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The [[Dark Mother]] gestalt forms itself into a complex field on the planet called the [[Black Madonna Network]] which is held together by the [[Vatican City|Vatican’s]] control over [[Lunar Female Demonic Forces]] in the 5D gate. The epicenter of the [[Black Madonna Network]] is the Austro-Hungarian Empire which includes; Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Romania.
The [[Dark Mother]] gestalt forms itself into a complex field on the planet called the [[Black Madonna Network]] which is held together by the [[Vatican City|Vatican’s]] control over [[Lunar Female Demonic Forces]] in the 5D gate. The epicenter of the [[Black Madonna Network]] is the Austro-Hungarian Empire which includes; Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Romania.

The [[Black Madonna Network]] is designed to spread [[Misogyny]] and anti-female belief systems for mind controlling the [[Collective Consciousness]]. It is further used to feed the [[Satanic]] spiritual gateways, [[Moloch]] gestalt and black magic grids on this earth. The Black Madonna Network contains the core spiritual pillars that spread anti-female [[Dark Mother]] lunar consciousness mind-control in humanity. Its purpose is to spread the dogma associated with the One World Church religion that is symbolized by the [[Vatican City|Vatican]]. This is the promotion of [[Orion Group]]s flavor of [[Patriarchal Domination]] and anti-God belief systems, which are being hidden and controlled at the top by the [[NAA]] in the guise of worshipping [[Christ]]. The Priest archetype at the Vatican is directly connected to the demonic entity gestalt of [[Moloch]], which controls the spiritual gateways for the inorganic timeline direction in the artificial horizontal clock-shield, used for accessing the Satanic architecture that control the Eastern pillars.
The [[Black Madonna Network]] is designed to spread [[Misogyny]] and anti-female belief systems for mind controlling the [[Collective Consciousness]]. It is further used to feed the [[Satanic]] spiritual gateways, [[Baphomet]] and [[Moloch]] gestalt and black magic grids on this earth. The Black Madonna Network contains the core spiritual pillars that spread anti-female [[Dark Mother]] lunar consciousness mind-control in humanity. Its purpose is to spread the dogma associated with the One World Church religion that is symbolized by the [[Vatican City|Vatican]]. This is the promotion of [[Orion Group]]s flavor of [[Patriarchal Domination]] and anti-God belief systems, which are being hidden and controlled at the top by the [[NAA]] in the guise of worshipping [[Christ]]. The Priest archetype at the Vatican is directly connected to the demonic entity gestalt of [[Moloch]], which controls the spiritual gateways for the inorganic timeline direction in the artificial horizontal clock-shield, used for accessing the Satanic architecture that control the Eastern pillars.

Many of the patriarchal systems put in place by the Satanics, such as in the Vatican, have the hidden feature of females being placed into spiritual positions of power to represent the [[Dark Mother]] pillars in the covert operations of managing that organizational structure. This helps to explain the horror of why so many females in the Catholic religion worldwide, such as nuns, have acted in unimaginably cruel and brutal ways towards unwed mothers and children placed in their care. Many Catholic convents across the globe were used as fronts for child trafficking and [[Pedophilia]] rings. This is why, in order to gain full access to siphon the planetary consciousness energies, as well as human souls, they have set up global misogyny and [[Sexual Misery]] programs, including pedophilia, to get rid of the divine Mother principle entirely. We all want and need our real Mother, our true God parent. These entropic systems were put in place within the [[Controller Pillars of Society]] to form the [[Death Culture]], the [[Mainstreaming of Satanism]], to hijack all aspects of the female consciousness and access spiritual gateways inside her consciousness body. The [[Church of Rome]] and [[Vatican City]] are the primary example of this aberration.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3675-the-vatican-and-dark-mother Vatican and Dark Mother]</ref>
Many of the patriarchal systems put in place by the Satanics, such as in the Vatican, have the hidden feature of females being placed into spiritual positions of power to represent the [[Dark Mother]] pillars in the covert operations of managing that organizational structure. This helps to explain the horror of why so many females in the Catholic religion worldwide, such as nuns, have acted in unimaginably cruel and brutal ways towards unwed mothers and children placed in their care. Many Catholic convents across the globe were used as fronts for child trafficking and [[Pedophilia]] rings. This is why, in order to gain full access to siphon the planetary consciousness energies, as well as human souls, they have set up global misogyny and [[Sexual Misery]] programs, including pedophilia, to get rid of the divine Mother principle entirely. We all want and need our real Mother, our true God parent. These entropic systems were put in place within the [[Controller Pillars of Society]] to form the [[Death Culture]], the [[Mainstreaming of Satanism]], to hijack all aspects of the female consciousness and access spiritual gateways inside her consciousness body. The [[Church of Rome]] and [[Vatican City]] are the primary example of this aberration.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3675-the-vatican-and-dark-mother Vatican and Dark Mother]</ref>
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Through the religious oppression and misinformation that was proselytized by the False Father Gods through their [[Archontic Deception Behavior]], (many times under the threat of torture) they intentionally formed misogyny into the shaping of beliefs enforced through [[Religious Violence]]. The [[Satanic]] forces in the church have used the [[Achamoth]] body to create negative form identities to hide the true identity of [[Christos-Sophia]] and promote hatred and discrimination towards all women and the female principle. The Achamoth body is the same to describe as the pieces of collective fragmentation of the [[Fallen Goddess]] consciousness, which includes the [[Christos-Sophia]] and many other female aspects. Humans feed into the [[Satanic]] forces through observing rituals promoted in an alien false religion with blood, child and human sacrifice practices, hidden in plain sight. (See [[Moloch]]) This set up the current spreading into mainstream of Satanic Ritual Abuse [[SRA]] and [[Satanic]] forces on the earth.  
