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[[File:Dmdragon.jpg|thumb|Kantarian Dragon Kings (art by Sequoia)]]
[[File:Dmdragon.jpg|thumb|Kantarian Dragon Kings (art by Sequoia)]]

The Mother [[Arc of Covenant Stargates|Arc of Covenant Stargate]] system was purposed for the transiting of an assortment of stuck or damaged consciousness bodies through the Aqua portals, in order to begin the foundations for rebuilding the KA-TA-RA [[Kantarian Dragon]] ring portal system.
The Mother [[Arc of Covenant Stargates|Arc of Covenant Stargate]] system was purposed for the transiting of an assortment of stuck or damaged consciousness bodies through the Aqua portals, in order to begin the foundations for rebuilding the [[KA-TA-RA]] [[Kantarian Dragon]] ring portal system.

Our Universe was invaded when the 8D layers of the [[Metagalactic Core]] were attacked by black hole entities that are a fallen species that hybridized with advanced AI technological systems, many of whom joined together later on to form the NAA. Obviously, given [[Ezekiel]]’s placement as a [[Solar Rod Template|Christos Solar Rod principle]] in the Universal architecture as an [[Amethyst Order]] Dragon King along with his Gaian [[Kantarian]] spiritual family identity, he fell along with the rest of angelic humanity with his consciousness body parts strewn across many dimensions.  
Our Universe was invaded when the 8D layers of the [[Metagalactic Core]] were attacked by black hole entities that are a fallen species that hybridized with advanced AI technological systems, many of whom joined together later on to form the NAA. Obviously, given [[Ezekiel]]’s placement as a [[Solar Rod Template|Christos Solar Rod principle]] in the Universal architecture as an [[Amethyst Order]] Dragon King along with his Gaian [[Kantarian]] spiritual family identity, he fell along with the rest of angelic humanity with his consciousness body parts strewn across many dimensions.  
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This particular passageway linked the lower dimensional timelines of the planetary matrix with the higher [[Harmonic Universe]] timelines existing in the Sirian constellation via [[Sirius B]]. At that time the Sirian constellation included a tri-matrix that was acting as the repository for some of the [[Founder Records]] through another area referred to as the [[Hall of Records]], these included [[Diamond Sun]] records that were being studied and protected in Sirius B by Christos Guardians. Blue Ray [[Indigo]] lineages were assigned to help repair this 6D passage through embodying 6D Indigo frequencies with activated 6D DNA imprints, and this damage was finally repaired through the [[Mother Arc Gates]]. However there remains holocaust histories and miasmatic imprints to clear from this timeline connected to the hybrid memories humanity has enmeshed  with the [[Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics]] and fallen [[Elohim]] genetics.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3188-historical-timeline-trigger-events Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref>
This particular passageway linked the lower dimensional timelines of the planetary matrix with the higher [[Harmonic Universe]] timelines existing in the Sirian constellation via [[Sirius B]]. At that time the Sirian constellation included a tri-matrix that was acting as the repository for some of the [[Founder Records]] through another area referred to as the [[Hall of Records]], these included [[Diamond Sun]] records that were being studied and protected in Sirius B by Christos Guardians. Blue Ray [[Indigo]] lineages were assigned to help repair this 6D passage through embodying 6D Indigo frequencies with activated 6D DNA imprints, and this damage was finally repaired through the [[Mother Arc Gates]]. However there remains holocaust histories and miasmatic imprints to clear from this timeline connected to the hybrid memories humanity has enmeshed  with the [[Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics]] and fallen [[Elohim]] genetics.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3188-historical-timeline-trigger-events Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref>

