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Our physical bodies were [[Gender Principle|designed to be male or female]], humans were created as divine spiritual beings made in the image to reflect God’s creation, while each of the divine counterparts are holding codes, jewels, crystals and sacred spiritual pieces of the other within themselves that are specifically designed to advance each other spiritually.
Our physical bodies were [[Gender Principle|designed to be male or female]], humans were created as divine spiritual beings made in the image to reflect God’s creation, while each of the divine counterparts are holding codes, jewels, crystals and sacred spiritual pieces of the other within themselves that are specifically designed to advance each other spiritually.

The organic [[Diamond Sun]] blueprint of humanity holds gender pairs in which each individual has a part of themselves in a male body and female body, which is called a gender twin flame or in its primary and final position in the timelines, a [[Genetic Equal]]. Like identical twins born into the physical reality from the same mother and father fertilized seed, [[Gender Twins]] come from the same spiritual family at that [[Harmonic Universe]] layer, while [[Genetic Equals]] come from the same God seed in the God Worlds. The male holds the [[Diamond Sun|female crystal blueprint]] of his [[Gender Twin]], while the female holds the [[Diamond Sun|male crystal blueprint]] of her [[Gender Twin]] which has solar light functions that are aligned with the dormant aspects of the [[Triple Warmer Organ]] (San Jiao in Chinese medicine) that is located in the lower, middle and higher positions of the human body. The [[San Jiao]] is a largely unplugged organ system of the human [[Lightbody]] that is important in the functions of [[Balancing Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine Principles]] within the entire organ, gland and bodily system. It becomes exceptionally active during lunar to solar [[Transfiguration]], it is heavily active now in burning off lunar zodiacal imprints while bringing the consciousness into global synergy within the entire organism, and ultimately expressing the blended trinity principle of the [[Godhead]] through the [[Holy Mother]], [[Holy Father]] and Holy Child simultaneously.
The organic [[Diamond Sun]] blueprint of humanity holds gender pairs in which each individual has a part of themselves in a male body and female body, which is called a gender twin flame or in its primary and final position in the timelines, a [[Genetic Equal]]. Like identical twins born into the physical reality from the same mother and father fertilized seed, [[Gender Twins]] come from the same spiritual family at that [[Harmonic Universe]] layer, while [[Genetic Equals]] come from the same God seed in the God Worlds. The male holds the [[Diamond Sun|female crystal blueprint]] of his [[Gender Twin]], while the female holds the [[Diamond Sun|male crystal blueprint]] of her [[Gender Twin]] which has solar light functions that are aligned with the dormant aspects of the [[Triple Warmer]] Organ ([[San Jiao]] in Chinese medicine) that is located in the lower, middle and higher positions of the human body. The [[San Jiao]] is a largely unplugged organ system of the human [[Lightbody]] that is important in the functions of [[Balancing Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine Principles]] within the entire organ, gland and bodily system. It becomes exceptionally active during lunar to solar [[Transfiguration]], it is heavily active now in burning off lunar zodiacal imprints while bringing the consciousness into global synergy within the entire organism, and ultimately expressing the blended trinity principle of the [[Godhead]] through the [[Holy Mother]], [[Holy Father]] and Holy Child simultaneously.

