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He set up laboratories and developed assorted working prototypes for energy generating technologies that were ultimately based on the vortex math secrets of 3-6-9 that he remembered in his direct study of the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is connected to an elaborate Giza grid network which is the main Solar Gate and prime meridian of planet Earth, and from which the man known as Yeshua or Jesus Christ ascended out of this matrix. The ancient galactic portal connected from Giza once allowed passage through Sirius B and then all the way out through the Andromedan Galaxy. The Egyptian Pyramid of Giza is a previous remnant of ancient builder technology that was commonly used via sound wave orchestration of shaping matter through pyramids, domes, towers, arches and bells, during the times of Atlantis. The Great Pyramid was designed to be a giant harmonic frequency resonator sending out geometric patterns into the planetary grid, as well as a consciousness transport device for those embodied with higher operating DNA strands. The Great Pyramid lies in the exact center of all land area of the globe, dividing the Earth’s land mass into approximately equal quarters.
He set up laboratories and developed assorted working prototypes for energy generating technologies that were ultimately based on the vortex math secrets of 3-6-9 that he remembered in his direct study of the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is connected to an elaborate Giza grid network which is the main Solar Gate and prime meridian of planet Earth, and from which the man known as Yeshua or Jesus Christ ascended out of this matrix. The ancient galactic portal connected from Giza once allowed passage through Sirius B and then all the way out through the Andromedan Galaxy. The Egyptian Pyramid of Giza is a previous remnant of ancient builder technology that was commonly used via sound wave orchestration of shaping matter through pyramids, domes, towers, arches and bells, during the times of Atlantis. The Great Pyramid was designed to be a giant harmonic frequency resonator sending out geometric patterns into the planetary grid, as well as a consciousness transport device for those embodied with higher operating DNA strands. The Great Pyramid lies in the exact center of all land area of the globe, dividing the Earth’s land mass into approximately equal quarters.

Tesla was aware the planet was a giant energy generator spinning around two magnetic poles in which limitless access to free energy could be harnessed for all of humanity. He believed that the ionospheric layers were important in harnessing atmospheric electricity, which could be easily tapped into wirelessly which could generate free energy for many global energy applications. Based in his study of the Giza Pyramids, Tesla designed his Towers created upon the same mathematical proportions of Giza, in accordance to the laws used in its construction that were based on the location in the grid and its relationship to the equator band. From this he knew that a source of free energy could be harnessed from the planet and transmitted as a global power source wirelessly. Tesla’s discoveries and free energy devices were confiscated by the government and his body of work disappeared after his death in 1943. His work in this world is far from being completed and in the near future we will be hearing about more of the advanced technologies that were developed through his original blueprints that were hidden from the masses.
Tesla was aware the planet was a giant energy generator spinning around two magnetic poles in which limitless access to free energy could be harnessed for all of humanity. He believed that the ionospheric layers were important in harnessing atmospheric electricity, which could be easily tapped into wirelessly which could generate free energy for many global energy applications. Based in his study of the Giza Pyramids, Tesla designed his Towers created upon the same mathematical proportions of Giza, in accordance to the laws used in its construction that were based on the location in the grid and its relationship to the equator band. From this he knew that a source of free energy could be harnessed from the planet and transmitted as a global power source wirelessly. Tesla’s discoveries and free energy devices were confiscated by the government and his body of work disappeared after his death in 1943. His work in this world is far from being completed and in the near future we will be hearing about more of the advanced technologies that were developed through his original blueprints that were hidden from the masses.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3724-the-lost-knowledge-of-human-civilization Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization]</ref>