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Reference from [[Historical Timeline Trigger Events]]: Approximately 22,000 YA, [[NAA]] groups negotiate agreements for Earth Territories and Humans for workers, sex or slave colonies. Galactic Trading of Earth Resources. Reptilian ownership of earth humans.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3188-historical-timeline-trigger-events Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref> | We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon. Many of the themes that were seeded by dark forces tens of thousands of years ago, of human subjugation and enslavement are being reasserted in an attempt to maintain control. As humanity is completing the timeline trigger events of the Ascension Timeline Rebellion which manifested as the consciousness enslavement of human beings by those intruders that invaded our planet, the shackles of mental bondage connected to mind control transmissions suppressing the Atlantian records are beginning to dissolve. Awakening humans are at the crossroads in the organic ascension timeline in which they are facing the next stage of the consciousness evolution cycle that includes a newly discovered personal freedom to information that they did not have access to before. | ||
* Reference from [[Historical Timeline Trigger Events]]: Approximately 22,000 YA, [[NAA]] groups negotiate agreements for Earth Territories and Humans for workers, sex or slave colonies. Galactic Trading of Earth Resources. Reptilian ownership of earth humans.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3188-historical-timeline-trigger-events Historical Timeline Triggers]</ref> | |||
==Destruction of Human History== | |||
Through the management of human DNA and hybridization breeding programs, along with the intentional destruction of actual historical records, the NAA inserted false holographic timelines and false holographic identities for divide and conquer in order to hijack the collective co-creative consciousness for controlling the timelines, to ultimately thwart planetary ascension. This is why this period 22,000 years ago is called the Ascension Timeline Rebellion, as the invaders began to work feverishly negotiating on and off planet treaties and cultivating strategic alliances in order to terraform the planetary grid, gain control over human DNA and manipulate the internal templar system, gaining access into the Albion Lightbody. | |||
The disastrous hidden histories of the Ascension Timeline Rebellion recorded in the planetary matrix from this time period, contain the causal seed event of the Great Thothian Betrayal and subsequent stages of NAA invasion. When angelic humanity and Earth’s resources first became transactional commodities to be used by the intruder groups, in their well-established galactic slave trading and bartering system. Yet, because this tragic event began 22,000 years ago and reached its pinnacle during the Atlantian Cataclysm, many humans are totally unaware that we are considered tradeable commodities, both on and off planet. We have been repeatedly mind wiped, brainwashed and ritually abused to forget who we are from the many cataclysmic resets, DNA unplugging and erroneously absurd historical accounts given to explain away our advanced angelic human culture that existed before we became slaves, after the Ice Age floods. | |||
Thus, the Ascension Timeline Rebellion is a significant marker in the hidden historical timelines of planetary invasion, as it is when assorted NAA factions began to exchange treaties on and off planet, which included the systematic hunting down of Maji Grail line angelic humans for extermination, especially those that were from lineages of the Blue Flame Melchizedek templars protecting the planetary network. There was no warning to hide or prepare, when the Great Thothian Betrayal gave our enemies all they needed to take us over, as the full-scale planetary invasion was launched from the interdimensional planes and space which rained down electromagnetic destruction in the form of fires, explosions, earthquakes and floods. Directing technological weapons designed for the maximum impact of grid damage and destabilization, unleashed the mass destruction of the holographic structures of the sun star networks connected to the sacred portals, stargates, ley lines, sun dials, temples and cathedrals across the planet. | |||
The NAA has failed in their objectives to prevent the planetary ascension that is currently underway. However, Guardian Host and ground crew are in the process of clearing out the miasmatic heaps of dead energy, archontic parasite nests, superimposed karmic loads, repairing grid networks damaged by AI machinery, evictions of assorted alien factions, and related cleanup crew spiritual work connected to this string of tragic events when humanity was turned into a slave race 22,000 years ago. | |||
==Human Slavery Versus Human Freedom== | |||
As the historical events surrounding the Ascension Timeline Rebellion surface into the planetary matrix, the core themes humanity is facing are directly connected to the events that sealed our fate as captured slaves 22,000 years ago. The contrasts between the consciousness states of slavery versus freedom, servitude versus liberty, sovereignty versus subjugation, the master and slave archetypal forces are being exceptionally heightened in the collective consciousness and interpersonal dramas. This holds the cellular memories recorded in our DNA connected to individual and collective human enslavement on our planet as it was being invaded, and these same memories are surfacing in personal timelines in which we are psychologically and emotionally clearing our personal pieces of this shared collective trauma of global human slavery. | |||
