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When accessing the [[Cosmic Hall of Records]] the [[Cosmic Dragon Starhuman]] in their Eternal [[Ankh Solar Body]] undergoes a series of [[Silver Seed]] activations, which then change their access into the [[Core of Creation]] passed through [[The Silver Gate]] of Man, to [[The Golden Gate]] of man in the Galactic [[Ecliptic]]. During the [[Christos Mission]], the Ankh gateways have been restored by [[Emerald Order]], in which the Cosmic Rods and Ankhs in the center of the Time Matrix in the [[Gaian Matrix]] were restored into the Cosmic Wing principle of the Albion Emerald Founder [[Aeonic Pair]] of Cosmic Dragons and [[Rod and Staff]] Holders, which embody and govern the movement of the [[Cosmic Clock of the Aeons]].<ref>[https://omnilov3.com/wiki/Aton_Disk_Sun-Star_Networks Aton Disk]</ref>
When accessing the [[Cosmic Hall of Records]] the [[Cosmic Dragon Starhuman]] in their Eternal [[Ankh Solar Body]] undergoes a series of [[Silver Seed]] activations, which then change their access into the [[Core of Creation]] passed through [[The Silver Gate]] of Man, to [[The Golden Gate]] of man in the Galactic [[Ecliptic]]. During the [[Christos Mission]], the Ankh gateways have been restored by [[Emerald Order]], in which the Cosmic Rods and Ankhs in the center of the Time Matrix in the [[Gaian Matrix]] were restored into the Cosmic Wing principle of the Albion Emerald Founder [[Aeonic Pair]] of Cosmic Dragons and [[Rod and Staff]] Holders, which embody and govern the movement of the [[Cosmic Clock of the Aeons]].<ref>[https://omnilov3.com/wiki/Aton_Disk_Sun-Star_Networks Aton Disk]</ref>
==Blue Rainbow Bridge==
Essentially, we can consider the [[Blue Rainbow Bridge]] to be akin to a floating bridge of the [[Seven Higher Heavens]], in which the [[Cosmic Christos]] intelligence is generating higher dimensional platforms into the [[Cosmic Hall of Records]], for the purpose of recreating or terraforming the planet through the creation of natural features such as lands, rivers, trees, angelic creatures, and aurora elementals which are filled with the cosmic life force. This spiritual creation connects with the [[Cosmic Mother]]’s Silver White Flames, which generates a [[Mother's Stream|silvery white mist]] that blankets the [[Morphogenetic Field]]s of instruction sets, and appear to be related to the embodiment sequence of [[Solar Dragon Queen Merida|Merida]]-Brigid-Guinevere’s [[Triple Solar Reisha]] Flames and [[Solar Dragon]] rings throughout the planet.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3854-blue-rainbow-bridge Blue Rainbow Bridge]</ref>
==The Universal Mother of Life is Tiamati==
The [[Cosmic Mother]]’s reclamation of the [[Tiamat Logos]] white diamond core revealed the ancient [[Emerald Founder Records]] of the original [[Anuhazi]] Mu’a language that was spoken and sung as the [[Universal Mother of Life]] principle for building and administering to the creation. Specifically, the [[Blue Solar Reisha Dragon]] family were created by [[Cosmic Mother]] to embody her ancient musical language of the [[Holy Mother Sophia|Holy Mother’s Sophia code]] transmitted from her [[White Diamond Elohei|White Diamond Sun]] and [[Emerald Crystal Heart]]s within a 48 layered [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] matrix.
Thus, during the warring conflicts resulting in the destruction of [[Tara]] and [[Tiamat]], the Holy Mother Priestesses that embodied the Emerald Order Elohei higher creator knowledge, also used [[Cellular Telepathy]] to transmit and speak the genetic language into manifestation which further built out organic architecture for timelines and stargates. They were directing the [[Kantarian]] solar dragons on how to repair the energetic integrity of the [[Mother Arc]] and [[Arc Zone]]s with Emerald Order Kristos Azura blue rainbow architecture after the [[Thousand Years War]].  This [[White Diamond Elohei]] Mother Solar Dragon creator language was transmitted from the [[Cosminya]]’s tri-matrix of Elaysian fields running through the [[Staff of Elaysa]], as received by the [[Emerald Order]] Melchizedek [[Yana]]s in the format of Cosmic Mother’s solar daughters original [[Anuhazi]] [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] language sourced from the Emerald Order’s [[1st God World Creation|1st Creation Matrix]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3865-enki-dna-overlays Enki DNA]]</ref>
