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*Promote spiritual abuse and the rejection of God by spreading the anti-soul or anti-Christ religions and their related practices that destroy the inner spirit or inner Christ connection, that exists inside every angelic human being that is incarnated on the planet. Spread violent religions, and replace the ancient Christos Essene Gnostic teachings and call it Luciferianism.
*Promote spiritual abuse and the rejection of God by spreading the anti-soul or anti-Christ religions and their related practices that destroy the inner spirit or inner Christ connection, that exists inside every angelic human being that is incarnated on the planet. Spread violent religions, and replace the ancient Christos Essene Gnostic teachings and call it Luciferianism.

*Control the weather and climate by intentionally poisoning and polluting the earth and natural resources through hidden technology and secret military agendas, in order to make these resources as scarce as possible, while spreading misinformation in the mainstream about environmentalism and climate changes.  Use people’s genuine concern about the environment as a way to manipulate the unaware population into approval for directing tax payer’s dollars and massive funding into the Controller’s inverted systems, via their organized institutions to launder money into approved projects like chemtrailing and gang stalking. These schemes are designed to profit a few in order to protect the major industrial conglomerates, while actually enforcing and promoting policies that destroy the environment, rather than protect the earth’s environment.
*Control the weather and climate by intentionally poisoning and polluting the earth and natural resources through hidden technology and secret military agendas, in order to make these resources as scarce as possible, while spreading misinformation in the mainstream about environmentalism and climate changes.  Use people’s genuine concern about the environment as a way to manipulate the unaware population into approval for directing tax payer’s dollars and massive funding into the Controller’s inverted systems, via their organized institutions to launder money into approved projects like [[Chemtrail]]ing and [[Gang Stalking]]. These schemes are designed to profit a few in order to protect the major industrial conglomerates, while actually enforcing and promoting policies that destroy the environment, rather than protect the earth’s environment.

*Systematic globalization agenda and economic terrorism used to eventually collapse the global economies in order to generate chaos and world-wide humanitarian crisis. To achieve this goal, the Controllers must patiently orchestrate their covert agenda to infiltrate all world governments, divide and conquer independent nations by destroying them from within their own country, carried out by their own people. The first stages of this agenda are to fully exploit cheap labor by forcing indentured servitude in the impoverished populations of less developed nations, while cultivating more debt slaves in the first world nations, in order to destroy the economic stability and financial power, to collapse the autonomy of that nation. This is designed to force economic, political and societal collapse in order to force all nations into dependence and collusion with the One World Order agenda.
*Systematic globalization agenda and economic terrorism used to eventually collapse the global economies in order to generate chaos and world-wide humanitarian crisis. To achieve this goal, the Controllers must patiently orchestrate their covert agenda to infiltrate all world governments, divide and conquer independent nations by destroying them from within their own country, carried out by their own people. The first stages of this agenda are to fully exploit cheap labor by forcing indentured servitude in the impoverished populations of less developed nations, while cultivating more debt slaves in the first world nations, in order to destroy the economic stability and financial power, to collapse the autonomy of that nation. This is designed to force economic, political and societal collapse in order to force all nations into dependence and collusion with the One World Order agenda.