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The Aurora families are directing and working primarily with these new templates that call for re-encrypted raw material for the physical self. This means an elemental body structure upgrade to the raw material of the physical self as it has been recorded in the chemical constituents of the 3D DNA program. (The Founders liken the elemental physical body in 3D as an "inanimate" clay that has to be "re-animated" with God Source, the living light code.) Once freed of the false umbilicus structure, the power management in the monadic atomic body that connects at the 1D level is changing (at what is known as) the transduction sequence record. The transduction sequence is the exact moment of cellular record of incarnational birth into this physical body. For now, those doing this project, this means our body is being released of the "cellular record" of physical birth into 3D. Upon the power/energy management structure changing within the electromagnetic battery body, the etheric webbing that is closest to the physical body is "growing a new skin". This "new skin" appearing on the etheric webbing is in actuality the process of which the cellular matrix in the etheric body is projecting its new "skin" into the cells of the physical body. Apparently this is a step of how the re-encryption to the elemental structure of the physical body is being accomplished.
The [[Aurora]] families are directing and working primarily with these new templates that call for re-encrypted raw material for the physical self. This means an elemental body structure upgrade to the raw material of the physical self as it has been recorded in the chemical constituents of the 3D DNA program. The [[Cosmic Trinity]] emanations of the [[Threefold Founder Flame]], also known as the [[Guardian Host]] liken the elemental physical body in 3D as an "inanimate" clay that has to be re-animated with God Source, the living light code. Once freed of the [[False Umbilicus]] structure, the power management in the [[Monad]]ic atomic body that connects at the 1D level is changing (at what is known as) the transduction sequence record. The transduction sequence is the exact moment of cellular record of incarnation birth into this physical body. For now, those doing this project, this means our body is being released of the "cellular record" of physical birth into 3D. Upon the power or energy management structure changing within the [[Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum]] in the electromagnetic battery body, the etheric webbing that is closest to the physical body is growing a new skin. This new skin is appearing on the etheric webbing in the [[Lightbody]]. This is in actuality the process of which the cellular matrix in the etheric body is projecting its new skin into the cells of the physical body in matter. Apparently this is a step of how the re-encryption to the elemental structure of the physical body is being accomplished.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1727-the-year-of-indigo January 2010 Newsletter]</ref>
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1727-the-year-of-indigo January 2010 Newsletter]

'''Aurora Re-encryption of Blueprint (transcript)'''
'''Aurora Re-encryption of Blueprint (transcript)'''