Through the religious oppression and misinformation that was proselytized by the False Father Gods through their [[Archontic Deception Behavior]], (many times under the threat of torture) they intentionally formed misogyny into the shaping of beliefs enforced through [[Religious Violence]]. The [[Satanic]] forces in the church have used the [[Achamoth]] body to create negative form identities to hide the true identity of [[Christos-Sophia]] and promote hatred and discrimination towards all women and the female principle. The Achamoth body is the same to describe as the pieces of collective fragmentation of the [[Fallen Goddess]] consciousness, which includes the [[Christos-Sophia]] and many other female aspects. Humans feed into the [[Satanic]] forces through observing rituals promoted in an alien false religion with blood, child and human sacrifice practices, hidden in plain sight. (See [[Moloch]]) This set up the current spreading into mainstream of Satanic Ritual Abuse [[SRA]] and [[Satanic]] forces on the earth.  

'''The [[Church of Rome|Roman Catholic Church]] attempted to replicate the divine female image to be relegated to the worship of Black/Reversal Madonna networks to spread [[Misogyny]]'''.  
The [[Church of Rome|Roman Catholic Church]] attempted to replicate the divine female image to be relegated to the worship of Black/Reversal Madonna networks to spread [[Misogyny]] or anti-female belief systems into the planet.  

This was intended as a leash to maintain the enslavement to suppress the heart language of Sophia. Black Madonna, Fatima worship and all Catholic idols of Mary are gridded energetically to feed Satanic forces to impregnate the [[Sophianic Body]] to manifest miscreants through her Negative Form, Baphomet. This way the False King of Tyranny can control the power sources on the planet, as they access the satanic version of mother enslaved in the bowels of the earth, when needed. [[Baphomet]] is the satanic force replicant sigil which was created from the body of the Achamoth. This is Christos-Sophia's negative form controlled and projected out into the world by the satanic forces. Through its worship and feeding, she is held hostage by its collective power in the world. The [[Baphomet]] symbol and the Black Madonna network represents the enslavement and torture of the true Christos Sophia and [[Mother Arc]] of God on this earth. Until the Mother of God and Sophia's Holy Spirit are freed to be embodied in matter, women all over the earth remain enslaved through the Baphomet spread through the Black Madonna networks. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2402-the-song-of-christos-sophia  Newsletter, February 2014]</ref>
This was intended as a leash to maintain the enslavement to suppress the heart language of Sophia. Black Madonna, Fatima worship and all Catholic idols of Mary are gridded energetically to feed Satanic forces to impregnate the [[Sophianic Body]] to manifest miscreants through her Negative Form, Baphomet. This way the False King of Tyranny can control the power sources on the planet, as they access the satanic version of mother enslaved in the bowels of the earth, when needed. [[Baphomet]] is the satanic force replicant sigil which was created from the body of the Achamoth. This is Christos-Sophia's negative form controlled and projected out into the world by the satanic forces. Through its worship and feeding, she is held hostage by its collective power in the world. The [[Baphomet]] symbol and the Black Madonna network represents the enslavement and torture of the true Christos Sophia and [[Mother Arc]] of God on this earth. Until the Mother of God and Sophia's Holy Spirit are freed to be embodied in matter, women all over the earth remain enslaved through the Baphomet spread through the Black Madonna networks. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2402-the-song-of-christos-sophia  Newsletter, February 2014]</ref>
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Thus, [[Lunar Forces]] also called [[Moon Chain]] entities have generated artificial false mother energy currents which have been utilized to run [[Sexual Misery]] mind control programming to promote the [[Archontic Deception Strategy|Archontic Deception Strategies]] that are used for enforcing human consciousness enslavement. These are collective consciousness archetypal forces that have been inserted into our planetary grid network and thus embedded in human consciousness to generate sexual distortions and gender reversals.See [[Lunar Female Demonic Forces]].
