance and joined the Annunaki resistance in wars they became the '''Fallen Melchizedeks'''.
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The [[Melchizedek]]s are of the [[12 Tribes]] lineages of the [[Hibiru Tribes]], who were given the genetic hosting responsibility to assist in the embodiment of the higher DNA language called Habiru. This language is a genetic code  which originated from the Cradle of Lyra, in the [[Avatar]] matrix timelines. The Melchizedek lines were attempting to salvage this ancient language of humanity on the earth, which was intrinsic to protecting the memories of the histories of humanity in time codes, also known as [[Vector Code]]s.Upon the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] the Melchizedek lines became infiltrated by the [[Luciferian]] forces. The primary infiltration was from Patriarchal Melchizedeks who developed a misogynist bent based on the distortions in the [[Sophianic Body]]. These lines started to lose their connection to the Mother principle from the many wars they justified in their beliefs that led them to commit intentional harm to others. This is the Fallen Melechizedek's, once a Universal unity consciousness, a faction of this Melchizedek consciousness succumbed to the illusion of inequality between the gender principle. This led to a hive mind mentality, which is a group consciousness out of balance with unity. This patriarchal slant distorted the original 12 Base code ([[12D Ray]]) into 10 base code. This became the primary root of all control over the patriarchy, the masculine principle, the damage to rod function, the reversal 10:10 code was born and brought to earth from this distortion. See [[Sephiroth]].
The [[Melchizedek]]s are of the [[12 Tribes]] lineages of the [[Hibiru Tribes]], who were given the genetic hosting responsibility to assist in the embodiment of the higher DNA language called Habiru. This language is a genetic code  which originated from the Cradle of Lyra, in the [[Avatar]] matrix timelines. The Melchizedek lines were attempting to salvage this ancient language of humanity on the earth, which was intrinsic to protecting the memories of the histories of humanity in time codes, also known as [[Vector Code]]s.Upon the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] the Melchizedek lines became infiltrated by the [[Luciferian]] forces. The primary infiltration was from Patriarchal Melchizedeks who developed a misogynist bent based on the distortions in the [[Sophianic Body]]. These lines started to lose their connection to the Mother principle from the many wars they justified in their beliefs that led them to commit intentional harm to others. This is the Fallen Melechizedek's, once a Universal unity consciousness, a faction of this Melchizedek consciousness succumbed to the illusion of inequality between the gender principle. This led to a hive mind mentality, which is a group consciousness out of balance with unity. This patriarchal slant distorted the original 12 Base code ([[12D Ray]]) into 10 base code. This became the primary root of all control over the patriarchy, the masculine principle, the damage to rod function, the reversal 10:10 code was born and brought to earth from this distortion. See [[Sephiroth]].
==War Over Timelines==
Recently, we have witnessed some of the mysteries of the mechanics of creation unfolding, with revelations and advances in the war over consciousness and more specifically over timelines. Ongoing changes in the architecture and timelines are having a ripple effect, weakening AI structures and essentially moving [[Soul]] and [[Monad]]ic families out of artificial timelines. This is especially impacting [[Fallen Melchizedek]] and [[Family of Michael]] groups that have been trapped, and can be accompanied by deep physical exhaustion and spatial displacement. This is also impacting ancestral lines supporting alterations in the [[Transduction Sequence|Birth Transduction Record]]s, as well as DNA-RNA messaging.  There has also been some push back, as negatives are trying to recover their losses and target those embodying base 12 [[Krystallah]] coding, which is acting as a new level of protection.  <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3506-artificial-timeline-wars Artificial Timeline Wars]</ref>
==Melchizedek AI Infiltration==
Due to the [[Patriarchal Domination]] distortions infiltrating the [[Universal Melchizedek Lineages]] as brought through the [[Artificial Timelines]] from the hidden negative alien invasion, the original [[Universal Tree of Life]] was disfigured via [[Metatronic Reversal|metatronic coding]] and reduced to ten spheres instead of the original mathematical base of twelve. Essentially, the [[Thothian Luciferians|Thothian Luciferian]] agenda was to utterly destroy all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included [[Base 12 Math]] and replace it with their own versions of [[Base 10 Math|base 10 math]]. The [[Kabbalah]] [[Artificial Tree of Life]] represents the distorted 10D base code genetic blueprint of the [[Black Sun]] regressive lineages, that are attempting to permanently genetically modify and hybridize [[Silicate Matrix|human 12 strand DNA genetics]] through the imposition of their artificial manifestation template.
Unfortunately, much of the cellular alphabet in these specialized Melchizedek DNA languages were assimilated into the artificial timelines and phantom realities that promptly distorted the fire codes and time sets, and this aligned [[Melchizedek]] intelligences with the artificial timelines instead of the organic timelines. Many were unable to perceive this distortion in the overall fields because their entire monadic matrix and soul groups were stationed in the [[Artificial Timelines]], without being aware that transition had actually occurred.
<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3506-artificial-timeline-wars Artificial Timeline Wars]</ref>
==Spiritual Betrayal of Blue Flame Melchizedeks==
[[Thoth]] incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that [[Atlantian Mystery Schools]] were flourishing in [[Egyptians|Egyptian]] culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing [[Guardian Alliance]] mission that was on the ground. Although he was the great [[Luciferian]] imposter, Thoth as a Great Hermetic Priest was passing off [[Emerald Order]] [[Founder Records]] and the [[Law of One]] sacred sciences it contained as demonstrations of his own high initiation level, purporting to be a Blue Flame Melchizedek. At the height of his Hermes lifetime in Egypt about 1000 years after the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion]], he was accessing the eleventh dimension at his embodiment level. As a result, it appeared to the other [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]] and High Priests in Egypt that he was truly bestowed with the authority as Guardian [[Emerald Order]] Regent to oversee and direct Blue Flame initiations in the pyramids and underground temples.
Instead, [[Thoth]] was committing a grave deception to those that trusted him as the [[Emerald Order]] representative to transmit blue flame frequency for the purpose of Christos spiritual initiation and diamond sun twelve strand DNA regenesis. Thoth originally sourced from the [[Annunaki]] lineages, and felt they were genetically superior to the original Taran angelic humans. When he ascended to the position of the middle layers of the eleventh dimension though the embodiment of eleven and half active DNA strands, he made the choice to lead the Annunaki race lines into genetic superiority over angelic humanity by strategically aligning with the [[Wesa]] invaders. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3707-emerald-crystal-heart-and-solar-christ-michael Emerald Crystal Heart]</ref>