In terms of the Aurora, their mission and support is to work with the new elemental command and this role is to re encrypt the physical body on atomic and subatomic levels because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base, so our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents. We can use the four elements to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our DNA which is earth/fire/water/air. These particle elements had gone through so much in the history of human evolution and lots of distortions that had been created on the planetary levels because, remember, we are interfacing with the planetary body, it is us, we are making up the collective body of the planet. We are holding the oneness of the planetary body as a group human soul. Elementals of the human physical body are quite distorted in the cellular matrix because of the invasion and genetic manipulation histories, thus, the re encryption process was decided to be part of mission upgrade of Ascension plan B.  Our human bodies are not transmuting fast enough the karmic base, the miasma, that was needed in order to move us through less dense formats in order to handle the accelerated (frequency) energy. This is a primary reason that we are having the Aurora host this planet for the ascension timeline. The Aurora had been working with many of us, consciously or not. The Aurora consciousness has a pale, white opaqueness saturated with colors which almost remind me of cellophane.All the beautiful colors of a pastel rainbow plus some and one can see this as an intelligence that works as a field of energy like a shapeshifting field of its own intelligence, however simultaneously it is also a race of beings.Now with the re encryption of our particle base, as we are being re encrypted on an atomic level, our particles are being shifted and we are being upgraded into these new re encryption templates and modes to work with the new elemental command. This is to build the physical elemental form and monadic form of our body back into the organic life force of our divine blueprint, the original human soul, the Christos blueprint a 12 strand DNA silicate matrix. However, this is what the Aurora’s mission is - to build the planetary and individual particle base and re-encrypt us with its new coding. Now they are talking about particle acceleration which I find exciting. One can observe the sequence of this, if the Aurora has been connecting with us and building communication links into the planetary body and into the human body, now the next part is to massively accelerate those particles. For those who have not been working with the Aurora or doing this level of pathcutting or ascension work this portends a great opportunity for human beings to be connected to the Aurora field and begin their own encryption process through particle acceleration. (Source: QA, April 2008)
In terms of the [[Aurora]], their mission and support is to work with the new elemental command and this role is to re encrypt the physical body on atomic and subatomic levels because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base, so our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents. We can use the four elements to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our DNA which is earth/fire/water/air. These particle elements had gone through so much in the history of human evolution and lots of distortions that had been created on the planetary levels because, remember, we are interfacing with the planetary body, it is us, we are making up the collective body of the planet. ( See [[Miasma]] and [[Miasma, Planetary]]) We are holding the oneness of the planetary body as a group human soul. Elementals of the human physical body are quite distorted in the cellular matrix because of the invasion and genetic manipulation histories, thus, the re encryption process was decided to be part of mission upgrade of Ascension plan B.  Our human bodies are not transmuting fast enough the karmic base, the [[Miasma]], that was needed in order to move us through less dense formats in order to handle the accelerated (frequency) energy. This is a primary reason that we are having the Aurora host this planet for the ascension [[Timelines]]. The [[Aurora]] had been working with many of us, consciously or not. The Aurora consciousness has a pale, white opaqueness saturated with colors which almost remind me of cellophane.All the beautiful colors of a pastel rainbow plus some and one can see this as an intelligence that works as a field of energy like a shapeshifting field of its own intelligence, however simultaneously it is also a race of beings.Now with the re encryption of our particle base, as we are being re encrypted on an atomic level, our particles are being shifted and we are being upgraded into these new re encryption templates and modes to work with the new elemental command. This is to build the physical elemental form and [[Monad]]ic form of our body back into the organic life force of our divine blueprint, the original human soul, the [[Christos]] blueprint a 12 strand DNA [[Silicate Matrix]]. However, this is what the Aurora’s mission is - to build the planetary and individual particle base and re-encrypt us with its new coding. Now they are talking about particle acceleration. As one can observe the sequence of this, if the [[Aurora]] has been connecting with us and building communication links into the planetary body and into the human body, now the next part is to massively accelerate those particles. For those who have not been working with the [[Aurora]] or doing this level of [[Genetic Pathcutting]] or [[Ascension]] clearing work this portends a great opportunity for human beings to be connected to the [[Aurora Body]] field and begin their own encryption process through [[Gradual Particle Acceleration]]. (Source: QA, April 2008)<ref>Aurora Re-encryption (April 2008 Q&A)</ref><ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/library/multi-dimensional/multi-d-blueprint/2089-aurora-re-encryption-of-blueprint Aurora Re-encryption]</ref>
Aurora Re-encryption (April 2008 Q&A)