It was made clear over time that Ezekiel and the [[Family of Ezekiel]] gestalt, which extended into his [[Kantarian Dragon]] lineages on [[Gaia]], were important keys in the embodiment principle of the masculine [[Solar Rod Template]] throughout the planetary grid networks spanning into all three harmonic universes. The three toned unified signatures of the planetary logos grid architecture were held throughout the dragon lines as they spanned around the [[Earth]], [[Tara]] and [[Gaia]] in the electro-tonal patterns KA-TA-RA.
==KA-TA-RA Solar Ouroborus Lines==
It was made clear over time that Ezekiel and the [[Family of Ezekiel]] gestalt, which extended into his [[Kantarian Dragon]] lineages on [[Gaia]], were important keys in the embodiment principle of the masculine [[Solar Rod Template]] throughout the planetary grid networks spanning into all three harmonic universes. The three toned unified signatures of the planetary logos grid architecture were held throughout the dragon lines as they spanned around the [[Earth]], [[Tara]] and [[Gaia]] in the electro-tonal patterns [[KA-TA-RA]].

[[KA-TA-RA]] sun-stars are unified tri-wave embodiments by [[Kantarian Solar Ouroboros Dragons]] that seem to be connected to the original emanation of Founder Amethyst Dragon King Ezekiel and his father-son triple solar masculine Christos consciousness body sourcing from the [[Rha God World Creation]].  The [[Kantarians]] are embodied as solar dragons with wings that held open the rotational core in the portal systems that link directly into the crystal diamond hearts within the center point of union and that central point is the [[Azura]], which exists within each [[12 Tree Grid|12 Tree manifestation grid]]. Their function was linking these rotational core portal systems all the way back into the Azura point of the [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] circuitry of the [[Kryst-Krystallah]] matrix in the God Worlds. The Kantarians are the center point of union principle in the Galactic Core that are designated to embody the structure for the [[Mother Arc]] and [[Father Arc]] portal systems that lead all the way in and out of the nested holographic time matrices. The Kantarians unify in male-female [[Aeonic Pair]]ings that step down the flows of the most sacred holy spirits of the [[Krystallah]] aquamarine flame source coming from the pure love transmissions of the [[Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart]]s of God.ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3762-the-liberation-of-ezekiel Liberation of Ezekiel]</ref>
[[KA-TA-RA]] sun-stars are unified tri-wave embodiments by [[Kantarian Solar Ouroboros Dragons]] that seem to be connected to the original emanation of Founder [[Amethyst Dragon Kings|Amethyst Dragon King]] [[Ezekiel]] and his father-son triple solar masculine Christos consciousness body sourcing from the [[Rha God World Creation]].  The [[Kantarians]] are embodied as [[Solar Dragon]]s with wings that held open the rotational core in the portal systems that link directly into the crystal diamond hearts within the center point of union and that central point is the [[Azura]], which exists within each [[12 Tree Grid|12 Tree manifestation grid]]. Their function was linking these rotational core portal systems all the way back into the [[Azura Point]] of the [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] circuitry of the [[Kryst-Krystallah]] matrix in the God Worlds. The [[Kantarians]] are the center point of union principle in the [[Galactic Core]] that are designated to embody the structure for the [[Mother Arc]] and [[Father Arc]] portal systems that lead all the way in and out of the nested holographic time matrices. The [[Kantarians]] unify in male-female [[Aeonic Pair]]ings that step down the flows of the most sacred holy spirits of the [[Krystallah]] aquamarine flame source coming from the pure love transmissions of the [[Cosmic Emerald Heart|Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart]]s of God.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3762-the-liberation-of-ezekiel Liberation of Ezekiel]</ref>

==Cathedral Activation of Azura Portal==
When the [[Rosslyn Chapel]] 6D portal and [[Chartres Cathedral]] 7D portal unified an activation of the holographic [[Emerald Founder Records]] occurred when an [[Azura Point]] for the Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart birthed into the Spine of Albion and aligned with the [[Liberation of Ezekiel|Solar Rod of Ezekiel]], making corrections to the positions held within the [[Cosmic Clock]] of the Aeons. The [[Spine of Albion]] wing activation opened into the [[Kantarian]] Dragon portal system from within the [[Azura]] portal, opening into 8D and beyond, further igniting the solar ouroboros lines of [[Maji Grail King]]s throughout [[Earth]], [[Tara]] and [[Gaia]]. This grid activation in the [[Albion]] began an opalescent krystal river flowing golden white fire plasma platonic solids for re-encrypting the planetary elementals and supporting corrections to the planetary rod horizontal [[Ley Lines]] to purge AI machinery.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3762-the-liberation-of-ezekiel Liberation of Ezekiel]</ref>

