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[[File:Airedwave2.jpg|thumb|AI Redwave False Timeline Perception]]
Humans running the AI red-violet-magenta wave programs aka [[Red Cube]] technology are what feed into the AI [[Dark Mother]] lunar gestalts, spawning false holograms of [[Cloned Ascended Master]] identities which also power up the [[Azazael]] gestalt. This weapon is designed for the vilest NAA entities to station themselves in the artificial timelines pretending to be [[Ascended Master]]s or friendly advanced humans from the future, who mostly appear in [[Ruby Sun DNA]] cloned bodies with [[Azurite]] features.
Humans running the AI red-violet-magenta wave programs aka [[Red Cube]] technology are what feed into the AI [[Dark Mother]] lunar gestalts, spawning false holograms of [[Cloned Ascended Master]] identities which also power up the [[Azazael]] gestalt. This weapon is designed for the vilest NAA entities to station themselves in the artificial timelines pretending to be [[Ascended Master]]s or friendly advanced humans from the future, who mostly appear in [[Ruby Sun DNA]] cloned bodies with [[Azurite]] features.
[[File:Airedwave2.jpg|thumb|AI Redwave False Timeline Perception]]

The [[Red Nile Cube]] is an advanced [[Wesa]] AI weapon with extensive programming used to continually clone and spin out false holograms of Christos [[Diamond Sun]] DNA families, [[Azurites]] and [[Master Christos Collective|Ascended Master Christos lineages]] in this Universe and in [[Wesa]]. This AI weapon is cube technology that is used as a cloaking device for the NAA to parade false identities and generating phantom pockets, to hide the many layers of hierarchies that form into the Wesa shadow armies. The Red Nile or [[Red Cube]] AI programs are used by assorted [[Black Sun]] entities; [[Bourgha]], [[Dragon Moth]], Marduk Necromiton, Enlil Odedicron, Insectoids, Red Spider Arachnids, [[Black Dragon]] gestalts and assorted lunar female demons. These red cube shadow identities are generated like [[Digital Twin]]s, they attach an AI version of a Christos identity shadow imposter into the [[Lightbody]] of an [[Awakening]] person or [[Channeling|channeler]], who believes this [[Ascended Master]] or enlightened extradimensional is communicating with them.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3684-gaian-matrix Gaian Matrix]</ref>
The [[Red Nile Cube]] is an advanced [[Wesa]] AI weapon with extensive programming used to continually clone and spin out false holograms of Christos [[Diamond Sun]] DNA families, [[Azurites]] and [[Master Christos Collective|Ascended Master Christos lineages]] in this Universe and in [[Wesa]]. This AI weapon is cube technology that is used as a cloaking device for the NAA to parade false identities and generating phantom pockets, to hide the many layers of hierarchies that form into the Wesa shadow armies. The Red Nile or [[Red Cube]] AI programs are used by assorted [[Black Sun]] entities; [[Bourgha]], [[Dragon Moth]], Marduk Necromiton, Enlil Odedicron, Insectoids, Red Spider Arachnids, [[Black Dragon]] gestalts and assorted lunar female demons. These red cube shadow identities are generated like [[Digital Twin]]s, they attach an AI version of a Christos identity shadow imposter into the [[Lightbody]] of an [[Awakening]] person or [[Channeling|channeler]], who believes this [[Ascended Master]] or enlightened extradimensional is communicating with them.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3684-gaian-matrix Gaian Matrix]</ref>
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==Essene Divide Construct==
==Essene Divide Construct==
[[File:AI-Timeline-Wars.jpg|thumb|Timeline Wars and Phantom Matrix]]
[[File:AI-Timeline-Wars.jpg|thumb|Timeline Wars and Phantom Matrix]]
As the result of the recent escalation of AI Timeline Wars, the Guardian [[Christos Mission]] has reached the stage of dismantling sections of the actual phantom matrix infrastructure, the actual artificial intelligence architecture put into place through the insertion of the [[Artificial Tree of Life]]. The phantom matrix uses four main black pillars in reversal architecture to power up their artificial creations, based upon holographic inserts made of the four main Grual Point [[Christos Mission]] Guardians and their respective timelines. We have generated a graphic aid to help assist in the visualization of the concept of artificial timelines projecting from the phantom matrix, which describes the AI [[Timeline Wars]]. Please take note that this is not intended to be a literal representation; it is a visualization intended to help the mind grasp the [[Blended Earth Reality|Blended Reality]] system of organic timelines and artificial timelines that we experience at this time on the earth. This helps to understand the reality of [[Cloned Ascended Master]]s used by imposter [[Black Sun]] entities to manipulate [[Awakening]] humanity.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3506-artificial-timeline-wars Artificial Timeline Wars]]</ref>
