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Many of us are at different stages of the ascension process, yet at every level with a sincere heart and conscious participation we can access exactly what we require. The first suggestion is to meditate upon the [[12 Tree Grid]] with intention to move through each personal sphere knowing this is one’s direct connection to each of the [[Stargate]]s of the earth and aspects of identity. Focusing on each sphere starting at the first level (1-12), ask to know your main tribal identity within the [[12 Tribes]] and to receive the genetic time codes that main tribal identity requires. (ES community has many [[12 Tree Grid]] meditations that one can devote specifically to this process). Once you feel connected to that dimension of tribal identity, you may feel called to meditate with the corresponding Planetary Emancipation Gridwork and [[Planetary Gates|Stargates]] meditation (PEG).For those that have calibrated to the Hieros Gamos system in the ES Community, dedicate a session for this same purpose. In most cases one will be guided to the [[Chakra Crystal Keys]] Mapping Module or [[Chakra Crystal Key Mapping, Advanced|CCKM]]. This content has the architecture which communicates in detail the issues of this request. For planetary service, CCKM templates are built to help support planetary field and quaternary field DNA repair for multiple Guardian teams working to support planetary rehabilitation.
Many of us are at different stages of the ascension process, yet at every level with a sincere heart and conscious participation we can access exactly what we require. The first suggestion is to meditate upon the [[12 Tree Grid]] with intention to move through each personal sphere knowing this is one’s direct connection to each of the [[Stargate]]s of the earth and aspects of identity. Focusing on each sphere starting at the first level (1-12), ask to know your main tribal identity within the [[12 Tribes]] and to receive the genetic time codes that main tribal identity requires. (ES community has many [[12 Tree Grid]] meditations that one can devote specifically to this process). Once you feel connected to that dimension of tribal identity, you may feel called to meditate with the corresponding Planetary Emancipation Gridwork and [[Planetary Gates|Stargates]] meditation (PEG).For those that have calibrated to the Hieros Gamos system in the ES Community, dedicate a session for this same purpose. In most cases one will be guided to the [[Chakra Crystal Keys]] Mapping Module or [[Chakra Crystal Key Mapping, Advanced|CCKM]]. This content has the architecture which communicates in detail the issues of this request. For planetary service, CCKM templates are built to help support planetary field and quaternary field DNA repair for multiple Guardian teams working to support planetary rehabilitation.
==Chemicals of Life Run Human DNA==
With the invaders agendas for [[Genetic Modification of Human DNA|genetic modification]] to usurp and even eliminate the [[Mothers Code|Mother’s DNA Language]] from the planet, the human race suffers without properly functioning [[Mitochondrial DNA]] that is unable to effectively generate the new proteins for [[DNA Synthesis]] for the activating the [[Krystal Gene]].
If the DNA had been functioning naturally, the genetic sequences of the Mother and Father lines would generate their respective [[Sugar Phosphate Instruction Sets]] to build the DNA base code and acceleration code into genetic pair bonds of natural [[Chromosomes]], which further forms into the sugar phosphate molecules that further perform as the chemical process of building the DNA ladder. The sugar phosphate inherited from the Mother line provides the blueprint for the twelve [[DNA Base Codes]] of the magnetic particle imprints gained from the Mother’s genetics, along with the sugar phosphate instruction sets which form into the twelve [[DNA Acceleration Codes]] that are inherited from the Father’s genetics. The [[Checkerboard Mutation]] in the [[11D Stargate Network]] was intended to function as a DNA scrambler and [[Gender Splitter]] of the 12 strand [[Diamond Sun DNA]] template, in which to scrambles the [[Cellular Alphabet]] and extract the sugar phosphate instruction sets which prevent the base 12 nucleotide formation, which has caused [[Genetic Mutation]]s. The genetic mutations are caused from scrambling the electromagnetic pairing between the Mother’s magnetic codes and the Father’s electrical codes, ([[Gender Reversal of Pair Bonds]]) further scrambling the sugar phosphate chains interfering with every natural chromosome and genetic component recorded in the [[DNA]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3865-enki-dna-overlays Enki DNA]]</ref>