Thus, [[Lunar Forces]] also called [[Moon Chain]] entities have generated artificial false mother energy currents which have been utilized to run [[Sexual Misery]] mind control programming to promote the [[Archontic Deception Strategy|Archontic Deception Strategies]] that are used for enforcing human consciousness enslavement. These are collective consciousness archetypal forces that have been inserted into our planetary grid network and thus embedded in human consciousness to generate sexual distortions and gender reversals.See [[Lunar Female Demonic Forces]].
==Relocation of 5D Vatican Inner Stargate==
Effectively, the [[Guardian Host]] mission was to evict archontic imposters and return the [[Malta]] underground structures, timekeeper functions, jump gate and the portal gateway technology back to the authentic [[Cosmic Mother]] Dragon and her Emerald Order Triple Solar Feminine Christ representatives. This seems to be newly comprised of the Council of Twelve original [[Mu’a]] from the Lemurian timeline that is connected into the Easter Island Gate and the Anuhazi White Lion Temple in the [[Aramatena|Lyran stargate]]. See [[Relocation of 5D Vatican Inner Stargate]].
==Black Madonna List==
The reclamation of [[Cosmic Mother Rainbow Dragon]] and her solar daughter [[Christ Mary]]'s sophianic body parts continue with [[Guardian Host]] [[Gridworker|gridwork projects]]. See [[Solar Feminine Christ]], [[Triple Solar Goddess]] and [https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Black_Madonna_Network#Black_Madonna_List/index.php/Black_Madonna_Network#Black_Madonna_List| Black Madonna List].
* La Vierge Noire d'Outremeuse Procession
* Assesse (Namur): Chapelle de la Vierge Noire, Maillen
* Brussels : St. Catherine Church
* Halle (Flemish Brabant) : Sint-Martinusbasiliek
* Liège: La Vierge Noire d'Outremeuse,
* Scherpenheuvel-Zichem: Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel
* Tournai: Our Lady of Flanders in Tournai Cathedral
* Notre-Dame des Récollets Church, Verviers
* Tindari Madonna Bruna: restoration work in the 1990s found a medieval statue with later additions. Nigra sum sed formosa, meaning "I am black but beautiful" (from the Song of Songs, 1:5), is inscribed round a newer base.
* Marija Bistrica: Our Lady of Bistrica, Queen of Croatia
'''Czech Republic'''
* Brno: Assumption of Virgin Mary Minor Basilica, St Thomas's Abbey, Brno
* Image of the Virgin of Candelaria, in the Basilica of Candelaria (Tenerife).
* La Vierge noire de Guingamp
* Aix-en-Provence, (Bouches-du-Rhône): Notre-Dame des Graces, Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur d'Aix[3]
* Arbois (Jura)
* Arceau (Côte-d'Or)
* Arconsat (Puy-de-Dôme)
* Arfeuilles (Allier) : statue of the 13th Century
* Aurillac, (Cantal): Notre-Dame des Neiges [4]
* Avioth (Meuse)
* Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise (Puy-de-Dôme) : Saint-André Church, Notre-Dame de Vassivière
* Besson (Allier) : statue of the 12th Century
* Boëge (Haute-Savoie) : Notre-Dame-des-Voirons Chapel
* Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain) : 13th Century
* Chartres (Eure-et-Loir): crypt of the Cathedral of Chartres. See [[Chartres Cathedral]].
* Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
* Dijon (Côte-d'Or)
* Chantemerle-les-Blés, Drôme
* Dunkerque (Nord) : Chapelle des Dunes
* Guingamp (Côtes-d'Armor) : Basilica of Notre Dame de Bon Secours.
