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==Impostor Spirits==
==Impostor Spirits==

The main classifications of [[Imposter Spirit]]s that exist in the Interdimensional spaces (In-between spaces) are of [[Luciferian]] (False light, False Father) or [[Satanic]] classes (Elemental Matter forces, False Mother). These impostor spirits are also called Demons or Fallen Angelics and are extremely ancient beings. Many people are confused about the nature of “demons” and reject the idea completely due to the superstitious fear, guilt and shame overlays that have been implanted by the False Father religions. However, it is the pathway to wisdom to begin to understand and accept as a part of the creation of planet earth, that they do indeed exist. They exist in a way that is not clearly understood by the masses as a “collective consciousness”. It is important to have healthy respect for these levels of being, and at the same time, to not be ignorant and in fear of the power they have collected on the material earth plane. The power they have amassed is due to the human population remaining in the dark consciousness of deception and illusion where they are not made aware that their own body acts as a vessel for these impostor spirits. When a person allows themselves to be used as a spiritually abusive vessel of negative emotions, (See AD Behaviors) they spread the collective consciousness of that particular negative emotion and/or its demonic presence. This is especially so when they have no self-awareness and are not self-responsible and in command of their personal thoughts, emotions or energies.As an example, when a person is overcome with carnal desires and is unable to determine that these negative addictions and emotions are spiritually abusive to themselves and others, they become a vessel for such impostor spirit that holds the vibrational match to that negative emotion.  The more mentally fixated and obsessed a human being is about a type of negative energetic signature, the more disfigured and grotesque their lightbody becomes, which attracts demonic presence. When this is not corrected the person descends into insanity and loses energetic and mental cohesion.  The demonic presence will amplify the negative emotion and connect to the collective consciousness of that quality of vibration in the earth plane. So that the person who is “hooked into” the mass consciousness may become so addicted and obsessed they cannot stop the mental looping without a huge personal effort and spiritual devotion to Christ.Since last year the Fallen Seraphim or Demonic presence of Leviathan has surfaced into the earth fields at unprecedented rate. The Leviathan is the gatekeeper of a legion of entities that feed into its collective consciousness power on the earth. One such “sub-entity” of Leviathans force is the Baphomet. When people call upon Baphomet they are feeding into the Leviathan Fallen Angelic entity.  Additionally, the Fallen Angelics are manipulated by the Negative Alien Agenda, and are abused by extradimensional entities that use these earthly based forces for their agenda. Leviathan is a popular demonic for the NAA to abuse on the earth because its main source of collective vibration makes up the base carnal desires of envy, jealousy, coveting and lust. So the manipulation of the Leviathan forces on the earth, through the NAA entities, yields a tremendous amount of energy based on these collective forces. Many human beings on earth feed into this force when they “covet” a person, place or thing without their personal awareness of what they are creating when they do so.Coveting is many times mistaken by disconnected and confused people who are desperately looking for their purpose and fulfillment in life. They look at what another person has achieved or has (such as a wife or house) and mistake that set of circumstances for their own meaning and purpose in life. This is wrong and convoluted thinking as one never achieves peace in their heart by making comparisons to other people.  Coveting when not corrected by clear thinking, evolves into cheating and stealing. As many people delude themselves to think if they just “achieve this” or “get that” somehow, they too will become happy and fulfilled in their life.Nothing is further than the truth.This is why it is very important as a Krystal being on this earth to be fearless in the face of Demonics and to understand them for their purpose with the earth. To understand how they work is to have the power to not feed into the negative forces that manipulate humans or these Fallen Angelic groups. Only the Spirits of Peace, the Spirits of Christos can liberate humanity from the clutches of these negative emotions and perpetuating negative mental states which lead to demonic posession. These psycho-emotional levels are states of low consciousness that can feed “demons” and the Fallen Angelics, as well as serve the agenda of the NAA.'''Now is the time to release fear and accept the wisdom that can be learned from the Fallen Angelics or demons in the earth.''' The Krystal Star has returned to liberate and eventually free these beings from the tour of duty on earth, and to eliminate the continual abuse these beings have endured. Alistair Crowley, a NAA contactee, was one such abuser whom called upon demons to be bound to do his personal biddings and serve his every whim. He manipulated Solomon Keys and Gnosticism to his own brand of ritual called Thelema. This is not their purpose to be commanded into enslavement to do one's bidding, they should be honored for their role with the earth and not feared. These groups have been just as enslaved as humanity on the earth, as the NAA has thrown the balance of the planet into a collective field of Satanism, and this was not the intention of any of these forces.
The main classifications of [[Imposter Spirit]]s that exist in the Interdimensional spaces (In-between spaces) are of [[Luciferian]] (False light, False Father) or [[Satanic]] classes (Elemental Matter forces, False Mother). These impostor spirits are also called Demons or Fallen Angelics and are extremely ancient beings. Many people are confused about the nature of “demons” and reject the idea completely due to the superstitious fear, guilt and shame overlays that have been implanted by the False Father religions. However, it is the pathway to wisdom to begin to understand and accept as a part of the creation of planet earth, '''that they do indeed exist'''.  