==Tailbone 8 Fetal Cells==
==Tailbone 8 Fetal Cells==
[[File:8cell.jpg|thumb|right|Tailbone 8 cells]]
[[File:8cell.jpg|thumb|right|Tailbone 8 cells]]
In recent years there have been new DNA templates created (quietly) in the tailbone area with individual Starseed prototypers to hold the first wave of Aurora Frequencies on the planet. In order to exchange with the Aurora and God Force Field it is necessary to re-encrypt the raw material of the elemental basis of our 3D elemental–physical body structure. For years I have noticed Aurora Frequency Fields activating in the physical body layers (lower Chakras) and growing a new “etheric skin” that seemed to change the atomic layers where the Monad Spirit body could connect directly into the human body. Since last October [2010] many of us in the Starseed/Indigo family are having our Monad Bodies returned back to us from their absence or enslavement. Now as many of these Aurora templates are successful in the individual human body, the Aurora Field is growing to include a larger group lattice designed for re-encryption of “multiple” elemental structures. This is creating a larger field for use to apply in a “group” application setting or when we are doing planetary “fieldwork” rehabilitation. One such rehabilitation project is overriding any imprints of the [[Crucifixion Implants]] and the “Wounds of Christ” in the energy bodies.
In recent years there have been new DNA templates created (quietly) in the tailbone area with individual Starseed prototypers to hold the first wave of Aurora Frequencies on the planet. In order to exchange with the Aurora and God Force Field it is necessary to re-encrypt the raw material of the elemental basis of our 3D elemental–physical body structure. For years I have noticed [[Aurora Body]] Frequency Fields activating in the physical body layers (lower [[Chakra]]s) and growing a new “etheric skin” that seemed to change the atomic layers where the [[Monad]] Spirit body could connect directly into the human body. Since last October [2010] many of us in the Starseed/[[Indigo Races]] family are having our [[Monad]] Bodies returned back to us from their absence or enslavement. Now as many of these Aurora templates are successful in the individual human body, the Aurora Field is growing to include a larger group lattice designed for re-encryption of “multiple” elemental structures. This is creating a larger field for use to apply in a “group” application setting or when we are doing planetary “fieldwork” rehabilitation. One such rehabilitation project is overriding any imprints of the [[Crucifixion Implants]] and the “[[Wounds of Christ]]” in the [[Lightbody]] energy bodies.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1524-changing-of-the-guard March 2011 Newsletter]</ref>
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1524-changing-of-the-guard March 2011 Newsletter]  

==Aurora Body==
==Aurora Re-encryption of Blueprint==
In terms of the Aurora family of [[Krystal Star]], their mission and support for humanity during this time is to work with the new elemental command to re-encrypt the physical body on atomic and subatomic levels. This is because the chemical lens and constituents of our DNA have been corrupted at the elemental level. The human physical body is a carbon based elemental body. If Alien [[Black Goo]] has been used to artificially program carbon matter by suppressing the organic genetic expression of human [[DNA]], we can assume this has prevented mass human spiritual ascension, quite dramatically, during the [[Ascension Cycle]].

See Aurora Body
The four earth elements help us to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our [[DNA]] are based on earth, fire, water and air, as the raw materials of the elemental body. Elementals of the human physical body are distorted in the cellular matrix because of the NAA planetary invasion and genetic manipulation histories, thus, the re-encryption process is a necessary part of our mission upgrade for Ascension Plan B. Our physical carbon based body is shifting to less density through alterations made in the anti-particle structure. The [[Carbon Atom]] is being repaired to accommodate the new elemental body on the earth. When we absorb plasma light it changes the number of electrons and frees us from the AI programmed carbon atomic structure. This is the process the Aurora Guardians are devoted to, as they are supporting humanity to embody higher frequency plasma light in order for this shift to occur at the deepest elemental level of the physical structure of matter. During certain phases of re-encryption, some with inner vision are able to sense or see that the lower [[Chakra]] cones or lower areas of the body appear to be filled with the Aurora colors. The Aurora, have been working with many of us on the Spiritual [[Ascension]] path, consciously or not. Certainly, feel free to communicate directly with them if you are not acquainted with them already. The [[Aurora]] frequency spectrum is pale iridescent pastel rainbow colors, white opaqueness saturated with a pallet of indescribable colors which can look like oscillating sheets of transparent rainbow colored cellophane. They are [[GSF]] Krystal Consciousness and are easily communicated with through the [[12D Shield]].<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2695-transhumanism Transhumanism]</ref>

==Plasma Waves==
==Plasma Waves==
See Plasma Waves
See Plasma Waves

==Mother Arc==

See Mother Arc
