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The [[Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Flame]] core is a white tesseract that is found in the Sun-Star shields protected by the [[White Diamond Elohei]] and in the center of the aquamarine plasma sound fields, which are emanating from the Cosmic Amoraea shield currents. The [[Cosmic Amoraea Shield]] is the Divine Holy Spirit of Mother and Christ Child, made up of the combined flows of Six [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] centers existing within each of the layers of the nested time matrices that comprise the pathway through the [[Stairway to Heaven]].  The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further source from the original twelve [[Reuche Pillars]] from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life. The [[Emerald Tree of Life]] merges into the Cosmic Clock Templar within the newly birthed Emerald Suns, sourced from the core heart spirals of [[Mother Arc|Aquamarine]] and [[Emerald Ray]]s flowing from the [[1st God World Creation]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3767-cosmic-clock-reuche-initiation Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation]</ref>
The [[Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Flame]] core is a white tesseract that is found in the Sun-Star shields protected by the [[White Diamond Elohei]] and in the center of the aquamarine plasma sound fields, which are emanating from the Cosmic Amoraea shield currents. The [[Cosmic Amoraea Shield]] is the Divine Holy Spirit of Mother and Christ Child, made up of the combined flows of Six [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] centers existing within each of the layers of the nested time matrices that comprise the pathway through the [[Stairway to Heaven]].  The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further source from the original twelve [[Reuche Pillars]] from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life. The [[Emerald Tree of Life]] merges into the Cosmic Clock Templar within the newly birthed Emerald Suns, sourced from the core heart spirals of [[Mother Arc|Aquamarine]] and [[Emerald Ray]]s flowing from the [[1st God World Creation]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3767-cosmic-clock-reuche-initiation Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation]</ref>