==Mahara Reisha Sapphire Sun==
The [[Mahara Reisha]] Blue Dragons are the holders of [[Hara Krysta Staff]] into the Cosmic Hall of Records through their embodied Azura Dragon Hearts of the [[Cosmic Mother]] Dragon. There is a Tri-Matrix of Suns protecting the creation door out of this Universe that is leading into the [[Cosmic Spirit Body|Cosmic Energy Matrix]], and the only way that happens is by entering on the vertical staff lines of [[Hara-Krysta]] anchored by the [[Mahara Reisha]] Blue Sun. The [[Mahara Reisha]] Sun, a Blue Sapphire Sun of [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] is also stepping down into the [[Mother Arc]] principle, that further down steps into the lower harmonic universe as the main [[Amoraea Flame|Amoraea]] blue flame holy spirit body.

The Mahara Reisha Emerald Blue Crystal heart principle, functions as the Azura heart flame point of interconnected planetary matrixes in the same way the [[Kantarian]] Azure Dragons make up the [[Azura]] heart center points in the living consciousness fields of multiple [[Harmonic Universe]]s. The [[Mahara Reisha]] Female principle sun spirit bodies function as the counterparts to the solar body of the [[Kantarian Dragon]]s, their eternal spirit body is a blue rainbow sun, and they have the Mahara Ma’ Ah spirit body that exists in the parallel matrix. Through the entrance to the cosmic energy cycle, we bear witness to the reclamation and repair of the [[Founder Sapphire Flame|23D Sapphire body]] as connected to the Mahara Reisha Sun in the Tri-Matrix of the [[Cosminya]], and as the living consciousness spirit suns are being reunited with their divine masculine solar light or rishi partners in [[Hieros Gamos|hierogamic union]] or [[Aeonic Pair|Aeonesis]] through the [[Iran Gate|10th stargate]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>

==The Universal Mother of Life is Tiamati==
The [[Cosmic Mother]]’s reclamation of the [[Tiamat Logos]] white diamond core revealed the ancient [[Emerald Founder Records]] of the original [[Anuhazi]] Mu’a language that was spoken and sung as the [[Universal Mother of Life]] principle for building and administering to the creation. Specifically, the [[Blue Solar Reisha Dragon]] family were created by [[Cosmic Mother]] to embody her ancient musical language of the [[Holy Mother Sophia|Holy Mother’s Sophia code]] transmitted from her [[White Diamond Elohei|White Diamond Sun]] and [[Emerald Crystal Heart]]s within a 48 layered [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] matrix.
Thus, during the warring conflicts resulting in the destruction of [[Tara]] and [[Tiamat]], the Holy Mother Priestesses that embodied the Emerald Order Elohei higher creator knowledge, also used [[Cellular Telepathy]] to transmit and speak the genetic language into manifestation which further built out organic architecture for timelines and stargates. They were directing the [[Kantarian]] solar dragons on how to repair the energetic integrity of the [[Mother Arc]] and [[Arc Zone]]s with Emerald Order Kristos Azura blue rainbow architecture after the [[Thousand Years War]].  This [[White Diamond Elohei]] Mother Solar Dragon creator language was transmitted from the [[Cosminya]]’s tri-matrix of Elaysian fields running through the [[Staff of Elaysa]], as received by the [[Emerald Order]] Melchizedek [[Yana]]s in the format of Cosmic Mother’s solar daughters original [[Anuhazi]] [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] language sourced from the Emerald Order’s [[1st God World Creation|1st Creation Matrix]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3865-enki-dna-overlays Enki DNA]]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Liberation of Ezekiel]]