The [[Divine Masculine]] is the electrical polarity with the primary thrust that pushes out the transmitting of energy frequencies, while the [[Divine Feminine]] is the magnetic polarity with the primary drawing in position when receiving energy frequencies. When the inner masculine and inner feminine are in [[Energetic Balance]] within a man or woman, then the female part is pulling in the energetic frequencies, while the masculine part is transmitting the frequencies. When the divine male and divine female come together in a loving and balanced [[Sacred Marriage]], the energetic power of receiving and transmitting frequencies when united together magnifies the amplification of both receiving and transmitting of the solar frequencies with an exponential power being directed into a third creation tri-wave field. This is a secret in successful manifestation on the matter plane, the inner male and inner female energies must be balanced, and when uniting with a [[Gender Twin Flame]], manifestations are greatly amplified in spiritual power. Thus, it is critical to know that angelic humanity’s organic [[Diamond Sun]] blueprint as embodied in males and females, was intended to spiritually accelerate each other into [[Ascension Stages|consciousness evolution]] and help integrate with each other’s gender twins and access higher [[Stations of Identity]], in which greatly multiplied combined spiritual power for all levels of manifestation.
The [[Divine Masculine]] is the electrical polarity with the primary thrust that pushes out the transmitting of energy frequencies, while the [[Divine Feminine]] is the magnetic polarity with the primary drawing in position when receiving energy frequencies. When the inner masculine and inner feminine are in [[Energetic Balance]] within a man or woman, then the female part is pulling in the energetic frequencies, while the masculine part is transmitting the frequencies. When the divine male and divine female come together in a loving and balanced [[Sacred Marriage]], the energetic power of receiving and transmitting frequencies when united together magnifies the amplification of both receiving and transmitting of the solar frequencies with an exponential power being directed into a third creation tri-wave field. This is a secret in successful manifestation on the matter plane, the inner male and inner female energies must be balanced, and when uniting with a [[Gender Twin Flame]], manifestations are greatly amplified in spiritual power. Thus, it is critical to know that angelic humanity’s organic [[Diamond Sun]] blueprint as embodied in males and females, was intended to spiritually accelerate each other into [[Ascension Stages|consciousness evolution]] and help integrate with each other’s gender twins and access higher [[Stations of Identity]], in which greatly multiplied combined spiritual power for all levels of manifestation.
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Within this holy spiritual flame, is the true nature of the [[Universal Mother]] and [[Universal Father]] in their [[Gender Twin Flames]] perfected manifestation, this is how [[Holy Mother]] and [[Holy Father]] manifest themselves into their lower dimensional creations, always through their [[Gender Twin Flame Pillars]]. As well as the reality of [[Gender Twin Flames]] that birth the [[Khemalohatea]] flame principle for [[Christos Children]] at every station of the [[Harmonic Universe]]s, this is the alchemical process of the [[Khem Code]] and how all of creation is manifested into form. This is how organic creation code timelines are being created via [[Ascended Master]] [[Gender Twin Flames]], as the natural manifestations that are sourcing from the [[Godhead]] in [[Gender Twin Flames]] that are produced throughout the phasing motion of the open source feedback loops running the energetic spectrum of frequencies throughout the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. This is held within the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Founders]] [[Gender Principle]] of Twin Flames as it is giving birth to the third flame as the [[Christos-Sophia]] offspring, the [[Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]], throughout the transmission of the [[Khem Codes]] in the entire [[Diamond Sun]] records of the [[Universal Time Matrix]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3869-tri-flame-of-khemalohatea Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>
Within this holy spiritual flame, is the true nature of the [[Universal Mother]] and [[Universal Father]] in their [[Gender Twin Flames]] perfected manifestation, this is how [[Holy Mother]] and [[Holy Father]] manifest themselves into their lower dimensional creations, always through their [[Gender Twin Flame Pillars]]. As well as the reality of [[Gender Twin Flames]] that birth the [[Khemalohatea]] flame principle for [[Christos Children]] at every station of the [[Harmonic Universe]]s, this is the alchemical process of the [[Khem Code]] and how all of creation is manifested into form. This is how organic creation code timelines are being created via [[Ascended Master]] [[Gender Twin Flames]], as the natural manifestations that are sourcing from the [[Godhead]] in [[Gender Twin Flames]] that are produced throughout the phasing motion of the open source feedback loops running the energetic spectrum of frequencies throughout the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. This is held within the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Founders]] [[Gender Principle]] of Twin Flames as it is giving birth to the third flame as the [[Christos-Sophia]] offspring, the [[Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]], throughout the transmission of the [[Khem Codes]] in the entire [[Diamond Sun]] records of the [[Universal Time Matrix]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3869-tri-flame-of-khemalohatea Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea]</ref>
==Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints==
Please be aware that there are many stages of [[Hierogamic Union]] with a gender twin complement that are appropriate for that couple’s spiritual [[Ascension]] growth in a shared timeline, and whether the male and female blending manifests at the [[Soul]] level, [[Monad]]ic level, [[Avatar]] level or [[Solar Rishi|Rishic level]], this is entirely dependent on the spiritual development and personal mission sphere of the couple or partnership. The higher levels of [[Avatar]] to rishic hierogamic union necessitate tremendous personal sacrifices on the matter plane at this time, and it is not feasible for many to enter such austere and challenging spiritual contracts that require complete and total dedication to serve the Cosmic Order of God’s Universal Ascension.
Therefore, not everyone will meet their highest form of Primary Gender Twin as [[Genetic Equal]] during this lifetime, because this is the [[Solar Rishi]]-[[Solar Reisha]] configuration that means complete and total transmigration for the star couple out of this Universe. The amount of personal discipline and hard work that is required to achieve organic genetic equal merge to leave the Universal Ascension portal is generally beyond the scope for the majority of the population, thus it is extremely rarefied at this stage. This is a delicate topic that requires an abundance of emotional and [[Spiritual Maturity]] to assess and accept spiritual conditions as they are, placing your trust and guidance with [[God]], and not force what you want it to be through magical thinking. There are many falsified claims being made in the [[New Age, Ascension, Disclosure Hijack|online new age spaces]] in which these twin flame unions have been forged between those being manipulated with [[Lunar Consciousness]] overlays transmitted from [[Lunar Zodiacal Imprint]]s (i.e., [[Enki DNA Overlays|Enki DNA]]), which are not actual [[Solar Consciousness]] gender twin flames. These situations that are mated in genetic oppositions between angelic humanity and those with [[Alien Hybridization|high reptoid DNA hybridization]] are considered to be major opportunities for spiritual growth, consciousness rehabilitation and learning lessons with unconditional love, [[Compassion]] and Empathy for all involved, as [[Disclosure]] continues to reveal the truth of hidden human history to the masses.

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Forced Separation of Gender Twins]]

[[Law of Gender]]
[[Law of Gender]]