* La Chapelle-Geneste (Haute-Loire: Notre Dame de La Chapelle Geneste[7]
* Laon (Aisne) : Notre-Dame Cathedral, statue of 1848
* Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) : statue near the Graville Abbey (Abbaye de Graville)
* Le Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) : Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay [8][9][10]
* Liesse-Notre-Dame (Aisne) : Notre-Dame de Liesse, statue destroyed in 1793, copy of 1857
* Lyon (Rhône) : Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière
* Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône): Notre-Dame-de-Confession, Abbey of St. Victor ; Notre-Dame d'Huveaune, Saint-Giniez Church
* Mauriac, Cantal: Notre Dame des Miracle
* Mende (Lozère) : Cathedral (Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Privat de Mende)
* Menton (Alpes-Maritimes) : St. Michel Church
* Meymac Abbey (Meymac, Corrèze)
* Montmerle-sur-Saône (Ain) : bronze Madonna
* Myans (Savoie)
* Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine): Notre Dame de Bonne Délivrance, formerly located at Saint-Étienne-des-Grès in Paris
* Quimper (Finistère) : Eglise de Guéodet, nommée encore Notre-Dame-de-la-Cité
* Riom,(Puy-de-Dôme): Notre-Dame du Marthuret
* Rocamadour (Lot) : Our Lady of Rocamadour
* Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (Alpes-Maritimes)
* Seyssel (Haute-Savoie)
* Soissons (Aisne) : statue of the 12th Century
* Tarascon, (Bouches-du-Rhône): Notre-Dame du Château
* Thuret (Puy-de-Dôme)
* Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) : Notre-Dame de la Daurade
* Vaison-la-Romaine (Vaucluse) : statue on a hill
* Vézelay (Yonne)
* Vichy (Allier) : Saint-Blaise Church
* Altötting (Bavaria) : Gnadenkapelle (Chapel of the Miraculous Image)
* Beilstein (Rhineland-Palatinate) : Karmeliterkirche St. Joseph
* Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia)
* Düsseldorf-Benrath (North Rhine-Westphalia) : Pfarrkirche St. Cäcilia
* Hirschberg an der Bergstraße (Baden-Württemberg) : Wallfahrtskirche St. Johannes Baptist
* Schloss Hohenstein, Upper Franconia (Bavaria)
* Köln (Nord Rhein Westfalen) : St. Maria in der Kupfergasse
* Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim (Rhineland-Palatinate) : Schloss- und Wallfahrtskirche Mariä Himmelfahrt (Ludwigshafen)
* Mainau (Baden-Württemberg) : Schlosskirche St. Marien
* Munich (Bavaria) : Theatine Church ; St. Boniface's Abbey
* Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg) : Einsiedelner Kapelle
* Regensburg (Bavaria) : Regensburg Cathedral
* Remagen (Rhineland-Palatinate) : Kapelle Schwarze Madonna
* Spabrücken (Rhineland-Palatinate)
* Stetten ob Lontal, Niederstotzingen (Baden-Württemberg)
* Windhausen in Boppard-Herschwiesen (Rhineland-Palatinate)
* Wipperfürth (North Rhine-Westphalia) : St. Johannes, Kreuzberg
* Wuppertal-Beyenburg (North Rhine-Westphalia)
* Dublin (Leinster) : Our Lady of Dublin in Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church
* Biella (Piedmont) : Black Virgin of Oropa, Sacro Monte di Oropa
* Canneto Valley near Settefrati (Lazio) : Madonna di Canneto
* Casale Monferrato (Piedmont) : Our Lady of Crea. In the hillside Sanctuary at Crea (Santuario di Crea), a cedar-wood figure, said to be one of three Black Virgins brought to Italy from the Holy Land c345 by St. Eusebius.
* Castelmonte, Prepotto (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)
* Loreto (Marche) : Basilica della Santa Casa
* Naples (Campania) : Santuario-Basilica SS Carmine Maggiore
* Positano (Campania) : Located in the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the story of how it got there - sailors shouting "Posa, posa!" ("Put it down, put it down!") - gave the town its name.
* San Severo (Apulia) : "La Madonna del Soccorso" (The Madonna of Succor), St. Severinus Abbot and Saint Severus Bishop Faeto. Statue in gold garments, object of a major 3 day festival that attracts over 350,000 people to this small town. The infant Jesus is white.
* Seminara (Calabria) : Madonna near di seminara, Maria SS.Dei poveri
* Tindari (Sicily) : Our Lady of Tindari
* Venice (Veneto) : Madonna della Salute, Santa Maria della Salute
* Viggiano (Basilicata)
* Vitina-Letnica: Church of the Black Madonna, where Mother Teresa is believed to have heard her calling.