==White Diamond Sun==
[[File:BD.jpg|thumb|Cosmic Blue Dragon (art by Sequoia)]]
The Easter [[Pearl Activation]] began the first of three events for [[Cosmic Dragon Awakening]] which included the birthing of a [[White Diamond Elohei Lyran Sun]] into 11D [[Aveyon]] and the reunification of the [[Triple Solar Masculine]] Christos template through the [[Cosmic Holy Father Rod Code]], which forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christ Suns, [[Cosmic Christ Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek]]. The [[Solar Logos]] White Elohei Sun is the emanation of the [[Cosmic Mother]] Dragon of the 1st Emerald Sun, in which all of the feminine and masculine counterparts of [[Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek]] [[Solar Dragon]] family that were cloned or enslaved through the [[Alpha Draconis]] network are being recovered and reunited with their hierogamic partner via the [[Cosmic Emerald Order Ankh Body]]. See [[Cosmic Dragon Awakening]] and [[Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3789-thuban Thuban]</ref>
==Pink Diamond Elohei Father==
The counterpart to [[Cosmic Mother]] is [[Cosmic Father's Pink Diamond Elohei Sun]]. These gorgeous pastel rays of pinks, lilac and periwinkles are the organic consciousness of the newly formed [[Metatron Sun]] as gifted from out of the Cosmic Father [[Pink Diamond Elohei]], which include the sustenance for spiritually healing the masculine principles of the Mer lineages. Cosmic Father merges his Cosmic [[Pink Diamond Elohei]] Sun with the Cosmic Mother’s [[White Diamond Elohei]] Sun, and this further announced the sacred marriage between Metatron finally united with his beloved, Meritaten, the Queen of Dragons and speaker of TA Dragon tones. Beloved MeTAtron and his counterpart MeriTAten awaken to embody the sequences of the Christos-Sophia Solar Dragon aspects into direct unification with their Cosmic Holy Parents of the Emerald and [[Amethyst Order]] and return their organic [[Christos-Sophia]] consciousness to the Earth.
<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3789-thuban Thuban]</ref>
==White Diamond Solar Queen and Pink Diamond Solar King Reunited==
In the highest realms of God Worlds, this configuration is down stepping from the [[Cosmic Elohei]] Mother in her [[White Diamond Elohei|White Diamond Sun]] being fully merged with the [[Cosmic Father]] Elohei in his [[Pink Diamond Elohei|Pink Diamond Sun]], which birthed another [[Christos]] offspring through organic black rainbow crystalline sun stars. These black diamond rainbow crystals and [[Dark Matter Suns]] started to appear a few years ago with the [[Starry Night Dark Firmament]] architecture, and recently they appeared to generate a dark sun halo or fluffy black coronas which surround the inner sun stars of the [[Cosmic Elohei]] lineages.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3844-atlantian-solar-dragon-queen-merida Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
==Cosmic White Sun and Cosmic Pink Sun Marriage==
[[File:Holy Father Pink Lilac Sun.jpg|thumb|Holy Father Pink Lilac Sun (art by Elizabeth)]]
The liberation of [[Markab]] was the major celebratory event for restoring [[Lyra]]n organic matrices that led to the Cosmic [[Christos-Sophia]] hierogamic union of Metatron and [[MeriTAten|Meritaten]], which culminated in [[Machu Picchu]] during the electrical peak cycle earlier this year. This Triple Masculine [[Cosmic Christos Metatron]] template is connected to the return of [[Cosmic White Sun]] and [[Cosmic Pink Sun]] sacred marriage in Lyran constellation that further migrated into [[Pegasus]], via the hosting of the [[Cosmic Elohei Father Mer-Lions]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3797-cosmic-elohei Cosmic Elohei]</ref>
==Peacock Angels Crowned==
Recent events have highlighted an easier access opening into the parallel systems with portals between the [[Reisha Worlds]] into our side of the time matrix, where the Cosmic Blue Rainbow Sun network of the combined [[Mahara Reisha]] Blue Dragons were able to emerge through the [[Pavo]] constellation. This came with an explosion of white lightning and sparkly golden silver plasmas generated by several large [[Solar Dragon]] rings materializing around a Universal [[Ankh Body]], then 12 Blue Dragon [[Solar Reisha]] females came through the rings and floated through the [[Pavo]] constellation. It was the surreal moment when they took their female human form and appeared as a beautiful tribe of blue goddess women, with the [[White Diamond Elohei|White Elohei Diamond flame]] crown embodiment connected to the [[Cosmic Mother]] overhead, as they stepped into the [[Starry Night Dark Firmament|starry night firmament]] of our time matrix.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>
==Anointing of Solar Christ Mary==
The crowning of [[Solar Christ Mary]] began the next stage of rebuilding the Solar Mary [[Diamond Sun]] template for many of the missing female [[Yana]]s ([[Ascended Master]]s), those of the [[White Queen]] and White [[Triple Solar Goddess]] lines of Elodia, that suffered genetic digression during the explosion of [[Lyra]] and capture of [[Tiamat]]. This ascending collective female aspect of [[White Diamond Elohei]] is an important lightbody component for embodying the Triple [[Solar Feminine Christ]] on the [[Earth]], as well as reassembling the [[Triple Solar Goddess|solar female principle]]’s corrected [[Building Wings|spiritual wings]] and retrieving her missing and hijacked parts from the [[Phantom Tiamat]] wormhole. To restore the [[Triple Solar Marys|Solar Mary female template]] to this planet, it has required the dismantling of [[Lunar Matrix|lunar networks]] and the retrieval of several [[Planetary Logos]] matrices, and reconnecting sun star networks into the [[Albion Lightbody]] for re-building a completely new [[Diamond Sun]] Body for the [[Gold Ray Seraphim Template|Gold Ray Seraphim lineages]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3857-tiamat-logos Tiamat Logos]</ref>
==Eternal Time Chrysanthemum Body==
[[File:Chryrose2.jpg|thumb|Eternal Time Chrysanthemum Body (art by Sequoia)]]
The [[White Order Diamond Elohei]] have erected a golden scaffolding for the [[Elaysian Krystal Cathedral Network]] which at its highest Krystal Spire ignites the eternal [[Cosmic White Wedded Flame of Christos Sophia]] which bridges the [[Holy Mother Sophia]]'s [[Chrysanthemum Body]], together they have been building extensive White Rose coding and the [[Chrysanthemum Ankh Body]].
==The Universal Mother of Life is Tiamati==
The [[Cosmic Mother]]’s reclamation of the [[Tiamat Logos]] white diamond core revealed the ancient [[Emerald Founder Records]] of the original [[Anuhazi]] Mu’a language that was spoken and sung as the [[Universal Mother of Life]] principle for building and administering to the creation. Specifically, the [[Blue Solar Reisha Dragon]] family were created by [[Cosmic Mother]] to embody her ancient musical language of the Holy Mother’s Sophia code transmitted from her [[White Diamond Elohei|White Diamond Sun]] and [[Emerald Crystal Heart]]s within a 48 layered [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] matrix.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3865-enki-dna-overlays Enki DNA]]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Cosmic Founders]]
[[Cosmic Mother]]
[[Chrysanthemum Body]]
[[1st God World Creation]]

[[Thousand Years War]]

[[Lyran History]]
[[Lyran History]]