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==Emerald Heart of Earth==
==Emerald Heart of Earth==
As the [[Emerald Heart of Earth]] is revived and linked up with the [[Cosmic Emerald Heart]], it restores the [[Emerald Sun DNA]] 48 strand template in which all [[Maji Grail Line Indigo Children|Indigo Maji Grail lines]] and [[Emerald Order]] representatives can gain access to from within their personal [[Diamond Sun]] template. As Cosmic [[Holy Father]] incarnated into the Emerald Order [[King Arthur]] Christos template, he brought with him the Emerald [[Rod]] codes for the Universal 12:12 Christos Male Electrical pattern manifested into the 11D [[Rod and Staff]] architecture as a planetary upgrade anchored into the [[Albion Lightbody]]. This is the divine purpose of why we came during the [[Ascension Cycle]], so that we would be wide awake during the time - the return of the Holy [[Emerald Order]] was finally being announced!  Thanks be to [[God]] for his inexpressible gift, may our weary hearts find comfort and peace to rejoice in this sacred knowledge! <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3707-emerald-crystal-heart-and-solar-christ-michael Emerald Crystal Heart]</ref>
As the [[Emerald Heart of Earth]] is revived and linked up with the [[Cosmic Emerald Heart]], it restores the [[Emerald Sun DNA]] 48 strand template in which all [[Maji Grail Line Indigo Children|Indigo Maji Grail lines]] and [[Emerald Order]] representatives can gain access to from within their personal [[Diamond Sun]] template. As Cosmic [[Holy Father]] incarnated into the Emerald Order [[King Arthur]] Christos template, he brought with him the Emerald [[Rod]] codes for the Universal 12:12 Christos Male Electrical pattern manifested into the 11D [[Rod and Staff]] architecture as a planetary upgrade anchored into the [[Albion Lightbody]]. This is the divine purpose of why we came during the [[Ascension Cycle]], so that we would be wide awake during the time - the return of the Holy [[Emerald Order]] was finally being announced!  Thanks be to [[God]] for his inexpressible gift, may our weary hearts find comfort and peace to rejoice in this sacred knowledge! <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3707-emerald-crystal-heart-and-solar-christ-michael Emerald Crystal Heart]</ref>
==Emerald Crystal Body Activation in Solar System==
Thus, the recent [[Solar Synthesis|plasma activations]] streaming throughout our Solar System include the recalibration of the merkaba spirals into a base 12 krystal matrix which reconnected all eleven planets with the Sun to form into a massive [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] matrix. This newly harmonized unified field formed into new krystal instruction sets for the dimensional particle-antiparticle blending into the harmonic universes being reconnected with the [[Cosmic Monad]] and [[Aurora]] Dragon Ray system, in the [[Tri-Matrix of Krystal Star]]. This appears to have returned the Emerald Order instruction sets for setting magnetic sound tones, along with chromatic plasma spiral patterns designed for chromosomal repairs by running these morphogenetic patterns throughout the twelve bodies in the Solar System. These are related to the [[Krystallah Sophianic Sonic Pillars|Sophianic plasma shields]] that build flowering liquid plasma fields that emanate the higher heart tones of crystal flowers to birth an assortment of [[Solar Dragon]] coding. These are very high plasma frequency tones of the [[Tan-Tri-Ahu-Ra Instruction Sets]] that are rapidly increasing the fundamental pulsation rhythms of the elements that compose matter on [[Earth]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3716-solar-coding-crystal-body-and-dna Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA]</ref>
==Emerald Crystal Awakening==
[[File:EmeraldCrystalinnerworldcosmos 2023-05-20.jpg|thumb|Emerald Crystal Awakening (art by Elizabeth)]]
When the [[Emerald Crystal]] is activated with the [[Emerald Ray]] transmission, this begins to grow into extensive Sophianic plasma flowering chakras that are interwoven into the diamond heart crystalline grids which are designed to function as the Cosmic Founder God Source interdimensional communication network within the planet. The [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] in the planet has its own complex multidimensional layered super internet highway that reconnects and communicates directly with the [[Cosmic Emerald Heart]] principle in our Universe.