As the result of the recent escalation of AI Timeline Wars, the Guardian [[Christos Mission]] has reached the stage of dismantling sections of the actual phantom matrix infrastructure, the actual artificial intelligence architecture put into place through the insertion of the [[Artificial Tree of Life]]. The phantom matrix uses four main black pillars in reversal architecture to power up their artificial creations, based upon holographic inserts made of the four main Grual Point [[Christos Mission]] Guardians and their respective timelines. We have generated a graphic aid to help assist in the visualization of the concept of artificial timelines projecting from the [[Phantom Matrix]], which describes the AI [[Timeline Wars]]. Please take note that this is not intended to be a literal representation; it is a visualization intended to help the mind grasp the [[Blended Earth Reality|Blended Reality]] system of organic timelines and artificial timelines that we experience at this time on the earth. This helps to understand the reality of [[Cloned Ascended Master]]s used by imposter [[Black Sun]] entities to manipulate [[Awakening]] humanity.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3506-artificial-timeline-wars Artificial Timeline Wars]]</ref>
==Red Cube Cloned Identities==
[[File:Redcube.jpg|thumb|Red Nile Cube Technology]]
Additionally, the [[Red Cube]] AI technology is designed to be a genetic code crasher for anti-hierogamic union or to create interference through an [[Alien Love Bite]] scenario that engages that person in heavy emotional dramas via [[Victim-Victimizer]] archetypes and mistaken identity, by keeping the inner and outer gender principles split apart.  The [[Red Cube]] technology capitalizes on painful emotional astral damage and mistaken identity, confusing identities, so that the target cannot tell who is who, what are the false timelines and imposters versus the authentic identity. The targeted person can mistake AI [[Digital Twin]]s inserted into their hologram as their twin soul, or whatever else that can be included to interfere with integrated spiritual [[Ascension]] by confusing them with mistaken identity or [[Hero-Savior]] archetypes. This includes the target believing that they are this special identity from an inserted digital twin of a cloned Ascended Master in their lightbody, in which this clone runs AI red wave, false feminine violet programming or other artificial frequencies, which is quite common in the new age circles without [[Negative Ego]] training and [[Victim-Victimizer]] clearing.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3684-gaian-matrix Gaian Matrix]</ref>
==Luciferian Doctrine in Theosophy Teachings==
Ascended Master in Theosophy Teachings
From the Omniversal Emerald Guardian perspective, the [[Ascended Master]]s and [[Chohans]] of the seven rays that are referenced in the [[Theosophical Society|Theosophy teachings]] of Madame Blavatsky during the late 1800's, as well as Alice Bailey and others, are considered to have begun as benevolent communications transmitted from partially ascended humans, and over time, hijacked, misinterpreted and filled with misinformation being transmitted from fallen entities on the astral plane or [[NAA]] versions of [[Cloned Ascended Master|cloned copies]] of the original Rishic-Reisha identities. Therefore, during the [[Dark Aeon]] of [[Spiritual Warfare]] made against humanity,  many of these [[Ascended Master]] identities were captured and used by the [[NAA]] to confuse awakening humans during the [[Ascension Cycle]]. These groups had lost their Rishi-Reisha template and [[Solar Logos]] embodiment during [[NAA]] invasion, thus they are  partially ascended masters because they have mastered material reality by ascending beyond the 3D Earth plane, but have aspects that are trapped in future timelines or in the [[Phantom Black Heaven|phantom areas]]. Thus, they have been unable to reclaim spiritual body parts and ascend out of the [[Universal Time Matrix]], until very recently.
==Genetic Clearing of Tibetan Master Teachings==
[[File:Innerbuddha.jpg|thumb|Inner Buddha (Sequoia art)]]
As more of the [[Authentic Ascended Masters]] are returning and revealing themselves, it has catalyzed an intense purging of falsified ascension teachings and cloned holograms that are genetically connected to the Tibetan Masters, who are the genuine source field of universal truth as the cosmic consciousness holders of those particular [[Ascension]] teachings. As discussed last month, Guardians were cleaning out the [[Daath World]] built as a black phantom heaven, and many AI brains of [[Fallen Ascended Masters]] were discovered to be interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive mind, running the entire [[Daath]] system. The [[Chohan Tibetan Masters]] of the [[Theosophical Society|Theosophical movement]] and some that are popular in the new age material had cloned energetic signatures of their consciousness or rainbow body placed inside Black Cathedrals. This was an artificial construct for NAA forces to wear the [[Ascended Master]] body parts and appear as them, to manipulate [[Channeling|channelers]] and others that have past lives connected to these particular masters’ lineages. Since this discovery, there has been a ‘all hands on deck’ level of interdimensional Guardian Christos teams working to locate and retrieve the fallen Melchizedek [[Ascended Master]] consciousness, and make corrections to the genetic keys; clearing out miasmatic impacts, ancestral records and corrupted timelines with red wave or other infiltrations.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3854-blue-rainbow-bridge Blue Rainbow Bridge]</ref>
This event also brings rapid solar initiation in which those ascending groups connected to the adept lineages of these Tibetan Masters, are detoxifying miasmatic loads of artificial red wave spectrums and other artificial frequencies that carried false ascension or new age overlays
