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The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits that some trails left by aircraft are chemical orbiological agents deliberately sprayed in the sky for purposes undisclosed to the general public and directed by various government officials.This theory has been refuted by the scientific community: such trails are simply normal contrails (condensation trails).
[[File:7-Black-Sun-Draconian-Agenda.jpg|thumb|Black Sun Agenda (Satanics)]]
The term chemtrail is a portmanteau of the words "chemical" and "trail", just as contrail is a contraction of "condensation trail". The term does not refer to other forms of aerial spraying such as agricultural spraying ('crop dusting'), cloud seeding, skywriting, or aerial firefighting—the term specifically refers to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of characteristic sky tracks.
[[Chemtrail]]ing has become the public’s term for the classified ongoing artificial modification of earth’s climate systems, using reflective nano-materials and aerosols that reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. The planet's climate system is disintegrating as the geo-engineers try desperately to control it with ever more destructive measures. Solar activity is a key to turning on [[Genetic Switches]] for human DNA activation. When the upper atmosphere is undergoing heavy ionization it changes portions of the fields’ particle charge, and the lower atmosphere on the surface of the earth is impacted through exposure to the altered electron-proton ratios. The attempt to control the rate of the charged particles created through the ionization field as it enters the lower atmosphere to the planetary surface, is one of the negative agendas for the sprays of [[Chemtrails]]. This is an attempt to block the natural connection that exchanges between the upper atmosphere and lower atmosphere of the earth, as these are areas the [[NAA]] attempts to maintain their frequency fences. These fences have specific electron ratios that will be compromised if those ratios change. The NAA manipulated the magnetosphere in the upper atmospheric layer to invade the [[Planetary Logos|planetary brain]], thousands of years ago by using technology to control the [[Geomagnetism|magnetic field]]. When the magnetic field is controlled, the [[Mind Control]] begins, hence this is one of the power sources of mind control programming on the earth.

Supporters of this conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be for solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, human population control,weather modification, or biological or chemical warfare, and that these trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.
Chemtrails also interfere with [[Neurotransmitter]] functions, as neurotransmitters are the chemical medium through which signals flow from one neuron to the next in the chemical [[Synapses]]. Chemical synapses allow our nerve cells to form circuits within our [[CNS]]. The NAA have done everything they can to disconnect cellular communication within the human body, to disconnect, to divide and separate all of our parts. The natural function of [[Neurons]] or human nerve cells is to form circuits. Circuits are things that connect with each other in order to share information within multiple parts. In creating circuits, this allows the communication to be shared between the multiple levels of nerve cells and bodily functions.

[[Chemical Synapses]] are crucial to the biological computations that underlie our perceptions and the way we think. It's the chemical synapses that define how our brain is processing neurotransmitters, this is what helps to create what we perceive as the reality. It shapes our perceptions, the access we have to multiple dimensional awareness and the way we think. These chemicals allow the nervous system to connect to and control other systems of the body. These are synapses that use the chemicals in our body, neurotransmitters that connect and control the bodily systems, by giving instructions to the organs or the glands to help them function optimally.
Wiki  [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory Chemtrails]]

Also, [[Alien Implants]] work in the human body in a similar way, as the chemical processes of [[Geoengineering]] that are used in spraying chemtrails in the skies. [[Chemtrails]] are used as a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the submission to [[Social Engineering]] agendas, with a variety of [[Nanotechnology]] or heavy metal implants. When the foreign material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of the body. This puts the body in a hyper-immunity state, or a fight or flight syndrome, because the body is always fighting off the invader. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader while extreme stress is placed on the [[CNS|central nervous system]], [[Brain]] and immune system. Chemtrails and alien implants most generally act to generate metallic frequency overload, to lock up signals with [[AI]] programs or related technology. Experimentation with different levels of genetically engineered sprayed pathogens seem to be designated for different regions or metropolitan cities across the globe, such as spraying Mycoplasma strains across the west coast, and genetically engineering nano technology with insectoid or other non-human DNA to be sprayed on the east coast.

Eventually, when the human body is absolutely overloaded with these combined stressors, this disrupts the body organism and as a result parasites, fungi, yeast and other microorganisms become overgrown and pathogenic in the body. It is important to understand that energetic parasites eventually manifest turning into a variety of physical [[Parasite]]s in the human body. Physical parasites impact all bodily functions, mental body functions and thought-forms, induce emotionally hysterical states, as well as promote disconnection from the inner self and spiritual energies. Physical parasitic infection can also lead to easier spiritual body infestation of [[Fallen Angelics|demonic entities]], because these are parasites too.  If the body is heavily implanted and therefore parasitic, anti-parasitic therapy such as cleanses, fasts and meditation are highly suggested to regain energetic balance in the homeostatic organism of the entire body, mind and spirit.

When people are overloaded with all of this artificial [[EMF|electromagnetic exposure]], genetic pollution, all of this chemical and toxic emission exposure, this directly interferes with the brain and neurotransmitters. Additionally, to compound the problem many people are also being prescribed psychoactive drugs which also interfere with the chemical synapse function, because it’s forcing or delaying neurotransmitter production in the brain. This can block the brain from receiving communication signals at higher frequencies, such as human [[DNA Signals]] and the higher frequencies of our [[Soul]], our Spirit, our spiritual family, our Guardians. This is because these realms exist way above the frequency scale of the material reality. These combinations are commonly used as a type of localized electro-chemical induced frequency fence, to interfere with human [[Bio-Neurology]], and therefore block higher consciousness development. It impairs the bio-spiritual evolution of the human race, the individual [[Ascension]] process of those people that are most impacted by these assaults.

In order to remove the [[Frequency Fence]] from suppressing us we have to see that it exists. When we become aware that something is suppressing our consciousness, this is the first step that leads us to clearing the problem, because now we are focusing on our higher consciousness and becoming self-aware.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3129-genetic-engineering Genetic Engineering]</ref>

==See Also==
[[Conspiracy theorist]]
[[Mind Controlled Gene Expression]]

[[Category: Ascension]]
[[Category: Ascension]]