In order to fully spiritually heal, each individual must awaken into their authentic humanity and recognize the fear-based division of mind control that oppresses all human beings, in order to finally see the higher truth of what and who is actually behind the enforcement of the consciousness slavery of our planet. This means we must let go of our personal fears which keep us in denial from seeing and knowing the truth in many of the outer events taking place all around us, seeing the promoted ideologies in the NAA culture wars which are extremely harmful, and designed to enslave the human race and especially children. | |||
==Anti-Human Invasion History== | |||
An important distinction that surfaces with the Ascension Timeline Rebellion memories of planetary invasion and with the forthcoming global awakening disclosure event, is that when the presence and objectives of the anti-Christ intruders are finally revealed to the global population, we will finally realize that all of humanity has been equally enslaved for thousands of years. We will awaken to know that all humans have been co-existing together on a prison planet designed as a worker slave farm, used to covertly target human children, harvest all human being’s life-force and planetary resources, all being managed by invading races of anti-humans hiding amongst the power elite cabal network while using hidden advanced technologies kept from the public. | |||
When we were invaded, there was no longer dark negative polarity connected to the correct energetic balance of life and living things, instead humanity became physical, mental, emotional and spiritual slaves, implanted with black miasmatic fields of mind control implants and alien hybridization insignias to assign them as property of another species. | |||
==Eieyani Massacre and Essene Breeding Programs== | |||
* Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: Approximately 22,000 YA, Eieyani Massacre, Essene Breeding and Emerald Tablet. Females taken to Nibiru by Thoth-Annunaki for forced breeding. Thoth stole CDT plate; wrote down Emerald Tablet. Trigger timeline for Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and Secret Societies formed to hide ancient knowledge from the common people. | |||
With the return of the 11th Tribe Atlantian Dragon Queen Merida, the Triple Solar Reisha that embodies the original Emerald Founder Records for the Celtic Arthurian Grail Lines, the timeline wars, clearings and spiritual body retrievals have been focused upon the cluster of timeline trigger events that were set into motion during the Ascension Timeline Rebellion approximately 22,000 years ago. | |||
With the recent revelations concerning the return of Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida, it was registered that the Eieyani Massacre events began with her capture from her high position entrusted to protect the 11th Stargate Network. They had to destroy her, in order to seize major territories in the Atlantian colonies, which was carried out through the ultimate Thothian Betrayal. The deception was carried out by a high ranking Annunaki outwardly representing to protect the Blue Flame Melchizedek’s Law of One records and a trusted member of her Emerald Order counsel, that opened the door for Marduk’s forces to slaughter them. Thoth carried out the masquerade until he reached the ascension initiation of an 11th layered flame body, while he covertly formed the Brotherhood of the Snake with the Nibiruian Annunaki in order to gain control over the Emerald Founder Records that Merida embodied and protected. This gruesome event led to her being taken to Nibiru for a complete genetic dissection in order to sever her head, heart and embodied hierogamic connections to her husband. Through which they utilized AI technology to translate sections of the CDT plate and harvest coded intelligence from her body parts, which she had been entrusted to protect for the 12 Essene Tribes, angelic humanity. | |||
This event signifies the fall of the Solar Dragon Queens, or Universal Solar Female Melchizedek, as once the Thothian Nibiruians had captured and killed the 11th Tribe Solar Dragon Queen of Atlantis, with the help of Marduk, the planetary grid network which she protected within her embodied hierogamic auric field with her husband collapsed. As the result, with them disposed of, it was easier to flush out, capture and slay all of the others Melchizedeks protecting the stargates and global grid system that were embodied in supporting positions all over the planet. | |||
This is the source of the total destruction of humanity’s historical timelines and the carrying out of genetic modification programs used to damage the cellular memories recorded in angelic human DNA; their enslavement agenda has been to wipe out all records of our highly technological human civilizations that were naturally evolving and advancing human diamond sun consciousness and authentic human culture. From this arose the Luciferian Knights Templar factions who went on to create several military religious orders to maintain the falsified historical records; Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, Vatican and other secret societies that persist with a similar hermetic esoteric knowledge that was stolen from the original Melchizedek Christ Teachings in Atlantis, and was then manipulated and inverted for serving their One World Order agenda. | |||
==Celtic Massacres and Druid Sacrifices== | |||
* Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: Approximately 22,000 YA, NAA genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis, RH Negative Hunted, spread disinformation, destroy records of star origin and artifacts. | |||
