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[[File:Plasmarays.jpg|thumb|Plasma Activation (art by Sequoia)]]
The current [[Magnetic Peak]] cycle is transmitting powerful plasma activations into the planet that are catalyzing the next stage of initiating the [[Dark Matter Template]] that connects into the core of the planetary and human [[Lightbody]]. The dark matter template is activating a range of new building blocks and raw substances into the matter world, in the form of re-encrypted energy grids and corrected [[Platonic Solids]], light codes and elemental forces through corrections being made in the magnetic sound forces. These corrections are transmitting and being anchored into the [[KA Spirit Body|planetary KA spirit body]] in the second dimension and above through the [[Sophianic Plasma Shield]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3637-sophianic-plasma-shield Sophianic Plasma Shield]</ref>
The current [[Magnetic Peak]] cycle is transmitting powerful plasma activations into the planet that are catalyzing the next stage of initiating the [[Dark Matter Template]] that connects into the core of the planetary and human [[Lightbody]]. The dark matter template is activating a range of new building blocks and raw substances into the matter world, in the form of re-encrypted energy grids and corrected [[Platonic Solids]], light codes and elemental forces through corrections being made in the magnetic sound forces. These corrections are transmitting and being anchored into the [[KA Spirit Body|planetary KA spirit body]] in the second dimension and above through the [[Sophianic Plasma Shield]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3637-sophianic-plasma-shield Sophianic Plasma Shield]</ref>
From the observer view in the field, it appears as a massive beacon of concentrated laser light from above is directing liquid platinum gold plasmas that are saturating these dead energy structures that begin to freeze or burn away the construct. This generates a massive hole in the dimensional field, as if the fabric of reality that held that construct together is being burned away through exposure to the plasma laser lights shining above it, in which the remnants surrounding the structure are then fully collapsed and shattered, and then the debris is extracted out of the hole as if sucked out by a cosmic vacuum. As the Baphomet Network is being broken down into pieces and being removed from the planet, the shadow contents of past patterns that are connected to our pain body may arise and surface for witnessing. If we can be responsible for our own darkness through observing, discerning, accepting and then shifting the pain into neutral association and self-love, this is a great opportunity for spiritually healing the pain body and integrating the soul aspects.
==Human Crystal Body==
When the crystal body light and sound layers unify into one body, this stage of lightbody development opens up the possibility to generate different sound light emanations into liquid light plasma waves. This is the generation of hierogamic crystalline blueprints in the crystal body that further activate the crystal gene in the silicate matrix which then catalyzes a range of bio-spiritual plasmas.
==Sophianic Plasma Activation==
The Sophianic plasma activations in the planet are turning on the correct ‘musica universalis’ that turns on the crystal body anatomy with the initiation of the sound body cell activation, which begins to clear out the atomic structure of sextant matrix distortions. To receive Sophia into the earth, the diamond heart diagonal lines need to be turned back on and able to hold the high frequencies running in the [[Sophianic Plasma Shield]].
As the [[Baphomet Network]] finally collapses, the keys that unlock the sound cell activation are sourcing from the 2D Grual points, which unlock bursts of plasma light to flood the sexual organs and lower extremities linking the KA center to the RA center, which generates correction to the base Rod formation. The masculine [[Rod]] formation controls the time vector codes of the consciousness body, so this means a shift into a different position in the timeline. The main gender center blueprint is located in the 2D layers, when these centers are being activated to clear out corrupt elementals or make corrections to gender balance ([[Rod and Staff]]), there are plasma flames that burst out in the feet, ankles, calves and knees. This generally continues to cycle through and activate the flame access points in the entire lotus point sets throughout the monadic bio-computer layer. This can set off a chain reaction of detoxification symptoms as the consciousness body is doing whatever it can to drop density.
==House of Holy Trinity==
The [[Solar Logos]] structure in the 10D-11D-12D harmonic universe timelines have been united with the [[Cosmic Trinity]] through the installation of the Sophianic sonic pillars which creates vertical alignments in the three gates simultaneously and which manifests as The [[House of the Holy Trinity]], that transmits plasma frequencies for expanding out the Universal [[Krystal Cathedral]]. This Krystic architecture is the Universal macrocosm structure to transmit the plasma activations of the [[Christos-Sophia]] rod and staff frequencies through the [[Solar Logos]] body, and then align these trinitized krystal structures through the 45-degree diagonal links, called [[Diamond Grid Network|diamond grids]], into the planetary body.
==Twinned Christ Child==
Those of us that serve the Paliadorian teams’ mission for seeding the ongoing Rainbow [[Plasma Activation]]s have been working towards building the architecture required to fulfill the second emanation of the [[Twinned Christ Child]] on the earth, by birthing the Christos-Sophia Rainbow Shield.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3637-sophianic-plasma-shield Sophianic Plasma Shield]</ref>
==Plasma Rings==
The evolution of the embodiment of the [[Krystallah]] female principle architecture has been producing “[[Mother Plasma Rings]]” around the diamond sun lightbody which link directly into the Universal [[Creatrix Field]] and have a function of installing sonic pillars in the planetary grid for the purpose of correcting the inverted sound wave formations, collapsing [[AI Timelines]] and anchoring [[Sophianic Female Coding|Sophianic codes]]. The [[Cosmic Trinity]] connects directly through these plasma rings forming into sonic pillars that are creating new structures in time, adjusting the [[Cosmic Clock]] through the upgraded sound tones.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3637-sophianic-plasma-shield Sophianic Plasma Shield]</ref>

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[[Mass Consciousness Global Awakening]]
[[Mass Consciousness Global Awakening]]

[[Mother’s Stream]]

[[Spirits of Christ]]
[[Monadic Bio-Computer]]

[[Krystal Star]]
[[Sophianic Plasma Shield]]