Every human being on the planet was incarnated with the concealed Emerald hidden inside of them, which [[Holy Father]] placed inside of our body so that we would have the eternal heart flame that acted as the light beacon when travelling in the amplified darkness of a fallen phantom system. It would be up to us to find our inner Emerald to light our path as we journeyed in the [[Dark Aeon]], and this could take us many lifetimes. The [[Cosmic Founders]] promise to us was made with the [[Emerald Covenant]], that all souls in this Fallen Universe would eventually be found and returned back to their original spiritual home. This was the original divine plan of spiritual [[Ascension]], the evolutionary journey through the astrological ages and [[Timelines]] which would facilitate our way back home, to remember our divine purpose and be reunited with [[God]]. See [[Emerald Crystal]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3707-emerald-crystal-heart-and-solar-christ-michael Emerald Crystal heart]</ref>

==Blue Rainbow Bridge==
==Blue Rainbow Bridge==
The [[Blue Rainbow Bridge]] is a Paliadorian Diamond Sun [[Starborn]] embodiment sequence with [[Crystal Keys|Crystal Key]] activations for [[Ankh Body]], in which the genetic keys are designed to act as the gatekeeper access into several intermediary portal systems created between our planetary and galactic consciousness layers and the eternal [[Cosmic Christos]] [[Emerald Founder]]s. The [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] portal systems encompass massive living star geometries that are building interdimensional portal systems from the God Worlds throughout [[Sun Discs|Sun-Star Disc systems]] that link with multiple layers of Universal Ankh Bodies and [[Krystal Cathedral]] networks, which are the spiritual dwellings of the [[Emerald Founder]]s in their Triple [[Solar Rishi]]-[[Yana|Reisha]] God body emanations. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3854-blue-rainbow-bridge Blue Rainbow Bridge]</ref>
The [[Blue Rainbow Bridge]] is a Paliadorian Diamond Sun [[Starborn]] embodiment sequence with [[Crystal Keys|Crystal Key]] activations for [[Ankh Body]], in which the genetic keys are designed to act as the gatekeeper access into several intermediary portal systems created between our planetary and galactic consciousness layers and the eternal [[Cosmic Christos]] [[Emerald Founder]]s. The [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] portal systems encompass massive living star geometries that are building interdimensional portal systems from the God Worlds throughout [[Sun Discs|Sun-Star Disc systems]] that link with multiple layers of Universal Ankh Bodies and [[Krystal Cathedral]] networks, which are the spiritual dwellings of the [[Emerald Founder]]s in their Triple [[Solar Rishi]]-[[Yana|Reisha]] God body emanations. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3854-blue-rainbow-bridge Blue Rainbow Bridge]</ref>
==Emerald or Cintamani Stone==
However, every human being on the planet was incarnated with the concealed Emerald hidden inside of them, that was given to them by their Holy God parents. Every individual is connected to one of the [[12 Tribes]] genetically coded to the 12 stargates, in which a planetary [[Solar Dragon]] was functioning as the [[Collective Egregores|collective egregore]] for the lands in order to protect the [[Emerald Crystal]] and [[Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network |emerald cathedral]] on behalf of its people. It would be up to us to find our inner Emerald to light our spiritual path as we journeyed in the [[Dark Aeon]], and this could take us many lifetimes to find our [[Inner Christos]].
The [[Emerald Stone]] is also known in eastern spiritual teachings as the [[Cintamani Stone]], it has been thought of as a magical jewel in which the spiritual power is given to the possessor of the stone, where every wish is granted to the holder. In actuality this version is a distortion of the [[Thothian Luciferians|Thothian Luciferian]] hijack sourcing from the [[Emerald Tablet]]. As the [[Emerald Awakening]] of the inner emerald crystal denotes the spiritual purity of the sophianic flowering of the [[Sacred Crystal Heart]] that has awakened their inner Christos and embodied into a loving and compassionate [[Unity Consciousness]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3862-emerald-crystal-heart-of-eire Emerald Heart of Eire]</ref>
==Emerald Templar Master Shield==
[[Emerald Guardians]] appear to be putting in finalizing touches to the organic Temple of [[Khemalohatea]] and its Khem Flame body codes for correct [[Gender Principle]] in the [[Ketheric Mind]]-[[Monad]]ic matrix, along with Cosmic Holy Trinity of Lote-Loti-Lota breath channels, activating into the planetary [[Emerald Crystal Heart]] in the [[Albion]]. These are [[Cosmic Dragon Starhuman]] structures seated in the base 48D [[Emerald Order]] instruction sets with [[Red King]] and [[White Queen]] [[Gender Twin Flames]] activating themselves into position within the planetary [[Emerald Templar Master Shield]], which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted [[Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea|red shield networks]] and [[Red Cube]] clones behind the [[Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea|false Khemalohatea]] alien machinery. May God’s will be done! <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3869-tri-flame-of-khemalohatea Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>