* Esch-sur-Sûre
* Luxembourg : Luxembourg-Grund
* Vilnius : Ausros Vartai, The Gates of Dawn, St Theresa
* Kališta, Monastery : Madonna icon in the Nativity of Our Most Holy Mother of God church
* Ħamrun : a medieval painting of a Black Madonna rests in a small church, with the church being possibly the oldest one in the area, originally built in honor of St. Nicholas. Brought to Malta by a merchant in the year 1630, the painting is of a statue found in Atocha, a parish in Madrid, Spain, and is widely known as Il-Madonna tas-Samra. (This can mean 'tanned Madonna', 'brown Madonna', or 'Madonna of Samaria'). She may also be called Madonna ta' Atoċja, corresponding to the Spanish Nuestra Señora de Atocha. There were celebrations in 2005, the painting's 375th year in Malta.
* Częstochowa (Silesian Voivodeship) : Black Madonna of Częstochowa (Czarna Madonna or Matka Boska Częstochowska)
'''Nazaré (Oeste Subregion) : Nossa Senhora da Nazaré; see: the legend of Nazaré'''
* Kostroma (Kostroma Oblast) : Theotokos of St. Theodore also known as Our Lady of St. Theodore (Федоровская Богоматерь), in Theophany Monastery
* Apatin (Vojvodina) : Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
* Koprivna, Črna na Koroškem: St. Anne's Church, Koprivna - the altar of Black Madonna
* Andújar (Jaén) : Our Lady of Cabeza
* Chipiona (Cádiz) : The Virgin of Regla
* Coria (Cáceres) : Our Lady of Argeme
* El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) : The Virgin of the Miracles (Virgen de los milagros)
* Guadalupe, Cáceres : Our Lady of Guadalupe
* Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) : Nuestra Señora de la Merced (Our Lady Of Mercy)
* Madrid (Madrid) : Our Lady of Atocha
* Majorca (Balearic Islands) : Virgen de Lluc, Lluc Monastery
* Monistrol de Montserrat (Catalonia) : Virgin of Montserrat in the Benedictine abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat
* Ponferrada (León) : Virgin of la Encina
* Salamanca (Salamanca) : Virgen de la Peña de Francia (The Virgin of France's Rock)
* Santa María de Guadalupe (Cáceres) : Our Lady of Guadalupe
* Tenerife (Canary Islands) : Virgin of Candelaria
* Toledo (Toledo) : Virgen Morena (Dark Virgin), statue of La Esclavitud de Nuestra Señora del Sagrario in Primate Cathedral of Saint Mary (Catedral Primada Santa María) (The Enslavement of Our Lady of the Tabernacle)
* Torreciudad (Huesca) : Our Lady of Torreciudad
* Einsiedeln (Canton of Schwyz) : Our Lady of the Hermits
* Sonogno, Valle Verzasca (Canton of Ticino) : Santa Maria Loretana
* Uetikon upon Lake (Canton of Zürich) : Catholic Church Saint Francis of Assisi
* Metzerlen-Mariastein (Canton of Solothurn) : Mariastein Abbey
* Ascona (Canton of Ticino) : Black Chapel
* Lugano(Canton of Ticino): Chiesa di Santa Maria di Loreto
* Tsarytsya Karpat (Hoshiv Monastery) : The Queen of the Carpathian Land
Three icons portraying the Theotokos with black skin survived in Turkey to the present-day. One of which is housed in the church of Halki theological seminary.
One of three of Turkey's surviving icons of the Theotokos which is found on the island of Heybeliada at the Theological School of Halki
==The Americas==
* Aparecida (São Paulo State) : Our Lady of Aparecida (Nossa Senhora Aparecida or Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida) in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida
* Andacollo (Elqui Province) : La Virgen Morena (Spanish for The Brunette Virgin)
'''Costa Rica'''
* Cartago (Cartago Province) : Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles (Our Lady of the Angels Basilica)
'''Trinidad and Tobago'''
* Siparia : La Divina Pastora
'''United States'''
* Eureka (Missouri) : Black Madonna Shrine, dedicated to Our Lady of Częstochowa, replica of its shrine
* Doylestown (Pennsylvania) : National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, reproduction of the [[Black Madonna]] icon of Częstochowa, Poland
'''The Philippines'''
* Antipolo (Rizal) : Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje de Antipolo (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, of Antipolo)
* Ermita, Manila (Metro Manila) : Nuestra Señora de Guia (Our Lady of Guidance)
* Lapu-Lapu (Cebu) : Nuestra Señora de la Regla (Our Lady of the Rule)
* Loboc (Bohol) : Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
* Piat (Cagayan) : Nuestra Señora de la Visitacion de Piat (Our Lady of the Visitation, of Piat)

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==See Also==
==See Also==

[[Religious Violence]]
[[Dark Mother]]
[[Dark Alien Mother in Malta]]
[[Lunar Female Demonic Forces]]
[[Black Dragon Queens]]

[[Vatican City]]
[[Vatican City]]