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[[File:Diamondseed.jpg|thumb| Christ Seed Atom]]
[[File:Diamondseed.jpg|thumb| Christ Seed Atom]]

The [[Permanent Seed Atom]] which contains the "Divine [[Christos]] Blueprint" and its record ...The divine blueprint transmits the [[DNA]] [[Fire Letters]] (the coding of the cellular alphabet of our personal and planetary DNA) into the instructional grids once it is relayed through the opened and activated [[Permanent Seed Atom]]. As every living thing has a permanent seed atom (The God Seed Code) blueprint structure, so does the Living Universal Layers of the Time Matrix.... As the record of the God Seed Atom opens into each sub band and its harmonic layers across all space/time/dimension, it then feeds the Source energy (The Living Light Eternal Current aka [[Zero Point Field]]) into each of these grid layers. In accordance to the Law of Harmonics, whatever structure does not resonate to its original blueprint pattern, either self-corrects as it is overridden or it collapses. The collapse of the structure is due to distortions to such degree the integrity of the blueprint has been corrupted. Therefore upon the impact of the critical mass of Living Light Current that has been accumulated within a "container" of consciousness, it may possibly destroy the "container" that has become distorted and then corrected to its original blueprint nature.<ref>
The [[Permanent Seed Atom]] is that which contains the Divine [[Christos]] Blueprint and its blood record within the [[Thymus Gland]] in the higher heart center. The divine blueprint transmits the [[DNA]] [[Fire Letters]] into the instructional grids once it is relayed through the opened and activated [[Permanent Seed Atom]]. As every living thing has a permanent seed atom and blueprint structure, so does the Living Universal Layers of the Time Matrix. As the record of the Permanent Seed Atom opens into each sub band and its harmonic layers across all space,time and dimension, it then feeds the Source energy, the [[Zero Point Field]]) into each of these grid's instruction layers. In accordance to the Law of Harmonics, which includes reflectional symmetry - whatever structure does not resonate to its original blueprint pattern, either self-corrects as it is overridden or it collapses. The collapse of the structure is due to distortions to such degree the integrity of the blueprint has been fully corrupted. Therefore upon the impact of the critical mass of Living Light Current that has been accumulated within a manifest container that is holding consciousness, it may possibly destroy the container of that form that has become distorted in order to be corrected into its original blueprint nature.<ref>
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/149-newsletter-2008/1535-cosmic-vacuum?highlight=YToyOntpOjA7czoyOiI4ZCI7aToxO3M6NToib3Jpb24iO30= March 2008 Newsletter]</ref>
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/149-newsletter-2008/1535-cosmic-vacuum?highlight=YToyOntpOjA7czoyOiI4ZCI7aToxO3M6NToib3Jpb24iO30= March 2008 Newsletter]</ref>

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==Christ Seed Atom==
==Christ Seed Atom==
The [[Permanent Seed Atom]] or the Christ Seed starts coming on line when the [[Monad]] starts connecting to the body. Higher Spirit Body starts connecting to the body at the thymus level and starts adjusting the heart pattern. It causes change in [[hoHmones]], endocrine, biorhythms like a domino effect when the [[Monad]] starts coming on line.
The [[Permanent Seed Atom]] or the Christ Seed starts coming on line when the [[Monad]] starts connecting to the body. Higher Spirit Body starts connecting to the body at the thymus level and starts adjusting the heart pattern. It causes change in [[Hormones]], endocrine, biorhythms like a domino effect when the [[Monad]] starts coming on line.

This is about igniting the '''Christ Consciousness eternal Seed Atom''' and bringing that on line. The [[Monad]]ic spark starts to connect to the Seed Atom, which holds the blueprint for Christ Consciousness and our Crystal Lotus Body. This is the Seed that the controllers are attempting to crush or stop from flowering in the human population. They want to crush the Permanent Seed Atom in the [[Thymus Gland]], which is the [[8th Chakra]], which is where the [[Monad]] starts coming in and actually connecting in to the physical body.<ref>Session Transcript: ''Embodying the Monad''</ref>
This is about igniting the '''Christ Consciousness eternal Seed Atom''' and bringing that on line. The [[Monad]]ic spark starts to connect to the Seed Atom, which holds the blueprint for Christ Consciousness and our Crystal Lotus Body. This is the Seed that the controllers are attempting to crush or stop from flowering in the human population. They want to crush the Permanent Seed Atom in the [[Thymus Gland]], which is the [[8th Chakra]], which is where the [[Monad]] starts coming in and actually connecting in to the physical body.<ref>Session Transcript: ''Embodying the Monad''</ref>
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The [[Monad]] and the [[Permanent Seed Atom]] are different parts of the same functioning spirit body. When the seed atom is coming online the Monadic light generates into the diamond blueprint [[Diamond Heart]] filter of the permanent seed atom. The inner Monadic spirit ignites with the Mother's Holy Spirit or the [[Amoraea Flame]]. The activated 'Christ' Seed Atom generates the instruction set of the [[Silicate Matrix]] and is the Universal Christos Field or [[12D Ray]].
The [[Monad]] and the [[Permanent Seed Atom]] are different parts of the same functioning spirit body. When the seed atom is coming online the Monadic light generates into the diamond blueprint [[Diamond Heart]] filter of the permanent seed atom. The inner Monadic spirit ignites with the Mother's Holy Spirit or the [[Amoraea Flame]]. The activated 'Christ' Seed Atom generates the instruction set of the [[Silicate Matrix]] and is the Universal Christos Field or [[12D Ray]].
==Azura Point==
The eternal living consciousness field of the [[Cosmic Trinity]] forms into the [[Cosmic Krist Seed Atom]] which exists in the center point of every core manifestation grid template body and functions as the center point of the eternal creation.  The [[Cosmic Krist Seed Atom]] flows the eternal [[Amoraea Flame]] of God's Holy Spirit which perpetually multiplies itself into living light seeds that holds the divine blueprint and instruction sets which time fields and matter systems are continually renewed and birthed into creation.
The multiplication of the smaller living light seeds are Christos seed atoms, in which the first Christos seed atom in every [[Universal Time Matrix]] manifests as the 12D Christos Ray of liquid plasma light, the pre-matter field of the Universal Christos field which holds the organic and original divine blueprint of creation.
The [[Azura Point]] or [[Permanent Seed Atom]] of the higher heart complex allows the activation of the internal heart flame to open the inner sanctum or heart doorway which is then able to receive a feedback loop and direct communication between God source and the individuated being in the manifestation fields. The [[Azura]] is activated during the monadic integration phase of spiritual [[Ascension]], in which the monad generates the inner light that projects through the permanent seed atom which is located in the [[Azura Point]]. The Azura Point is also the inner sanctum of the higher heart complex, this is the area to focus upon to open and flower the heart in which one may then connect with the entire Universe, and communicate with the [[Krystal Star]] [[Guardian Founder Races]].
==Liquid Crystal Cells==
The [[Crystal Core Activation]] is a planetary initiation that ignites an individual’s spiritual body into a catalytic process which activates the liquid crystal cells, both in the [[Mitochondria]]l cristae, and within the diamond [[Crystal Heart]] which contains the [[Permanent Seed Atom]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3322-crystal-core Crystal Core]</ref>