Once the Emerald Founder Records were stolen and extracted from Merida and her husband, and inner circle Melchizedek templars were executed, or taken to Nibiru for genetic experiments and breeding programs, the Thothian Luciferian agenda continued to organize genocidal campaigns to eradicate the Celtic Kings Grail DNA and gain control over all Melchizedek Christos Dragon Teachings from Atlantis. Thus, the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines organized themselves and went underground to hide and protect the genetic records and gnostic wisdom of the original Maji grail lines, as well as the ancient texts of the Solar Dragon Kings and Queens. These are the Ancient Builder Races from the God Worlds which recorded the mechanics of creation in the Emerald Founder Records, which held the highly coveted secrets of the Maji Grail Kings or Solar Dragon Kings of the many assorted Diamond Sun lineages. These genetic bloodlines were alchemically conceived and genetically mastered to be the benevolent leaders and Guardian Grail Kings, to protect and preserve the Earth in order for her to fulfill her Emerald Crystal Heart position to activate the divine plan of Universal Ascension during the 2012 timeline window. | |||
Thus, began the ongoing genocidal agendas to eradicate the Celtic Grail Kings DNA whom had preserved the Blue Flame Keepers Melchizedek Christos teachings from Atlantian and Hyperborean timelines upon 7D Gaia. It is possible that many of these groups are the original Israelites that fled to Ireland and then migrated to northern Scotland islands and Wales in order to survive. Then about 9,500 years ago, there was another major diaspora of Celtic-Druid grail lines that were being hunted down for extinction, including the Red-Haired Giants from the Hyperborean lines of Gaia that came here through the 7D portal systems in the Northern tip of Scotland, Greece and Peru. This is a major timeline trigger event connected to hijacked Ruby Sun DNA with 9-11 strands of dimensional awareness, when the NAA and Illuminati groups attempted to create a super-race of genetic elites to maintain their power over the grid systems on the planet. | |||
==Sachon - Thoth Viking Invasion== | |||
* Intruder Thoth groups, earliest Vikings attacked Celtic lines to eradicate Atlantian history and eliminate, spread false records about Celts and Druid lineages. | |||
Marduk and his Black Sun NAA forces subsequently cultivated the seeding of several antichrist armies onto the planet in the Nordic regions, which became known as Viking races. Developed through warring cultures with the blood sacrifice ideology they were manipulated to hunt down the Aryans and Essene tribes, in their efforts to completely eradicate any remnants of knowledge of the Melchizedek Christ Teachings of the Law of One, that were carried down from the Atlantian histories. These earlier Viking invasions were used to subvert history by concealing the true identities of the Celts and Druids throughout Ireland, where they were falsely accused in written records of being the barbaric savages when describing the bloody carnage that went on during the Viking invasions. It appears the identities have been swapped out in the history books, as the Celts and Druids were purposely made to be the targets of character assassination campaigns through assorted falsified histories used for covering up their important connections in the Atlantian histories. | |||
==Imposter Elohim Group== | |||
With the fall of Merida in Atlantis, the Eieyani Massacre of Mu’a in Kawaii, and subsequent events leading up to the Atlantian Cataclysm, some of the Elohim Anu Melchizedek groups digressed into the control of the alien hybridization agendas with the invading Belial entities and Thothian Luciferians. As a result, they became integrated with the fallen entities that serve the Luciferian Covenant. Thus, the Elohim references that are made in the Torah, Talmudic literature or in the esoteric Kabbalah teachings in the Jewish religion are sourced from the Fallen Elohim hybrids, integrated with Belial and Luciferian factions that gave the Artificial Tree of Life or Base 10 Math Sephiroth teachings to the semitic races in the Middle East. These are Imposter Elohim Groups that have been exerting their control over the Land of Canaan with the blood sacrifice of Christos races. | |||
==Recon of Daath, Phantom Black Heaven== | |||
Guardians are reviewing the artificial layers of Wesan invader constructs that were built as reversal cloned structures to house the Imposter Elohim Group, and that has been identified in the phantom matrix planes linked into the 11D Universal Gate of Aveyon, and the 12D Universal Gate of Aramatena, as these areas are under the direct supervision of the Cosmic Elohei Emerald Guardians reconstruction projects. This brought on another discovery which is the hidden areas of the Phantom Black Heaven, the promised lands of inverted antichrist realities designed for the highest ranks of the Black Suns army generals, that have decimated as many Christos races as possible during their active tenure to conquer Earth.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3848-ascension-timeline-rebellion Ascension Timeline Rebellion.</ref> | |||
==References== | |||
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==See also== | |||
[[Fall of Solar Dragon Queens]] | |||
[[Triple Solar Marys]] | |||
[[Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings]] | |||
[[Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines]] | |||
[[Mary Magdalene Sophia]] | |||
[[Releasing Feminine Wound of Eieyani Massacre]] | |||
[[Category: Ascension]] | |||
[[Category: Newsletter]] | |||
==References== | ==References== |