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When our Universal creation was finally reunited again with our [[Cosmic Founder God Source Fields|Cosmic God Source fields]], another harmonic universe emerged, and this newly reconfigured domain is considered to be the sixth harmonic universe, or [[HU6]]. The sixth harmonic universe has restored the correct morphogenetic pattern for our Universal Mother and Sophianic consciousness embodiment on the earth. This corrected Mother Dark Matter Matrix emerged directly from the [[Cosmic Founder God Source Fields|Cosmic God Source fields of Source Domain 16, Source Domain 17 and Source Domain 18]]. The source domain of 16D is hosting and has emanated a new creation pattern for the sixth dimensional field, the source domain of 17D is hosting and has emanated a new creation pattern for the seventh dimensional field and the Source Domain of 18D is hosting and has completely reconfigured the eighth dimensional field. This new configuration has radically changed the Galactic and [[Metagalactic Core]] configuration and this is continually unfolding new patterns in the planetary architecture. As a result of the Cosmic God Source field intervention to fully correct the entire morphogenetic patterns of the 6D-7D-8D fields into the living light Christos tri-wave architecture, from this hosting a completely new [[Harmonic Universe]] was birthed and formed. This is the emergence of our newly returned [[Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix]], which holds the correct sound template for Sophianic consciousness embodiment along with the corrected sound vibration patterns for our entire [[Universal Time Matrix]].
[[File:Angelic-Human-Ascension-Vehicle.jpg|thumb|right|Four Domains]]
[[File:Angelic-Human-Ascension-Vehicle.jpg|thumb|right|Four Domains]]

[[File:Godworlds.jpg|thumb|God Worlds by Sequoia]]
[[File:Godworlds.jpg|thumb|God Worlds by Sequoia]]
When our Universal creation was finally reunited again with our [[Cosmic Founder God Source Fields|Cosmic God Source fields]], another harmonic universe emerged, and this newly reconfigured domain is considered to be the sixth harmonic universe, or [[HU6]]. The sixth harmonic universe has restored the correct morphogenetic pattern for our Universal Mother and Sophianic consciousness embodiment on the earth. This corrected Mother Dark Matter Matrix emerged directly from the [[Cosmic Founder God Source Fields|Cosmic God Source fields of Source Domain 16, Source Domain 17 and Source Domain 18]]. The source domain of 16D is hosting and has emanated a new creation pattern for the sixth dimensional field, the source domain of 17D is hosting and has emanated a new creation pattern for the seventh dimensional field and the Source Domain of 18D is hosting and has completely reconfigured the eighth dimensional field. This new configuration has radically changed the Galactic and [[Metagalactic Core]] configuration and this is continually unfolding new patterns in the planetary architecture. As a result of the Cosmic God Source field intervention to fully correct the entire morphogenetic patterns of the 6D-7D-8D fields into the living light Christos tri-wave architecture, from this hosting a completely new [[Harmonic Universe]] was birthed and formed. This is the emergence of our newly returned [[Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix]], which holds the correct sound template for Sophianic consciousness embodiment along with the corrected sound vibration patterns for our entire [[Universal Time Matrix]].

The [[Inner World Domain]]s of the [[12:12 Electrical Christ Male]] pattern has emanated into the next layer which is the completely new reconfigured harmonic universe, but this is considered the [[Middle World Domain]] or the [[Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix]]. The corrections that have been made to the 6D-7D-8D layers, are directly sourcing from the Cosmic God Trinity from the 16D, 17D and 18D nondimensionalized source domain fields. Thus, this new harmonic universe creation, the [[Middle World Domain]] of HU6 was generated from the purging and eviction of the [[Black Sun]] and [[Abaddon|Black Hole]] that was the [[Yahweh Matrix]] held in the 8D core, in which the black hole entities from [[Wesa]] have been evicted from the [[Galactic Core]] and [[Metagalactic Core]] of our [[Universal Time Matrix]]. In its place, we have the true sound template of our [[Holy Mother]] and Sophianic presence, in which the Holy Mother’s organic nature and morphogenetic pattern has been returned to humanity. An entirely new [[Harmonic Universe]] was dedicated to her complete emanation in this [[Universal Time Matrix]] creation; thus, we now have full access to her on the earth and within every domain. From the [[Holy Mother]] source vibration from within the core of the [[Middle World Domain]], now emerges the organic timelines in which we reside locally and experience the manifest reality on the earth. The [[Outer World Domain]] emanates the organic timelines in which we experience the space time continuum, and is where we reside as physical beings in the time matrix. The Outer Domain is the now the actual location from which we are stationed as an identity in the organic timelines on the earth plane.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3669-winter-solstice-gold-body-activation Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation]</ref>
The [[Inner World Domain]]s of the [[12:12 Electrical Christ Male]] pattern has emanated into the next layer which is the completely new reconfigured harmonic universe, but this is considered the [[Middle World Domain]] or the [[Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix]]. The corrections that have been made to the 6D-7D-8D layers, are directly sourcing from the Cosmic God Trinity from the 16D, 17D and 18D nondimensionalized source domain fields. Thus, this new harmonic universe creation, the [[Middle World Domain]] of HU6 was generated from the purging and eviction of the [[Black Sun]] and [[Abaddon|Black Hole]] that was the [[Yahweh Matrix]] held in the 8D core, in which the black hole entities from [[Wesa]] have been evicted from the [[Galactic Core]] and [[Metagalactic Core]] of our [[Universal Time Matrix]]. In its place, we have the true sound template of our [[Holy Mother]] and Sophianic presence, in which the Holy Mother’s organic nature and morphogenetic pattern has been returned to humanity. An entirely new [[Harmonic Universe]] was dedicated to her complete emanation in this [[Universal Time Matrix]] creation; thus, we now have full access to her on the earth and within every domain. From the [[Holy Mother]] source vibration from within the core of the [[Middle World Domain]], now emerges the organic timelines in which we reside locally and experience the manifest reality on the earth. The [[Outer World Domain]] emanates the organic timelines in which we experience the space time continuum, and is where we reside as physical beings in the time matrix. The Outer Domain is the now the actual location from which we are stationed as an identity in the organic timelines on the earth plane.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3669-winter-solstice-gold-body-activation Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation]</ref>
==Cosmic Energy Cycle==
The planet entered the [[Cosmic Energy Cycle]] during the hierogamic event of the [[Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns]] earlier this year, with the center core of the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family. This event further opened the doorway into the [[Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix]] which holds many [[Solar Reisha]] Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters, many of which are connected to the original [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]], [[Mu’a]] and [[Aquaelle]] lineages that serve as [[Keepers of the Crystal Core]]. Subsequent to this, the building out of the organic repair sequences for the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Guardian Ascension Host]] mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the [[Sapphire Diamond Shield]] architecture into the [[Iran Gate|10D gateways]] for the return of the [[Cosmic Mother]]’s [[Solar Reisha]] sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>

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[[Amethyst Dragon Kings]]
[[Amethyst Dragon Kings]]
[[Cosmic Holy Father Rod Code]]

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