They exist in a way that is not clearly understood by the masses as a “collective consciousness”. It is important to have healthy respect for these levels of being, and at the same time, to not be ignorant and in fear of the power they have collected on the material earth plane. The power they have amassed is due to the human population remaining in the dark consciousness of deception and illusion where they are not made aware that their own body acts as a vessel for these impostor spirits. When a person allows themselves to be used as a spiritually abusive vessel of negative emotions, (See AD Behaviors) they spread the collective consciousness of that particular negative emotion and/or its demonic presence. This is especially so when they have no self-awareness and are not self-responsible and in command of their personal thoughts, emotions or energies.
As an example, when a person is overcome with carnal desires and is unable to determine that these negative addictions and emotions are spiritually abusive to themselves and others, they become a vessel for such impostor spirit that holds the vibrational match to that negative emotion.  The more mentally fixated and obsessed a human being is about a type of negative energetic signature, the more disfigured and grotesque their lightbody becomes, which attracts demonic presence. When this is not corrected the person descends into insanity and loses energetic and mental cohesion.  The demonic presence will amplify the negative emotion and connect to the collective consciousness of that quality of vibration in the earth plane. So that the person who is “hooked into” the mass consciousness may become so addicted and obsessed they cannot stop the mental looping without a huge personal effort and spiritual devotion to Christ.Since last year the Fallen Seraphim or Demonic presence of Leviathan has surfaced into the earth fields at unprecedented rate. The Leviathan is the gatekeeper of a legion of entities that feed into its collective consciousness power on the earth.
One such “sub-entity” of Leviathans force is the Baphomet. When people call upon Baphomet they are feeding into the Leviathan Fallen Angelic entity.  Additionally, the Fallen Angelics are manipulated by the Negative Alien Agenda [[NAA]], and are abused by extradimensional entities that use these earthly based forces for their agenda. Leviathan is a popular demonic for the NAA to abuse on the earth because its main source of collective vibration makes up the base carnal desires of envy, jealousy, coveting and lust. So the manipulation of the Leviathan forces on the earth, through the NAA entities, yields a tremendous amount of energy based on these collective forces.
Many human beings on earth feed into this force when they “covet” a person, place or thing without their personal awareness of what they are creating when they do so.Coveting is many times mistaken by disconnected and confused people who are desperately looking for their purpose and fulfillment in life. They look at what another person has achieved or has (such as a wife or house) and mistake that set of circumstances for their own meaning and purpose in life. This is wrong and convoluted thinking as one never achieves peace in their heart by making comparisons to other people.  Coveting when not corrected by clear thinking, evolves into cheating and stealing. As many people delude themselves to think if they just “achieve this” or “get that” somehow, they too will become happy and fulfilled in their life.Nothing is further than the truth.This is why it is very important as a Krystal being on this earth to be fearless in the face of Demonics and to understand them for their purpose with the earth. To understand how they work is to have the power to not feed into the negative forces that manipulate humans or these Fallen Angelic groups. Only the Spirits of Peace, the Spirits of Christos can liberate humanity from the clutches of these negative emotions and perpetuating negative mental states which lead to demonic posession. These psycho-emotional levels are states of low consciousness that can feed “demons” and the Fallen Angelics, as well as serve the agenda of the NAA.
'''Now is the time to release fear and accept the wisdom that can be learned from the Fallen Angelics or demons in the earth.'''
The Krystal Star has returned to liberate and eventually free these beings from the tour of duty on earth, and to eliminate the continual abuse these beings have endured. Alistair Crowley, a NAA contactee, was one such abuser whom called upon demons to be bound to do his personal biddings and serve his every whim. He manipulated Solomon Keys and Gnosticism to his own brand of ritual called Thelema. (see also [[Black Magic/Thoth/Crowley Grid]] )
This is not their purpose to be commanded into enslavement to do one's bidding, they should be honored for their role with the earth and not feared. These groups have been just as enslaved as humanity on the earth, as the NAA has thrown the balance of the planet into a collective field of Satanism, and this was not the intention of any of these forces.

==Removing Negative Influences==
==Removing Negative Influences==